Night Of Horrors

A man in dark robes hidden in the trees said in a raspy voice, "Hehehe, this is my favorite part every time. Wathing them despair as the people around them die," a look of ecstasy flashing in his eyes," its like an unquenchable high that just keeps getting better hehaAHAHAH!" Breathing ruffly and aroused manner, he clearly was not the mentally sound type.

Glancing at his compainion, a slightly stout fellow also dressed in black grunted, "You're absolutely disgusting, you know that?" Shaking his head inside he continued, "Just make sure the casualities don't exceed 20% or you can deal with the consequences Victor. You know how Gatrix deals with failure."

Victor's manical look froze while remembering those harrowing screams he heard on prison duty. His eyes glazed over as he was dragged further in his imagination of screams and horrifying torture.

As the stout man was using a mental illusion attack, drawing Victor into a dream like state, his eyes narrowed until he was sure his warning stuck. Figuring he had tormented him for long enough, his body dissipated in a black like smoke.

Victor, however, had a savage expression on his face while struggling to reign in those blazing emotions. On top of being frightened from that nightmare, he was also pissed at the stout man for manipulating his thoughts. To any person, tampering with their only safe place, their soul, was a taboo act showing total disreguard for the other person.

Digging his fignerails so deep into his skin they started bleading, he muttered under his breath, "You DARE to disrespect me like that. I swear that if I don't kill you I'm not human!"

However, knowing nothing could be done right now and that the punishment for failure was truly too terrifying to even think of, he redirected his attention back to the assignment.

Suddenly, recalling the catastrophe about to befall the children, a portion of the hate in his heart was allievated.

"Truly nothing like a midknight massacre, heh."

With the eerie wind and darkness to accompany, his body gradually melded with the long moonlight shadows.


As the night grew deeper the roars and howling of beasts descended into silence. A groggy Cyrus was awoken from a subconscious feeling of unease tickling his back. Slowly picking himself up he rubbed the drowsiness from his eyes before examining his room.

Each passing second his skin tensed up and his muscles seemed to clench in unclench, ready to react at a moments notice. The tired Cyrus rapidly came to the conclusion that something was not right outside.

Sitting up from his bed, he quietly grabbed his sword from the side of the bed as he crept towards the door. In and out, short and light breaths, he carefully pressed his ear up against the door trying to listen for any waring signs outside.

"What the heck is going on, it's like my body is on edge ready to react to anything. My bodies instincts have never been wrong before, so there is must be a hidden danger somewhere outside."

Gathering his courage he hyped himself inside "The level of danger is about the same intensity as the time at the talent test. Screw it, staying here by myself won't solve anything."

Even though he thought that, his palms could not but sweat at the potential disaster around the corner.

Opening the door and creeping outside, Cryus decided to head towards Don's room. With that guy's personality he should have some people we can work with to get through this.

Almost as if he had practiced before, Cyrus's movment was silent and light footed, flitting through the dark shadows unnoticed.

Looking at those dark trees, that gave off an ominous feel, he calmed himself down with random nothings. "Almost there... Almost thereeeeee..... pheewwww. Hopefully Don isn't a heavy sleeper."

Inside the hut was a obnoxiously loud snoring Don, a bit of saliva dripping down the side of his mouth. Cyrus could not suppress a light chuckle despite the precarious situation.

"Wait a second. What am I even going to tell him when I wake him up." Cyrus was thoroughly puzzeled on what to tell him when he woke him up. Saying he had a special body with super extincts that could sense danger early did not seem to convincing.

"Urghhhh, I don't have time to think of this!" Resolving himself, even if he disagreed, he would drag him along until they found the source of the danger.

"Don, wake up you stupid oaf ", shaking him in a rough manner, Cyrus continued "or I'm going to slap you."

No response and only random mumbling, Cyrus went all in slapping the dudes face with a bit of urgency. In spite of the slap, he only waved his hand and smiled in a lewd way while sleep talking.

"Mommy Karen, baby Don has been a bad bad boy. Punish.....wewe...".

Cyrus, blushing from secondhand shame, felt his ears had been violated in a unpardonable and inhumane way. Like an explosive volcano, his embaressment from before lead to Don recieving a, not so soft, punch in the family jewels.

Don's eyes flew open in shock, "God in heaven, please spare me from the pain and end my life. Daddy can't feel baby Don anymore ughhhhh."

To Cyrus's surpise the dude actually passed out again. With the seriousness of the situation, he stifled his laugh because they really needed to get going.

5 minutes and a bunch of lenghty explanations later, "Make sure to gather up as many people as possible, we don't have much time left to prepare."

The clear nervousness in his voice did not seem fake to Don. So although he was slightly suspicious, I mean he had only known Cyrus for less than a day, he still decided to trust Cyrus's instincts.

"Alright... it doen't hurt to be careful. I'll be back in a few minutes and we will meet up here again. You should keep an eye on the forest, because if anything dangerous is coming it would be from that direction" , Don stated in a stern tone of voice.

Cyrus nodded his head in agreement and Don not being one to dally, quickly left to find everyone he was even familliar with. On the other hand, Cyrus went to find an area with decent cover to observe the forest. As it was not a uniform tree line, he decided on a hilly place with low lying bushes and a few trees that was about 50 meters from the entrance.

The minutes passing by and clouds slowly covering the light from the moon left an uncanny atmosphere. Cyrus kept counting the seconds wondering when this guy would show up.

After what seemed like forever, a slight rustling sounded near the forest as multiple shinning eyes appeared in his peripheral.

"Oh no, ohhhhhh no, those are....wolves....NO WAY!" Even with his mind in turmoil, Cyrus ran towards Don's house in absolute silence, amazingly.

"I swear to god if this guy is not back, we are screwed for sure." However, as if the heavens above were looking out for the children, he had rallied a small group of 15 people.

Rushing in their direction, Cyrus said as soon as he arrived, "huff.....hufff....wolves in the forest.....huff.... we need to wake everyone up."

Just having run over, he was panting a little from anxiety and the short sprint back. His announcement, for these slightly skeptical people, was like dropping ants in their pants as they immediately panicked. Cyrus had no time to bother with these fools, ran into the house, grabbed the wood sword, and prepared a torch from a few planks on the shack.

Ripping his shirt, he wrapped up the stick and lit it on fire with the leftover coal in the main bonfire. The others watching his reaction followed a long as everyone started getting organized. Cyrus recongnizing this quickly gave some directions to the people who were too nervous to work.

"Go wake up the others. Try to stay quiet or those wolves might rush our base immediately."

Seemingly taking him as the leader, the camp started to blaze to life as people shuttled back and forth preparing for a fight. However the late start came to bite them before they were even halfway ready. Cyrus felt his hairs stand on end and like the call of death, the shaking of the earth began.

Awwwoooooooo, wolves howls echoed in the woods with increasing fequency.

A brow scrunched in anxiousness, Cyrus directed the people nearby, "GATHER AROUND NOW! Grab any wood you can."

Despite being scared, Cyrus's voice got them to organize as fast as possible.


Victor in the woods observing all of had a slightly startled expression. "Heh, who would have thought we would have a real talent this time around. Looks like we will have to spice things up a bit, hehehe."

Jumping down from his high vantage point, he grabbed a wolf before shoving a pill down its throat. Almost as if having a seziure, the wolf's body doubled in size and turned a blood red from the leaking blood, and its bloodlust turning corpeal and infecting its own body.

A few minutes later the 9 foot wolf, with real blood envloping its entire form, looked towards Victor with a profound hate before charging off towards the kids direction.

"Lets see how you insignificant brats deal with this!"


By now about 1,100 had gathered together in a circular formation with the people on the outside, the braver ones, swung torches warding off the wolves. Off in the distance they could hear screams and crying pleas of people before death, and the horrifying bone crunching sounds were grating on their ears. The cacophony sounds had some people wetting themselves in fear of their possible death.

Cyrus was surprisingly calm as he analyzed the situation they were in currently. Tuning out the noise, he noticed there were about 100 wolves and they stood from 4 to 5 feet tall and 7 feet long. To these kids, they counted as an impossible foe.

"This can't be all there is to this situation." Contemplating deeply his mind whirred a mile a minute before thinking, "they definitely would not kill everyone here. There is a solution somewhere for us to survive...IT'S A TEST!

Cyrus eyes lit up and yelled outloud, "this is definitely a test guys! Look around for anything odd."

Desperate and with everyone else only panicking Don quickly backed him up "Half the people inside the circle should dig into the ground while the other half keep an eye out for anything suspicious near the huts."

Without even waiting a minute, a girl around 9 yelled out loud "Some of these sticks have a pungent smell. I think they might irritate the wolves senstive nose."

Cyrus was smilling now before, like a flash of lightning, a wolf jumped past a distracted kid and dragged him out of the circle. Similar to the collapse of a building, more wolves jumped at the gap attempting to expand the weakness in the flame circle.

A switch seemed to go off in Cyrus's mind as he saw more and more kids die. Eyes blazing with a burning calm locked onto the walls as his body flitted across the ground in ethereal manner. Each step traveld multiple feet as he engaged the few wolves that broke the formation.

As if he was a war god decsending his sword moved in an agressive but light manner. Before the first wolf could even react, a swift flash and the sword broke over the top of the wolfs head. Dazed from the inital impact, it relied on its primal instinct to draw its head back and roar in a threating manor.

Cyrus seemingly predicting the evasion before hand, dashed foward and stabbed the broken wood sword at a perfect 30 degree angle. The fluid movements were artistic in a brutal fashion as it broke the upper layer of the wolfs mouth and impaled its brain. Everything happened in seconds with Cyrus going into autopilot fighting mode.

"Hahahaha, die for me!" With a resounding battle cry Cyrus jumped into middle of the wolves prepared for a blood boiling deathmatch.