
"My sister-in-law is so bold! She kissed the tyrant!" Hendery exclaimed. The twins followed the couple for the whole day on their first date.

"Look at him smiling like an idiot... I'm getting shivers Hendery, SHIVERS! Look at him grinning!" Desmond said with a disgusted face.

"Well, he's going home right now, we should head back too" Hendery said as Desmond nodded.


Victon came back to the Yvonne mansion with his lips forming a very small, but noticeable smile. His icy cold mood was know where to be found as it was replaced by a positive one.

It was time to dinner so he made his way to the dinning room. "Looks like someone's in a good mood. How did your date go?" His mother asked.

"Hm good" Victon replied as he took his seat.

"Are you giving me cute nieces and nephews soon?" Desmond asked.

Victon didn't reply to his idiotic brother and continue to converse with his mother. Then he remembered to tell his father about the illegal underground slave auctions he had found. Victon explained from the time the kid named Nathan bumped into Megan to the time they had the conversation with Esther. The Duke's face became darker and darker as Victon described what had happened.

'So that's why they were in that old house for so long' the twins thought as they glanced at each other.

"Those bastards... they deliberately have those slave auctions in the slums so they wouldn't catch any unwanted attention from the kingdom. But too bad, that ends tonight! Victon you did a good job finding this issue" his father praised, his voice still full of anger.

"It wasn't me, it was Megan who insisted to visit the kids. It was a surprise to hear such information from there" Victon replied.

"Megan is very kind hearted! I'm glad you found such a wonderful partner" his father said wholeheartedly.

"Thank you, but father, do you need evidence or witness to invade the slave auctions?" Victon asked.

"No, the Duke has full authority to capture those who's involved in illegal acts. Slave auctions are tricky and slippery so it's best to invade without mentioning it to any nobles including the royal family... let's not startle the snake. Since you are going back there tomorrow, ask the child where the location is and see if you can find when the next auction will be held. I will consider this your first mission, if you succeed I won't hesitate to give you the Dukedom. You are to command our troops and invade the auction."

"Yes, father" Victon said with a strong resolute.


The next morning was dark as grey clouds are blocking out the sunlight. Even with dark weather, customers are going in and out of the "Vinnesia Bakes".

Megan had requested her father for him to make extra batches of treats for her to give to an orphanage.

"Of course darling! How does two big baskets of pastries sound?"

"Yes! That's perfect!" Megan said.

The day went by quickly as the sky started to darken even further. Megan grabbed her shawl and the two baskets full of pastries ready to go out. She then remembered the kids were all in dirt and rags, so she went upstairs to find any old unused clothes to give to them. Then she came down and walked to the back yard. She saw Victon's handsome figure standing there waiting for her. "Are you not cold? You wear the same suit everyday, but today is colder than the rest, so you have to bundle up more!" Megan nagged.

Victon gave out a low chuckle and said, "alright alright". He took the two baskets from her hand and hold it so she doesn't hurt herself.

"Give me a basket, I'm not that weak!" Megan said as she snatched a basket back.

The two then walked to the old broken house where the kids were. Megan knocked the door and yelled, "Hello? Nathan? It's Megan!"

The door creaked open to reveal a dirty-blonde hair kid, it was Nathan. "Hi Nathan! I brought sweets!" Megan said with a broad smile.

Nathan welcomed the two in as his stomach grumbled when he smell the sweets coming from the basket. Coming in the living room, Megan and Victon settled the two baskets on the table. Megan then said, "I've brought you guys treats as promised, you guys can come and eat it."

There were twelve kids in total. Nathan and Esther were the oldest and tallest of them all. Six out of nine were boys as the other four were girls. "Oh I forgot!" Megan exclaimed as she opened the basket to bring out cleaned clothes.

"I only have these extra clothes in my house, but I will get some more tomorrow for you guys" Megan said as she took out five sets of clothing.

"How many more sets do you need?" Victon asked.

"I want for each of them to have at least two sets so.... 24? Twenty small sets while four sets is larger for Esther and Nathan" Megan answered.

While the two discussed about clothing, the kids were mesmerized by the pastries from the two baskets. There's so much! Each kid took one pastry from the basket to eat.

"This is so good!" A red head boy yelled.

"There's creme in this one!" A brown hair boy said.

"I never tasted something so sweet!" Nathan exclaimed.

"Alright, please eat slowly there's a lot more" Megan said with a chuckle.

"Are you an angel?" A little girl said. Megan looked over to see a blonde girl chewing on a donut.

"Silly girl, I'm no angel. What's your name?" Megan asked teaching her hand out to hold onto the girl's.

"Ella" she replied.

"What about you and you? Will everyone introduce themselves to me?" Megan asked softly.

The kids introduced themselves one by one. There are four girls whose names are Ella, Marigold, Paige, and Agatha. The six boys' names are Rufus (the red head), Chen (the brown head), William, Cecil, Edwin, and Jack.

Megan's heart squeezed as she sees how they reacted to getting small treats like these. These kids are so polite and cute, it's devastating to see some so skinny.

While she tended the kids, Victon informed Esther and Nathan of the invasion. "I need you to show me where the underground auction is so I can make a plan and invade it as soon as possible. Do you know the date of the next auction?"

"I can show you where it is and yes I do know the next date. I've been hearing code words 'mouses are trapped and we will get the exterminator to come and examine them on Friday.' In case you're wondering, I heard that from nobles that I've been robbing" Esther informed Victon. The two then walked out of the house to the underground location.

It was night time, so they had to be careful not to let themselves be seen. They hid behind a building as Esther said, "right in this alley, there's a door to lead you to the underground auction. I've seen Marigold being captured and brought in there, but Marigold and I managed to escape through a secret passage, not here at the entrance."

Esther lead Victon to one alley ahead and walked into a dead end with a brick wall. Esther then pulled a brick out, then another and another until he see the hidden door on the floor.