General Information



Plane/World Grades : Lesser - Middle - Greater - Principal

- World/Plane grade is based on the quality of origin energy and the size of the planet/plane. The higher the grade, the greater the quantity and quality of resources and ambient origin energy.

Origin Energy comes in three forms - natural, Order, Chaos

1. Origin(natural) - ambient energy spread throughout the universe in its most basic form. This energy is the very building block of the universe itself.

2. Chaos - Refined version of natural origin energy that Demonic species use. As natural origin energy is not as suited (impure) for their bodies, they separated the useful parts and modified it to fit their physiology.

3. Order - Refined version of natural origin energy that Deva species use. As natural origin energy is not as suited (impure) for their bodies, they separated the useful parts and modified it to fit their physiology.

CULTIVATION LEVELS - From weak to strong : Eminent - Champion - Saint - Exalted - Venerate - Prime - Empyrean

There are 3 different types of cultivation paths present in the universe: Soul, Energy, and Body. All paths have different specialities. However, there is a significant understanding and requirement from all three cultivation paths in order to reach the peak.

1. Energy - the converted and purified "natural origin energy" that is the basic and most common form of cultivation. This path is a very stable development of tempering the body and mind while storing more energy (based on what your cultivation method converts into). In the end, a person will have to comprehend the laws of the universe on their own.

2. Soul - tempering of the mind through trials and accumulated origin energy (WILL {or mental realm} - aka = the dao heart but not called that). It is necessary to control emotions constantly and have a deep understanding of the self (self-discovery of a person's existence and personality). Discovering one's self allows someone to better understand things outside - laws of the universe.

3. Body - tempering the body through constant, but bearable, damage. Afterwards, healing with origin energy is required to understand and comprehend the universe's laws.

BLOODLINES - some species are born with them and others have created their own (only possible with supreme experts after certain conditions are met). Bloodlines have the ability to pass down comprehension (laws - martial/magical techniques - general cultivation knowledge) , innate abilities, and information (history). Purity of the bloodline decides how much knowledge/power can be drawn from the bloodline. Each generation sees a drop in purity unless someone reaches a certain level of cultivation (causes a refinement of the bloodline and helps purify close relatives) or reaches atavism (mutation in the bloodline).

- Bloodlines, for the above average talent, can shackle their progress as they reach higher realms. As bloodlines holders did not cultivate based on their own understandings (except geniuses since they are geniuses and would only cultivate even faster), they struggle to build anything off of their foundation.

LAWS - they are split between Primary and secondary. As all laws lead to a universal truth, there is no weaker or stronger laws. However, the major laws are more difficult and more powerful in the beginning. BUT IT WOULD NOT MATTER FOR A GENIUS. Law comprehension is also split into different levels based on percentages.

Sensing laws - 5% comprehension

Initial Completion - 20% comprehension

Minor Completion - 50% comprehension

Major Completion - 80% comprehension

Pinnacle - 100% comprehension (become one with the law and able to utilize a portion of the universe's origin energy)

Omega - Surpassing the universe's understanding of a law and creating something new from it (might be multiple laws ;).....who knows)

Artifacts (weapons or miscellaneous items) are split into different grades from strongest to weakest : Origin - Divine - (grade) Legendary - Epic - Gold - Silver - Bronze. Artifacts are either complete or wasted products that fall into a certain grade based on its attributes (can create better versions if the forging skill level is higher).

Pills, Potions, Runes, and Formations are split into different tiers based on difficulty and effect. The top standard starts from tier 8 {Being the highest} to tier 1 {Being the lowest}. Pills and potions also have quality ratings.

Failed product (pill or potion doesn't form) -> 0% - 30% efficacy

Flawed -> 30% - 50% efficacy

Average -> 50% - 80% efficacy

Exquisite -> 80% - 99% efficacy

Perfect -> 100% efficacy

Supreme -> 100%+ (anything that surpasses 100% has a qualitative change in its effects)