Dreams and Memories

Trudging deep into the forest left them severely fatigued as the humid conditions exasperated the situation. The thick foliage and sky covering canopy only grew denser the further they went.

Peeking at Cyrus's stumbling figure, Jacob interrupted the prolonged silence. "Alright guys, I think it time to take a break!"

Don agreed immediately, since he had been carrying most of Cyrus's supplies. "Thought I....would have to...pass out....before you guys...mentioned it. Jeez!" He could barely speak a full sentence in between his heaving chest and heavy panting. Cyrus looked at him guiltily. Obviously, he did not want to rely on someone else, but circumstances would not allow him to be willful.

During this 5 hour long trek, they had to dash into hiding, climb trees to avoid predators, and even swim across a shallow river. It was not a peaceful journey, and carrying that extra weight was just too much with his current injuries. Don, as a good friend, had carried the extra supplies for a majority of the walk.

"Ill be on the first lookout." Tired as Cyrus was, he still volunteered to be the first one to patrol. He felt like a burden after seeing Don's slouched figure and wanted to make amends by carrying out the more tedious tasks.

Patrolling was a perfect choice based on how dull it could be. Also, it required little effort; it was the perfect opportunity for Cyrus to help the group. Recently, after being caught off-guard with Talia experiencing a near death situation from a Silver Bear attack, they had learned to be a lot more vigilant and rotated people as lookouts when they rested.

James and Connor followed along just in case Cyrus, because of his injuries, struggled to respond to emergency situations.

With group coming to a consensus, a lovely voice chimed in from the side. "Be careful out there, Brother Cyrus!" Hearing Talia's sweet voice always brought a soft smile to his face.

He walked over and rubbed her tiny head affectionately. Those sweet red lips curved in a radiant smile as her face flushed in embarrassment. Pinching the side of her shirt, she appeared like a pure and cute fairy. Cyrus replied with a thin smile, "Heh. Do you think your brother is useless now because of a simple injury?"

Rattling her head back and forth, she quickly responded. "No way! I was just worried.....". Something changed as Talia slowly closed her mouth. 'I should have faith in brother Cyrus. He won't forget his promise. Thinking along those lines, she continued, "Brother Cyrus is the best no matter what!"

How could Cyrus not understand her feelings? Clearly she tamped down her own worries in consideration for him. Staring at her face, he could not help recalling those fond memories from last night after everyone else fell asleep.

The stars that night twinkled like precious gems decorating the clear sky. Cyrus, however, had little heart to enjoy the scenery after battling his inner demons. Every time he closed his eyes, nightmares would plague his sleep relentlessly. Over and over, he would watch, trapped in his own body, as he ripped Jared limb from limb with a look of relish. Those heart-wrenching screams and desperate pleas only increased his sense of helplessness.

Startled awake for what seemed like the hundredth time, Cyrus felt the need to relax the tension in his body. Searching around, he found a sturdy boulder with a flat top, perfect for sitting on. After situating himself on the boulder and closing his eyes, he enjoyed the gentle autumn breeze that ruffled his wet, matted hair and the tall grass nearby. The cricket noises, owl calls, and howling of beasts left him immersed in the natural ambience.

As the minutes went by and the tension left his mind, Cyrus' thoughts wandered off. 'I really miss mom and dad. Do they miss me right now? I would think so for mom. Dad? debatable..... Puuuhahaha, I crack myself up sometimes! But I really can't wait to see them after this. Still, the fresh meat will definitely be missed!' Cyrus felt much more relieved as he wandered off in these random and happy thoughts.

After recollecting his emotions, he opened his eyes once again. Gazing at his reflection, sweat drenched clothes gripped his small figure, while a noticeable look of fatigue shrouded his face. Even though he felt better, he did not look the part at all.

But a soft brushing sound from behind drew his attention. A young girl, wrapped in the bright moonlight, tip-toed over sneakily. "Your not surprising anyone with those loud footsteps, Talia!" Her head snapped upwards in shock from being discovered so easily.

Giving a sheepish smile after being caught, she covered her face in embarrassment. "I didn't want to disturb you. I-I just heard you crying in your sleep and wanted to check on you.....".

Now it was Cyrus's turn to be embarrassed as he found something uninteresting to avoid her innocent gaze. Scratching his forehead in shame, he changed the topic before she could do anymore damage to his self-esteem.

"I appreciate the care, but I'm fine now. You can go back and rest." That faraway expression came back as his unfocused eyes turned to the calm, rolling river.

Talia felt agitated seeing that lonely figure similar to her. Overcome with emotions, she ran forward without thinking and embraced Cyrus tightly from behind. She had a gut feeling that he needed someone to rely on right now.

Hugging Cyrus' body, she could smell the damp sweat on his shirt that woke her up from her impulsive actions. Complicated emotions flitted through her eyes and a red hue grew across her cheeks while she contemplated letting go. No matter what, this was the first time she intimately touched a boy, and it left her panicking badly. Sadly, the only thing she could think of were memories of a rigid and elderly lady, with a stern voice and menacing face, mentioning 'Talia. Listen up and listen well. You might be young, but don't go touching boys or you might have a baby. You hear me?'

Talia had not fully comprehended the meaning behind those words until she saw a naked man and woman holding each other in broad daylight. That woman cried out like she was in pain as the man, mounted above her, pressed his body down repeatedly. Now thinking along those lines, she wondered if she would end up making those weird noises while holding Cyrus and accidentally conceiving a child.

With Talia's mind drifting into the deep unknown, the sudden warmth caught Cyrus off guard and left him with no idea what to do. The seconds dragged on, and the awkward atmosphere continued to grow. Cyrus lightly coughed to break the silence.

Before he could say anything more, Talia, still hugging his back, interrupted him with a story. "There was once a young girl that was abandoned by her parents. Lost and alone in a place she did not understand, the world left her to fend for herself. She struggled to survive in a winding back alley that was overcrowded with the expendable and useless. Word had spread in the Cranny about its filth and danger, but she had no choice but to live there."

Following her usual routine, she finished a luxurious meal of rat meat that would hopefully tide her over until night fall. A half filled stomach left her smiling from ear to ear in excitement. Preparing to sleep, she curled up her body as tightly as possible before wiggling inside her old and coarse vegetable sack. She learned long ago that moving too much would leave you starving for food. Sadly, a heavy rain came down and not only ruined her plans but left her scared."

"Everyone feared the mountain rain because of the sickness that usually came after. The tiny girl had also seen many of these same people suffer before dying. The situation only got worse for her, as a local homeless group took over her original shelter." Talia's eyes turned a little misty, but she still continued.

"Asking to share was useless and fighting was a death wish. With no where to go, an old lady walking by stopped beside her. Instead of passing by the child, she extended a helping hand."

"The little girl was terrified of strangers after being alone for so long and didn't trust this old lady. Noticing the cautious attitude, she went up, kneeled down until they were face to face, and grabbed both of the little girl's shoulders before giving her first lesson in life. 'Remember this, child. Part of being a person is about helping others. Never forget that.' After that, she took away the little girl and raised her like her own daughter for 3 years and counting."

Cyrus predicted this story was about Talia based on that wistful tone underlying her voice. He decided not to interrupt as she continued to speak. "Brother Cyrus, I just want to help you. So if you need someone you can trust to listen, I can be that person."

She gracefully circled the boulder until she locked eyes with Cyrus. That golden hue, with a trace of melancholy, captivated her attention. Raising her arms, she gently cupped Cyrus's face as she leaned forward on the tip of her toes, planting a tender kiss on his forehead. The unexpected action dumbfounded Cyrus.

Despite the confusion in his eyes, Talia continued, "That old lady would always give me a kiss before smiling brightly. Those were the only times she would smile, and it always cheered me up. I hope it can do the same for you, Brother Cyrus!"

He felt deeply touched. He never had a sibling, but seeing other kids with their brothers and sisters, he felt they must share a similar connection. Grasping her hands that just released his face, his eyes regained a slight spark of that original confidence.

"Talia, from this day forth, I will treat you like my family, a true sister. I hope you won't reject because that would really make this awkward."

Family was a foreign concept for Talia. But like the old lady, she wanted to trust in Cyrus as well. Laughing happily, she called out affectionately, "Brother!"