Five Best Friends or Five Great Enemies?

Long San explained to Headmaster Lu three days in a row that the greenhouse had been attacked by the same strange spirit pet.

Already, his Grey Lord Caterpillar had reached level 30. All the strongest spirit pets in the Spirit Mountains had been devoured. He smiled, and went back to his house only to find his father smiling widely. He'd been invited to the White Palace that the White Sect only sent out to less than 1000 people! What kind of blessed day way this!

"Long San! You must be dressed and ready for the White Palace! You're also invited! Ha, I can't believe it! I never imagined in a million years that they'd let me go!"

"Ever since my trade roots closed because the mountains were overrun by spirit pets, I never imagined I'd once again see the rise of our sect possible! Go tell the beautiful Long Ai the good news!"

'They are going to try and kill you father,' Long San sighed and nodded his head and tried to appease his father's excitement. "It's unfortunate that I don't know what's going to happen now that you're still alive. In two weeks, we'll be attacked by a large insect horde of spirit pets, and over 5000 people will die. Yet, you aren't supposed to be alive, so maybe even that will change.'

'However, I don't even plan on being here for this disaster. I plan on entering the most famous spirit pet academy there is and leaving this all behind! Only there, can I truly get my revenge! Revenge on all those people who slighted me!'

"Son, you are completely not as excited as I expected. Shouldn't you be jumping up and down? This might mean they finally recognized your training of your insect spirit pet. What was it called again?"

"The White String Insect." Long San smiled and patted his father on the back. He was really quite a nice man, and it be a shame to let him die now that he was alive again. "However, father, can I please see the invite. I'd really like to know which office of the white palace sent it to you."

"Sure, but… why? Do you think it's a prank." Long Man said with a sigh. "You think they are pranking this old man because he can only trade crops with one village?"

"Father, if things go well, I'll make sure you're the leader of this entire village."

'That way I can do whatever I want here, hahaha!"


Long San used to have five best friends in the Spirit Mountains.

Three girls and two boys.

Three of the girls ended up falling in love with him, An Ai, An Lan, and Yun Ye. Two of the girls were sisters, which made it quite complicated but nonetheless his life was extremely easy going at the time.

As for the two boys, Ge Gong, and Ran Sen, the two of them treated him like the best of brothers. It was a shame, however, that both of them were also fated to die for knowing him. In the future, when he turned evil, both of them were executed for trying to protect the Blue Merchant Sect.

Today, as the farmers and their spirit pets began to harvest the crops as fall descended upon the village, he saw the two of them as he went outside. He was planning on going to acquire some more food for his Grey Lord Caterpillar today and see if he could get it to level 40. He figured poisoning the water supply in the mountains would be a good start. Quite a few level 50 spirit pets in the Nascent rank went there to drink.

"Long San, where have you been!" Ran Sen smiled at Long SAn while he walked outside in a blue robe. It seemed especially expensive for someone who lived in such a small sect. "Where did you get that robe? I've never seen you with such nice clothes on before."

"I-I kept this in my closet. My father was invited to the White Palace tomorrow night, and he refused to let me go out in anything unpleasant." Long San sighed, he genuinely had warm feelings for Ran Sen. He had long blue hair and a muscular frame for a 17 year old. "Anyways, what are you doing out here Ran Sen? Aren't you normally farming with your great white bull Spirit Pet?"

"My father said some of the crops were eaten by an insect type spirit pet,' Ran Sen sighed, and shook his head in disbelief. "I-I don't know who doesn't like us, but there is no need for me to till the land if we're missing half the crops."

'Sigh, why do I feel like I'm also the reason he's suffering?' Long San invited Ran Sen to walk with him and caught up.

Though he was evil at heart now, especially after the thousands he killed in the future, he still found Ran Sens' predicament kind of heinous. In one night, half his crops were eaten. Since he was part of the Green Harvest Sect, obviously, that would ruin his sects standing.

Sects, in the Spirit Mountains were ranked 1 - 10 with the weakest getting the least resources. Even the Green Harvest Sect, which was one of the three agrarian sects, would get less of their own crops if their rank dropped. Long San imagined that his father was probably blaming one of the other two harvest sects, or perhaps even the Blue Merchant Sect. Things were already getting so complicated. This didn't happen in his last life.

'Maybe because I have the Lord Grey Caterpillar hidden inside of me, things are starting to change. It has such a strong evil aura that it's probably making those who normalyl just scheme, actually engage in their acts.'

'I heard a few screaming women last night. I'm guessing those women weren't screaming out of joy,' Long San sighed and kept talking with Ran Sen till he made it to the edge of the forest. 'Anyways, at least he's still such a nice fellow. If there was one person I'd maybe consider helping, it's Ran Sen! After all, even when you're evil, you still need some people around you."

"Long San, Last thing," Ran Sen said, patting him on the back. "An Lan has been wondering why you haven't visited her or her sister. They also said you got taken off your greenhouse shift? Are you in danger or something?"

"No, I just have a lot I have to do before the scouts arrive from the best academy. The monthly tournament is coming up soon, right?"

"Yes, but I think no good scouts are coming this time. Haha, you really think you can qualify with that little insect of yours?" Ran Sen said, inviting Long San to walk into the forest while he turned around. "Anyways, I'll tell the girls your training then, haha! However, about the third An sister. Do you mind If i take a shot? You already got two of them after all."

"Fair warning, don't go to their house tonight." Long San waved and turned into the forest. 'If I'm correct, tonight will be the night the first insects attack. Oh well, if he doesn't take my word, it's not my fault.'