Night Of Horrors 2

Claws tore through the air as they coalesced into a strong breeze. Flitting in and out of danger, Cyrus looked like a bird riding the strong winds. Every fist was executed in a natural manner, inconspicuously maneuvering the wolves into each other and disrupting their attacks.

He was like a battle hardened veteran enjoying the intense addrenaline that pumped throughout his body with a bright smile plastered on his face. However being only 5 years old, wounds started accumlate as he struggled to defend against the 8 wolves currently surrounding him. Knowing he could not stop them for much longer he decisively forced his way out the gap.

"Hurry and shrink the circle and form up again! Get ready to cover my retreat."

Cyrus's orders were law to these people trying to survive right now. So without any hesitation or complaints, they swiftly carried out his commands. So with the pressing situation temporarily alleviated, he fully focussed on dealing with the increasing pressure.

Before he could even catch a breath though, the wolves increased their attack frequency immensely. Cyrus caught off guard, inhaled a wiff of that arcid smell of iron and old meat. That powerful blast of moist air had him choking as it overwhelmed his senses.

But like a certain spidey sense, his body dropped into a roll before avoiding danger by a hairs width.

In a quick but deft movement, Cyrus mid roll, kicked his feet up hitting the underbelly of the wolf adding onto its momentum and launching it forward. The wolf attempting to follow up its fellow brothers attack collided in a wolf sandwhich with broken bones as the filler.

With no time to rest, he scooped up some dirt before throwing it in the eyes of a wolf on the right. Stunned by the fast pace changes, it was caught off guard and temporarily blinded from the dirt blinding its eyes. Grinning from success, Cyrus's eyes gleamed with mailce as he accelerated across the 5 meter seperation.

Just as the wolf seemed to gather its barings and growled in an agressive fashion, Cyrus jumped up clamping both sides of its head before landing a solid knee on the center of its brow. Crying out in pain and disoriented again, the wolf fell on its side.

Surveying the surroundings he promptly noticed more wolves arriving to surround him. Thinking inwardly, " 3 down. I can't hold them off for much longer."

He quickly looked over and realized that the group had patched up the whole and seemed to have the situation under control. After having distracted all the wolves in this area for almost 5 minutes, he was already pushing his limits.

"Alright I can head back now. First to get some seperation between me and these wolves." Pumping himself up he dove back into the fray with wild abandon.

"Don, get a spot ready for me to run into!"

Don, having been paying attention the whole time started organizing the people. Calling out to Cyrus, "Hold on for 30 seconds and I'll give you a countdown."

Ackowledging the response, Cyrus brain went into overdrive calculating his possible escape routes. Pushing his body to the limit, his breathing became heavy as fought for every extra second. However every person has a natural breaking point. The blurry vision, sore muscles, and declining concentration, started to seriously impede his movements as he truged on with that last bit of energy.

During the time Don was organizing the group, a few older kids eyes shone with a tinge of malice hidden beneath their fear. Not everyone was willing to sacrifice their safety to help others and kindness was not always reciprocated. As like minded people, they silenty conversed with one another.

The first to speak was a gloomy, average looking kid, 15 years of age, and one of the oldest to pass. "Listen up. Here we need to look out for ourselves. Just like that kid said, this is definitely a test with a certain death qouta. Might as well cut down a strong competitor and gurantee our safety. You guys agree?"

An ugly, short girl to his right that he seemed familliar with, nodded her head before asking "Since you brought it up you should have some suggestions, right?"

"Simple. Make it look like an accident. Following their plan, we just throw the torches short and block his path back, easy."

A tall robust looking ruffian, the same age as Jared, with a perpetualy devilsh smirk responded, "I don't think that will fly with the guards. To others it might look fine, but the guards only care about strength and might just kill us instead.

Checking the surroundings he quickly replied, "Listen we have little time. We either do this or we bail. I personaly don't want to participate in this risky situation, and I believe by 'accidentally messing up' can we get of it. Running off would look even worse. Are we in agreement?"

They also saw everyone ready to recieve Cyrus and looking towards them to hurry up. Pressure externally and interanlly building up, they acquiesced before taking their places.

Cyrus completey looked over and saw Don signal him to go. With everything he had left, like a leaf caught in a tornado, he steped left, right, in and out, like a dangerous dance of death. Every foot was placed instinctually and seemed to predict the future. This was partly accurate because as Cyrus's mind entered a hazy fog, his body took over completely.

Blood pumping and long strides, Cyrus was closing the distance rapidly. 100 feet.....70...50.......Just as he was closing in on 40 feet Don yelled at the top of his lungs "THROW 'EM."

Planned right on schedule, 15 flaming trails flew towards Cyrus, but almost like it was planned, five of dropped early and directly blocked his escape path. Watching them drop in slow motion, desperation immediately appeared in his eyes. Simultaneously in the back his mind, the time to change directions had passed and that he was screwed.

He could not help but grind his teeth in anger and helplessness. Cyrus might be young, but he was certainly not an idiot and saw how those five torches perfectly barred his path.

"I swear if I survive this I will have my revenge!" Even though he said that, he could not stem the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes. At this point he thought about his parents, his promises to protect them, and the dream to touch the stars and grab the moon. Childish, yes, but it was his dream that was now being mercilessly crushed.

Don on the other hand, despite being mere acquaintances, was consumed by anger watching this shameless event. Others might not have noticed the problem with the 'accident', but he clearly noticed their contemptible ploy. Before he could voice his dissatisfaction, a roar comparable to a magnitude 8 earth quake shook the surrounding vicinity.

Not just the wolves, every living being felt a profound aura of death wash over their mind, freezing them in place. Cyrus, already in a precarious postion, noticed its aura lock on him and felt a chill so cold his blood almost stopped circulating.

Arriving on a hill in the distnace, this BloodWolf rendered the humans and wolves alike as prey marked for consumption with its predatory gaze. The wolves whined on the ground in askance of mercy, with the humans were utterly terrified. This hulking monster was built for brutaly ripping its foes apart and consuming the scraps.

With it scanning the surrounding, everything fell mute and the crackling fire providing the only sound. Gradually those pulsing blood red eyes fixated on Cyrus in a threating manner. As if having found its target, it licked its canines in a savage manor before bolting down the hill.

"WHY IS IT ME!" Sullen from this increasingly precairous situation, Cyrus's blood and heart started pulsing like an active volcano. His previously depleted energy rapidly recoverd as his boiling blood steadly transformed into those, bright but heavy, star like particles. Similiar to a battle god awakening, dommineering and everlasting, his will, akin to a metaphysical domain, subtely influenced his relative surroundings.

Emotions raging and little time to comprehend the changes, Cyrus dashed towards the BloodWolf as the other wolves resumed their attack with extra fervor.

"Die, for me you stupid wolf!" With the battle cry as an opener, Cyrus attack in a straight foward fashion. Fist and claw converged on each others as the giant blood red wolf growled in contempt.

Comparable to a clap of thunder, the shockwaves spread out as they collided with one another. The ground beneath the two even cracked slightly from the impact. However with wide eyes, this little thing that its creator wanted it to kill, shockingly was not erased into a blood cloud from the previous attack.

Cyrus took advantage of the slight delay and followed up with a fast roundhouse kick, aiming for its snout. Recognizing the incoming attack it swiflty tensed its front legs, pushing back in a speedy retreat. Like that, Cyrus and the BloodWolf exchanged multiple moves in a blood boiling fight.

As the seconds passed, wounds started piling up on both sides. Cyrus was profusley bleeding from a few bone deep cuts while the wolf limped around on a broken right hip and disfigured face. Clearly the advantage lay in Cyrus's hand as his body seemed to be getting stronger and faster throughout the fight. However realizing that this rise in strength was temporary, he decided to put everything on the line.

Over in the circle formation, Cyrus's absence was felt deeply as more people were being dragged out and disemboweled by the wolves. Deeply affected by the BloodWolfs killing intent, these callous wolves attacked in suicidal way breaking the groups courage. Cyrus could hear the surge in number of death cyrs and screams of fear.

Now with everything on the line, he narrowed his eyes in unpreccidented focus as he flew towards this voracious foe.

Yelling in his mind, "One of us will die here, and it won't be me. Let's see who will be the last one standing you oversized doggy!"

Seemingly understand his intention it roared in a acceptance before bounding over. Resembling a madman, Cyrus chaged at it with wild abandon as he prepared for his final assault. Growing closer and closer, Cyrus even noticed the anger blazing in its eyes. Thinking inwardly "Me too bud!"

As the collision was imminent, that monster opened its bloody jaws ready rend him into pieces, but little did it expect a situation of its prey jumping down its throat. This wolf standing around 9 feet tall and 18 feet long definitely had the space for a 4 foot Cyrus.

A cruel smile touched Cyrus's lips as his body was by those blade like teeth. But as if he felt nothing, he landed in its mouth before gripping its uvula for dear life. Right after stabalizing himself inside, Cyrus felt a burning sensation all over his body as the saliva corroded his body.

"This thing has acidic properties!!! Whatever, I refuse to have my journey ended by a stupid dog!"

Just as the wolf was claming down its jaw he gathered his strength and executed the {Mystic Tiger Kill} whith everything he had. A resounding tiger roar covered the battlefield as the fist force punctured the roof of its mouth, shattered its skull, and pulverized its mushey brain into scraps.

A dying whimper and its following crash to the ground was the retreat signal for the battle. The surviving wolves growled in fear before rushing into the forest, dissapearing from sight. People could not help but stand their in bewilderment from the abrupt end before crying out in joy.

On the other hand, Cyrus pulled himself out of the wolfs mouth before gulping in huge mouthfuls of air like a dying fish. Dead tired, the exhaustion sapped everything from him rendering him unable to move.

After a few minutes, a similarly tired Don, wobbled over with a happy smile. "You don't look so good little guy, need some help?"

Cyrus did not look to happy with the bother and responded in a irritated tone "Help me up. You think I'm trying to stay on the ground. I just want to go to sleep after a nice bath."

However just as Don was about to pull up Cyrus, a human figure gradually emrged from the long shadows of the fire. His eyes glinting in a mocking fashion, he surveyed each and every child with disdain before settling on Cyrus. Their was a hint of praise but deep down Cyrus felt anxious.

Before he could even try to think of a reason, the man spoke outloud in a haughty manner. "A bunch of weaklings! Multiple people in your team died and here you are celebrating a victory you don't even deserve, pathetic."

The surroundings went dead silent as the group looked over, clearly spooked. Spitting on the ground in front of them he continued, "Name's Victor. Be ready for training tomorrow. If you think this was the worst of it, heh, all I can say is good luck."

A simple introduction and the man dissapeared just like he came, fading into the darkness in absolute silence.