Dawn of Humanity

Raxus plane, Star Year 3475 - 6th Era, a battle raged inbetween the open plains and sparse towering mountains reaching for the skies.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, MY LEG!"

"Pull yourself together soldier!"

Boom, Boom, Boom!

Explosions from magical artillery rocked the surroundings as men and demons collided in endless waves. Only the resounding clash of metal could compete with their dying howls. No remorse, no mercy, only death reigned supreme.

"For the general, for humanity, CHARGE!"

Polluted smoke blocked out the light from the eight blazing spheres of fire hanging in the sky. An all-encompassing darkness slowly enveloped the battlefield.

Even then, the nauseating stench and image of blood, piss, separated limbs, and burnt flesh was piercing to the eyes. Humans and demons struggled back and forth in the viscous mud as their blood-shot eyes, filled with madness, glared at their enemies. This crazed desperation to take down just one more enemy left the entire battlefield in a chaotic state. It was truly 'a hell on earth', as the situation reached a white hot stage that left no room for retreat.

Atop a high hanging cliff, rows of burly men dressed in tattered martial gear stood in absolute silence. Even the wind and rushing messengers dared not disturb that towering figure, firmly rooted at the highest vantage point. That middle-aged man, with greyish black hair fluttering from the slight breeze, stood in consternation.

His pitch black eyes and scrunched up bushy eyebrows analyzed every detail on the battlefield. No matter how much the pressure built up, that majestic pillar of a man formed a tall and lofty image. Despite the chaotic situation below, seemingly random orders adjusted the formation into a giant meat grinder. No matter what the enemy general did, no matter how many troops he threw in, the casualties of both sides stayed equal. It was a miracle in of itself.

In the end, that strikingly white signal flag he carried was the bane of this demon army. To the humans, though, that flag represented the hope for another day. When the White Dragon general takes to the field, men do not know fear, only victory. 30 years of campaigning across the myriad planes proved this point until it became their faith. And even now, in this hopeless predicament, that faith did not waver.

"G-general, our front line is about to falter! The 2nd and 3rd regiment s-sent an emergency request for air support!"

The prevailing silence broke as a flustered messenger delivered his urgent report. Not even turning around, the commander, adorned in silver armor, responded in a flat tone. "I already know. You can back down."

Those burning airships that plummeted towards the battlefield in the background left him unfazed. The messenger realized his mistake and quickly backed down as he shivered in fear. A long sigh followed and that once indomitable figure slouched for the first time. "It's finally come to this, haaaaa."

"Men, attend me."

The generals, in sync, placed one knee on the ground as they solemnly prepared for what could be their last orders. "Time is running out, as few are left to face the enemy. For those that remain, there is but one choice. We must fight! To victory, or death for the human race!"

No matter how slim the chance of snatching victory from the jaws of death, these men had a heroic spirt and a sky high moral that would not relent. Shouting from the bottom of their hearts, "For the human race!"

Just as everyone was preparing to head down the mountain, that older general called out to a certain inconspicuous individual. "Daneel, stay behind. I need to talk to you."

"General!" That young man standing at the side hammered his chest before watching those calm figures embrace their imminent death. There was a complicated look in his eyes, but as a general, emotions had no place on the battlefield.

Turning around for the first time and looking at this young general, the two had strikingly similar facial features, especially that hooked nose. Evidently, the two seemed to be related, and that gentle look in the middle-aged general's eyes was the greatest confirmation.

After a few minutes passed, the sparse mountain was empty, leaving the two men standing side by side. "Son, I need you to absorb the energ-"

Just as he was about to continue, his son, Daneel, interrupted. "I-I can't! That's supposed to be your chance to break through the next realm!? Father, the situation is still not that bad. I kno-".

However, looking at his father's placid expression, he swallowed the rest of his sentence. No matter how brave Daneel was, he knew his father was not one to be interrupted. The military was where they spent their life, and he was raised with the same principles.

"Listen." His tone was much more forceful this time around. "I, Lucius, the undefeated War God of the human resistance, will never admit defeat. But right now, we have very little options to choose from. Placing our hopes on a miracle is just foolish and something the incompetent would do. Do not suggest it again."

Daneel's face crumpled from the naked disregard. But he was used to his father's frank personality and stopped himself from retorting.

Continuing, he said, "Long ago in my youth, I found an ancient secret sealing art that can store heavenly treasures within a lineage. This stone will reside within you and will only resurface once a child of exceptional talent is born. Whatever effects it may have after being released, it's a shame we won't have the chance to witness it."

Shaking off the depressing thought, he finally brought out the primary catalyst for this tragic battle. A palm sized, golden gem shimmered quietly in the morning light. Stranded in a viscous state that continuously compressed itself, a surface level crystal shell formed around the liquid. Occasionally, miniature explosions would flicker in and out of existence. Truly a mystical beauty that would leave anyone engrossed. However, it still failed to divert attention from the extreme energy fluctuations radiating haphazardly.

"Hopefully this works", the general thought to himself. Steeling his resolve for the last time, he tore his gaze away before setting up the ancient formation. Chanting soon rang out across the mountain as the golden gem floated a few feet in the air.

"Its time." Hand signs rapidly changed until it was barely the size of a fingernail. Pushing forward, it shot through the air, swiftly embedding itself in Daneel's forehead. Although it only took a few minutes, the older general's pale countenance showed just how much energy he exerted.

"LUCIUS, FIGHT ME TO THE DEATH!" With the ritual ending, a booming voice drowned out the mixed cacophony of the battlefield. "If you don't want all your soldiers to die, I suggest you agree to my request, 'White Dragon General'."

The mockery laced within his tone was piercing to the ear. On cue, the entire human army erupted in unprecedented anger as they pressed forward with even more fervor. To die fighting was better than dragging down their general. This insult and shame was not something they were willing to bear.

Unflustered, Lucius responded in a flat tone to the enemy's childish provocation. "Gorgo, you're not my son, so why are you calling out to me like a needy child? Tch, even if you call me father, I promise I won't acknowledge a bastard like you anyway."


"Hahaha, this fool is still that same idiot from 15 years ago. Some things never change." Lucius, the White Dragon General, had the gall to laugh in the face of this impending disaster. "Daneel, just remember that no matter what, I will always love you."

No matter how tough the man was, he was still a father in the end. His eyes red as well, Daneel nodded his head forcefully.

Just as he was about to raise his head, a giant palm covered his face as a few hushed whispers reached his ear. "If we meet again in this life, may we drink in celebration. If it's not meant to be, let us continue are celebration in the netherworld." And like that, Daneel's entire life of memories became a foreign event.

It barely took a second, but tears were streaming down his face as he looked at this not so familiar person. His heart felt an inexplicable pain that had no answer. However, as he was contemplating deeply, that figure regained his composure.

Turning his back, Lucius said in an extremely cold voice. "Soldier, report to the second vanguard unit." This was the most he could do for his son and could only hope for the best. With him distracting the demon army, there would be a slim chance for some soldiers to break out. "Its better to leave some seeds behind for the future" he thought to himself.

Daneel, with his new set of memories, felt extremely embarrassed for crying in front of the general. As an elite war veteran, he had participated in many battles. Crying like this was definitely a new and shameful experience for him. Saluting towards this legendary figure, he replied full of vigor, "Yes, sir!"

Regardless of this new set of memories, he still saluted the same way Daneel used to causing the old general to shake. His senses told him that, memories or no memories, Daneel would always be his son. If anything, it relieved a bit of the pain. However, now he only had one mission. Settle down and have children no matter what.

Now alone on the mountain, Lucius observed his son's departing figure. Muttering to something behind his back, "It's time. Future descendent of mine, do not fail me. We have sacrificed too much."

Pulling out his halberd, he rode down on his snow-white steed for one last act in this beautiful play called life. Focusing his ocean deep origin energy in his voice, he shouted across the battlefield, "Gorgo, if I don't make your head my chamber pot today, I am not human!"