
After that scolding last night, everyone was dead tired and not particularly in the mood to linger around for much longer. Like a bunch of zombies, they haphazardly cleaned up the surroundings before heading to bed. For many though, it was a sleepless night full of low crying and the occasional scream from nightmares.

Thankfully, the 'eventful' night came to a conclusion with the rising sun replacing that scarring memory.


Cyrus's eyelashes gently fluttered as he woke up to the soft carress of the morning sun. Being extremely intune with the sun, all that built up soreness in his body from yesterday seemed to dissipate and a slightly euphoaric feeling spread about. Sadly it was only the mental fatigue while the majority of his body was aching from the physical exahusastion.

Shaking his head he slowly pulled himself up from the bed, "Ouch! I am never doing that again."

Just recalling that crazy battle last night made him shiver from head to toe. "That fight was wayyyyyy too close. One wrong move and I would definitely have died, my god. Plus Mom might really go and pull my soul back and still beat me black and be honest that might even be worse. Stop imagining things Cyrus."

Soon a contemplative look flashed across his face as he thought inwardly. "Speaking of which, I can't even remember how that fight conlcuded." The scenes of him fighting off multiple wolves and attempting to escape their pursuit played like a flim in his mind. However, a massive headache continued to ring in his skull the more he struggled to recall. It felt similiar to a hazy fog that became thicker with the increasing pain.

Cyrus had a gut feeling that he forgot something important, so despite the sharp, needle like sensations, he carried on. 3 minutes later though, and the veins on his forhead were pulsating. Still, he ultimately pieced togther those last few scenes and witnessed the obvious sabotage that almost killed him.

By this point, Cyrus's face was twisting from the painful migrane and so much boiling anger, he actually started laughing. "HAHAHAHA, how could I forget you pieces of poop. Dad always said, repay kindness with kindness and enimity with death. I can't believe they would do something so shameless!"

"Urghhhh, those guys are lucky this stupid headache is distracting me!" Rubbing his temples he decided to just let it go for now and mentally shut down to rest, not thinking in general for a few minutes.

Turning his head towards the sun he noticed it was about time to meet for the first trainning session. Pumping himself up, he said outloud "alright Cyrus, get yourself together, it's the start of your immortal cultivation saga, a dragon amongst men! New day, new me, right?"

A handsome smile gracing his face, he tried to stand up before immediately freezing as his face turned pale and a cold sweat covering his forhead. Falling back down as quick as he came, Cyrus's mind, at that moment, seemed to finally connect with the rest of his body. Waves and waves of pain racked his body all over with his only option of enduring the torture.

"I should have known something like this would happen. I'm not invincible,.....yet. Alright, phewwww....deep breaths. 15 minutes should be enough to recuperate and still arrive on time."

Cyrus relaxed his entire body and let his perception slowly synchronize with his body. Absolute silence ensued as his presence merged with the enviroment, inseperable from one another. Every time he meditated, his mind entered a state of exterme clarity and heightened sensitivty to the surrouding energy.

Bit by bit, it would subconciously spread out and then collected all the surrounding Origin essence near him. Instictually, he would absorb this concentrated ambient energy before dispelling it in a cylce. One took and the other took back, one pushed and the other pulled back, everything was done naturally with no interference from Cyrus himself.

Time truly flew with Cyrus believe only a few seconds had passed. Hearing the commotion outside, he knew it was time to get going. This second time around, much more prepared that first, he slowly adjusted his body as he stood up.

"WHAT! It's a bit sore and itchy here and there, but that's about it. Heh....hehehe...hahahaha.....not so bad if I don't say so myself." Standing in a heroic posture, hands on his hips with his elbows pointed out, he looked towards the sky at 45 degree angle as the sun shown down on his body. "I must look quite majestic right now. Maybe I'll do this when I beat up my enemies...that's not a bad idea."

" sure do look majestic.....HAAHAHA!" Don, recently having come in, saw the entire soliloquy and could not help but laugh until he was tearing up. "HAHAHAH, your more shameless than I thought Cyrus! Even I'm getting....HAHAHAHA...second hand embarressment from you. I cant breath!"

Almost jumping through the roof from the scare, he saw Don laughing so hard he started to choke. Cyrus however, turned so red from his head to neck, it looked like he might just bleed from his skin.

"Don! Forget everything you saw or I promise to beat you up. Let's go we don't have much time." Not mentioning anything else, Cyrus basically dragged Don out his house and rushed to the training field just in time for the start of the 3 day practice.

Out on the open field people were lined up in orderly file. Victor simply stood stock still with his eyes clothes not speaking a word. It was eerily silent causing one to feel unsettled the closer they came. However knowing that delaying would change nothing, they followed the rest of the group to find a spot.

While Cyrus and Don quickly looked around, Cyrus spotted a few unpleasent faces. Jared and his little entourage did not seem to notice the sheer rage targeted at them. They were simply standing there not daring to move even an inch or breath too loudly. Cyrus new this was not the time, especially with their scary looking trainner overseeing things. Meanwhile, Don found a spot before silently signaling Cyrus to follow.

An just like that, an hour passed as the sun reached its peak, the tired trainees loosened up a little ruining the previously solemn atmosphere. Another hour and some kids decided to rest whilst chatting amongst each other. Seeing that Victor was not disciplining anyone for being disruptive, they only became more brazen in their decisions. Out of around 928 kids, a good third of them were relaxing while the others were glancing around wondering if they should relax as well.

Right before the situation went completely out of control, Victor's eyes opened in a flash as his aura spread out in a unrestrained and aggressive manner. "Heh, a bunch of fools."

A second later, with no warning, 30 kids died in a blink of an eye. The people closer to the ones that died screamed in fear as they back up before Victor's aura locked on them. Closing their mouth like their life depended on it, because it really did, everything returned to that solemn silence.

Victor slightly nodded before speaking up, "This is not some vacation. You're expected to fight and hone yourselves as warriors. People will die, do not forget that." Surveying each and every one of them, he made sure his point got accross before continuing.

"For the next 3 days you will train in the techniques handed out yesterday. After that survive in the woods per schedule. I'll give you a heads up, " licking his lips in a sadistic style "the wolves will be the least of your worries in their."

The atmosphere noticably became colder as the trainees clammed up with fear dominating their emotions. Victor's face flushed slightly while his eyes curled up in satisfaction. Knowing things needed to be done, he calmed down before finishing his speech.

"Find a partner and fight like you would kill them. If I don't see at least 3 bruises per person you will have to deal with the punishments. Lets get started, hehehehe!" Out of the corner of his vision, he fixated his unhealthy imagination on Cyrus's child figure. The shine in his eye was blinding before returning to normal, he would let this rare delicacy marinate itself.

Cyrus felt a tingle down his spine as observed this man named Victor. It seemed Don had the same feeling, not in the sense of danger but just the overall vibe, because the look when their eyes met was the same. 'This guy is definitely a pyscho'.