Arena Survival

Up on the main stage, after the slight commotion happening below ended, those important figures finally spared some time to observe the proceedings. With a majority of them not even paying attention, and a few using a limited amount of their cultivation to sense it, they called over an examiner to get some information.

Now having something of interest to discuss their conversations turned to what just occurred.

"Ho, Ho, Ho, looks like we might be having a bit of fun today", one of those demons on the high platform said with slight interest.

"You must be kidding. No matter what happened it won't change much. All these people are only useful for cannon fodder and watching the even weaker fodder grow up" he laughed in a obnoxious tone. However to the human's it was grating on the ear, and that deep, booming sound shook the air.

"How about we just wait until we will find out the answer" said one of the more intellectual looking ones, which was not saying much for this species.

As their discussion carried on, one of their attendants came and reported what had happened. He gave a quick recount of how the child had a black grade talent that turned purple before reverting back.

This seemingly simple report actually drew a few looks of surprise from these powerful demons. With a simple sweep of the artifacts they realized they were perfectly functional and it was not the cause of this strange phenomena. Suddenly, they became a bit more serious and asked for more details. Listening attentively to his report, that was much more detailed seeing their interest, they began deliberating over what happened.

The first 'meathead' to speak earlier said in contempt "I told you there would be something interesting going on."

"Hmph, who cares whether you were right or wrong! Right now we need to figure out what to do with this human." he scoffed like he was above bickering with this other demon.

Seeing how things were getting a bit off track, the 'meathead' at the highest position released a bit of his aura silencing the conversations. His towering 15 foot stature, tree trunk thick limbs, and blood shot eyes made him bigger and far more intimidating than the rest. Making it known he would speak, everyone became mute even though their was a slight defiance visible in their eyes.

Sparing those few disobedient ones an extra glance, he spoke in that gravel like voice, "That slaves talent should be on the border of purple rank. It's the only plausible explanation since these devices are not anything special."

Noticing everyone nodding their heads in agreement, he continued "Since that slave doesn't qualify for purple rank there is no need to kill him. Just place extra demon seals, curses, and make sure to hold the parents hostage after training is over. No matter what we can just force him into tougher missions and get the most use out his talent."

Another demon, smaller than Gatrix but had a cunning smirk on his face, finally expressed his opinion for the first time, "I think we should just kill him. You, Gatrix, should remember what happened last we kept that purple talent human and the consequences that followed."

Clearly he was trying to oppose this Gatrix character, but his argument definitely had reason behind it. Everyone looked between these two waiting for a good show to unfold, but they were left disappointed as Gatrix remained impassive.

"Yelm, I understand what you are saying but we have a severe lack of manpower on the east mountains right now. The current battle situation with the Glarion is not looking positive. With the main battlefield a meat grinder, he would surely die without an intact corpse."

Before Yelm could respond, Gatrix continued "Also don't forget Ahpuch put me in charge of these slaves so I have the decision is under my judgement."

That final statement came with a resounding aura that charged at Yelm like a tsunami. Yelm not being one to back down countered back as they combatted one another in the air. Light popping noises were heard every once in awhile as these demons kept their massive power under control.

Yelm scowled before retrieving his aura in a sorry manor, having lost slightly but distinctly. Gatrix, unfazed, continued "I will take responsibility for my decision. However, make sure to train him well so he can be the sharpest spear possible."

With no one like Yelm interfering everyone else agreed, and while chatting they slightly diverted some attention to the tests.


Cyrus, sitting down below finally had that chill which gripped his body completely disappear now. Confused an unable to come up with a logical reason he gave up and decided to relax.

As the hours passed, the once packed plaza was filtered and only the gifted remained. It was quite to the point of being able to hear a pin drop causing the awkward atmosphere. Especially since the rest of the humans did not dare to disturb those important people above.

With the remnants leaving and those that succeeded grouped up, they led Cyrus's group to another area. Inspecting the people around, his calm façade turned shocked after seeing the meager size of the crowd. Over 10,000 people had registered and the total passes only came to around 1,200. Not just Cyrus but a lot of the kids were bewildered at the high failure rate.

One especially talkative guy nudged Cyrus and asked nervously "Do you think they will let us see our parents again?"

Even Cyrus was stumped wondering the same thing now but still replied in a hushed voice, "To be honest I don't know either. If I had to guess though, I would say it's highly unlikely."

That kid seemed to have expected that answer and without crying, acknowledged the possible reality in a mature manner. Startled, he sized this kid up again and found he was about 7 or 8 years old. Older than Cyrus, he also had broader shoulders with a average honest looking face. Those pure eyes and the slightly defined muscles gave a reliable impression.

Thinking he should probably get to know some people he asked the kid, "My name's Cyrus by the way, how about you?"

"Don, nice to meet you Cyrus ", he said with a wide smile on his face.

Shaking hands with each other it seemed like the start to a nice friendship, a first for Cyrus. However they decided to not talk anymore as they stepped on a weird looking symbol on the floor. It was dimly lit as if it was waiting to be activated.

"Listen up slaves! That was only the entrance test and you will be heading to the second exam. Rules for this are simple, survive for 2 weeks and pass or die with nobody caring!" said a demon as those sharp teeth lined up in a cruel smile.

"You will be trained for 3 days before being placed in the arena. Make sure to learn everything you can or you might just end up as beast food!" Looking at those kids pallid expressions and shaking bodies, he could not help but chuckle a bit.

Like dropping a bomb in the middle of a lake it set off major shockwaves in the group. All the kids, despite their fear of those demons presence, muttered incoherent sentences in terror at the possibility of dying. Most of the children's emotions became volatile and spread that restlessness throughout the crowd.

Irritated with the noise he berated them with his bloodlust smacking them right in their face, "GET IN THE TRANSPORTATION CIRLE NOW!"

That killing intent strangled the words in their throat and the loud shout snapped them back to reality. With out waiting for another reminder, they immediately organized themselves into the ring while squeezing to fit everyone in. A blinding flash and 3 seconds later they arrived at their destination.

Looking around Cyrus realized he was on level ground with grass everywhere. However taking in more details as the transportation's light died down, it was similar to a giant bowl. Steep mountains surrounded the vicinity and directly in front was a vast forest with trees soaring into the skies. The occasional roaring of beasts and screeching of birds echoed around increasing the already dangerous vibe.

"Listen up ", tossing out a stack of books with wooden swords, spears, axes, ect., he continued "you were already told what you needed to know."

"Study these books well because they are they only chance of you surviving."

Pointing to the far right where a bunch of run down huts were built the other 'meathead' continued "This will be were you live for the first few days and then you survive in that forest. We will bring you meals over this time."

After a few more reminders they teleported away leaving only a few stone faced human guards supervising. Some of the children looked to them for advice only to be met with the cold shoulder. Being moved around, the chance of death, and not knowing if they could see their parents left a lot of them in a daze.

Cyrus sighed when seeing all this and decided to quickly check the books before thinking about anything else. Interestingly enough he saw Don following right behind him and decided to keep walking after a quick greeting.

Picking up the books the first thing he saw was that they were exactly the same as the techniques he already trained before. Slightly disappointed, he figured this would be the case with how strict the regulation of anything cultivation related.

Never the less, the third book drew his attention as it introduced some basic information about the world to him. Excited beyond belief Cyrus could already imagine his horizons expanding. The first passage actually answered a question he wanted to know the entire time, the correct name of these 'meathead' demons.

"Barong" Cyrus muttered under his breath.