
James and Connor's eyes twitched slightly in irritation. No matter how friendly, they could not help feeling jealous of the attention Cyrus received from Talia. They both, James more than Connor, were attracted to her pure and innocent character. And although she might be young, a beauty was still a beauty.

Since it was impossible to be mad at her, they directed their annoyance at the only other party and innocent culprit, Cyrus. James was even ranting inwardly. 'So stupid. This kid is still wet behind the ears and is effortlessly charming every girl. What makes him so much better than me?!'

As if their thoughts were in sync, they turned towards each other with obvious jealousy oozing from their faces. That silent but mischievous exchange left them with a very simple conclusion. Teaching Cyrus a small but important lesson about the world would not be too big of an issue, right? As a young kid, he needs a bit of tempering so he can properly mature.

Stroking their chins like a pair of wise elders, both brothers felt this was a perfect solution. This was nothing new for the duo known as the 'Twin Rascals'. A day without them causing an issue was unheard of in the Cranny. Having a little fun now was just them returning to the norm. Now, deep in their fantasies, that tugging sensation at the corner of their lips was becoming much more difficult to resist.

"NOOOOO, I refuse! Little sister Talia, how could you betray me like that!" Shocked, their thoughts were abruptly drawn back to reality.

Cyrus and Talia's close connection did not go unnoticed by Sasha, either. She had a pouty expression while she complained about her favorite little brother cheating on her. Don, who was quietly listening from the side, had to resist the urge of laughing uncontrollably. His shaking shoulders only increased her ferocity, as she was already on the verge of exploding.

Cyrus's pleading gaze, full of pity, was priceless. He felt aggrieved from this injustice. Since when had he agreed to any form of a relationship. Exasperatedly yelling in his mind, 'IM STILL YOUNG!' Sasha was not one to care, and kept shaking Cyrus's shoulders like she was trying to get a few bronze coins from his shirt.

Don, acting like a good brother, finally attempted to placate her with many promises after enjoying the entire situation. Sasha knew when to stop, especially when Cyrus was around, as she did not want to leave a poor impression.

Straightening her clothes and re-arranging her disheveled hair, Sasha agreed to leave. However, her burning gaze still lingered on Cyrus. He could feel a cold sensation climbing up his spine as goosebumps covered his skin.

Turning a grateful look towards Don, he signaled for him to get on with it. Don shook his head, amazed at how ridiculous the entire situation was. Walking up to Sasha, he hoisted her over his shoulder before carrying her away. Despite her previous acquiescence, she was still ranting as they went off into the distance. Embarrassed, and not wanting to stay any longer, Talia ran ahead of Don and Sasha.

Cyrus waved goodbye before he turned to Jacob and Connor to split up their responsibilities. Discussing quickly, they split up the area around the camp, with Cyrus assigned to the small but more forested area. It was barely a kilometer in circumference, so the exertion would not be too harsh on his injuries.

Breaking up, they all dispersed in separate directions. Not even a few minutes had passed, and a resounding exclamation echoed across the forest.

"FINE, but the first promise is due tonight. You better cook the greatest dish of your life Don! If it's not up to my standards, I promise you will understand why hell is a paradise. Hanging upside down with Cyrus and spanked like a dirty blanket will be the least of your punishments. There will be no respite even when night falls!"

Cyrus, who was oblivious to what promises were made, trembled from head to toe after Sasha's declaration. His butt cheeks had a severe reaction as they clenched tightly in agreement with his body. 'Does she want to scare me to death? Man, father was really right. I should avoid women for as long as possible.' He did not dare to slow down and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.


The hours passed uneventfully, with nothing but endless green coloring the landscape. "It's about time to check in with the others. Heh, they shouldn't mind if I arrive a few minutes early."

Cyrus reached the point of muttering to himself to stave off the boredom. Only the periodic check-ins with warm food waiting for consumption helped him to power through. His maturity certainly did not extend to his rapidly waning attention span.

Hopping down from the tree he was perched on, he winced from the mild, but immediate, pain that shot through his chest. That sharp feeling left him gingerly touching that long red scar that traveled from his collarbone to naval. 'This might really cause me some issues later....' Sighing to himself, he dusted off some debris from the trees and headed towards the designated meeting spot.

On his walk back, Cyrus heightened his senses to the maximum level as he prepared for anything unexpected. It's one thing when he was hidden, but now that he was out in the open, extra precautions were necessary.

Slinking through the underbrush, he focussed on every ruffled bush and bird call occurring near him. Progress was slow, but it was better to be alive.

30 minutes later and he eventually arrived at the meeting spot. It was a simple clearing that provided a pleasant shade and blocked out the hot evening sun. Cyrus's grumbling stomach announced his arrival after seeing those, oh so appealing, beast pelt packages. He could only help himself, since he was borderline starving already.

"Sucks to suck, they should have got here earlier!" Wiping some saliva from the side of his face, a cheerful smile grew on his lips. Untying the packaging and searching for the best food, he could not help muttering, "She really takes care of me. Hahaha, and its Don's food! Bless the heavens!"

After being around each other for so long, everyone knew Don cooked the best food. Sasha was banned after her first attempt when the normally silent Jacob almost killed her on reflex. It was borderline poison she fed the group, and it made the mistake on Jacob's part understandable.

However, Talia sneaking him an extra portion just made him appreciate her even more. 'She might really be a master strategist. A wise man had once said, attack the stomach and victory will be yours. Well played little sister, well played.'

His stomach had a different plan and urged him to gorge on this tantalizing meal. The scent of roasted meat, wild mushrooms, and a few ginger roots tossed away any unnecessary thoughts. Throwing all the ingredients into the hot broth, Cyrus fully enjoyed every mouthful.

James and Connor popped into the clearing a few minutes later. Nodding their heads in acknowledgment, they sat down and ate with an appetite similar to Cyrus.

The quiet meal was interrupted as the two mentioned some of the things they witnessed. From a 4 meter long snail with 8 slimy appendages to a small bird with three heads, their experience was a lot more entertaining than Cyrus's.

"Then we found this super delicious fruit right before our meal break. It's a shame we could only pick a few for a snack." James took out a small bluish-green fruit from his shirt and handed it to Cyrus. "You should taste it. I honestly can't think of a proper way to describe its taste. It might even be the fruit the God's eat!"

Cyrus was skeptical. They were currently in a forest that they have next to no information about, and they actually ate this random fruit. They might be stupid, but he was not that dumb. There was no need to panic, since the two seemed fine at the moment.

After studying the fruit in his hand, he gazed at the two like they were idiots. "Are you guys courting death? Even a two-year-old would know not to stick random things in their mouth." Cyrus was truly exasperated and could only shake his head and wonder what their parents taught them.

Being reprimanded by a five-year-old was definitely a novel experience that hurt their pride. Stuttering with his words, Connor blurted out a meaningless rebuttal. "W-well.....we're totally fine now so what's the big deal!"

"Obviously, or you wouldn't be walking around, completely healthy. Who knows, it might just be a delayed reaction..." Cyrus's sarcastic reply had a sinister undertone when he mentioned the last part. 'Heh, you guys must think I am actually blind. All over a girl?' Shaking his head inwardly, he was confused how their friendship could attract the twins' ire. 'I'm even better friends with Don, but they are not jealous of that. Sigh, people are really confusing'.

"Y-y-your k-kiddi-ng righ-t?!?!" James and Connor looked at each other in unison and clearly noticed the fear in the other's eyes.

"Don't sweat it, though. Rationally speaking, the effect would probably have kicked in by now if there was any issue with the fruit. So you 're probably in the clear."

That audible exhale was telling of how tense they were in that moment. Glaring at Cyrus, a fresh wave of anger built up in their chest. This kid was toying with them and his childish laugh only increased their humiliation. Patting his stomach from laughing too hard, he continued eating happily while ignoring the fruit handed to him.

Connor was the first to settle down before repeating what he said earlier. "No matter what, that fruit really tastes delicious, and I bet the others would enjoy it. We should get a few more for everyone to try or else they would really miss out."

Cyrus stopped eating before picking up the fruit in deep contemplation. All of a sudden he took a bite, and like a shimmering waterfall crashing into a calm lake, a burst of fresh and fruity flavors assaulted his tongue. "Heavenly!" It was correct in being the only apt description.

Gobbling up the rest and almost biting his finger, he stared at the twins with a new found greed. "Where's the rest?"

Malicious smiles full of evil laughter erupted in both James' and Connor's minds. "Follow us. There are a few more but they are difficult to reach."