Training Facility

Academies in Long San's world, run by the Tang Dynasty, were the only way to truly get strong. They had all the beast resources, and were the only power in the Tang Dynasty that could kill beyond level 80 spirit pets.

These academies could therefore give the bodies and cores of these dead spirit pets to their students to get stronger! Though you could only join one between the ages of 18 and 20, those who joined became kings in their villages! Long San, obviously, was 18, and still had three years before he had to join one. He could take his time.

He put the device against his body and sighed while he waited for a reading to be returned…

"Hmmm it's already going above 50 percent!" Long San said with a smile. "My Grey Lord Caterpillar is probably working really hard to pay me back!" Long San watched the number keep rising.

'Yes, it's above 60 percent! Wait, how is it still going? I was at 30 percent at this time in my last life. I couldn't even get a second spirit pet for over 30 years.'

Long San reflected on his last life. It had been too tragic. All the women he dated had been killed, and while he was about to die he barely escaped thanks to a Dark Angel Spirit Pet that happened to sense something strange inside of him.

That Spirit Pet, Xama, he met three years in the future from now. Though she looked like a human, she was nothing but calculating! She'd be so proud to see his spirit cavity had developed into that of a monster! He could probably house all 4 of the spirit pets he used to own! And he was only level 25 now!

"65… 70…. 85… 90? It's already at 90!" Long San couldn't believe it. "95 percent! It's finally stopping! I can't believe it! I'm only 5 percent away from having a perfect spirit core! I-I can't let anyone know about this?"

Long San put away the spirit detector and marched back into the training area. Many people were beginning to snarkily laugh while he walked over to a strength machine.

"Ha, if it isn't the weakest of his class."

"He's only good with girls, nothing else. Black hair, handsome eyes, and nothing but weakness hidden underneath haha!"

"I heard his mother left his father because he was so disappointed." A woman added to her two friends. "Hmph, not impressive. Only the girls from the An Family are dumb enough not to see it."

'I'll deal with you later,' Long San saw some brats from the Blue Gale Sect that had annoyed him in his last life. 'You're just children right now. I'd be a waste of time if some words bothered me.'

Long San smiled and walked up to the strength machine while he noticed that his lack of a reaction seemed to bother the three people from the Gale sect. 'Ugh, I forgot. I used to get upset when they'd say stuff like that. Should I pretend to be bothered?'

"Long San," Han Mel said, the one guy from the Gale Sect with a divine type spirit pet. His parents said he was blessed from the heavens because when he walked into the Spirit Mountains one day a divine ranked spirit pet approached him. Since that day, the only thing that blessed him was a stick of arrogance up his ass. "Want me to show you how the strenght machine works first? Want me to hit it hard. Maybe it will make you finally decide to be like your father and march back and forth a few kilometers to pretend to trade goods, hahahaha!"

'I-I should probably try not to kill him,' Long San scoffed and moved aside from the machine. "Go ahead. Punch it. How's your sister by the way. Is she still sick?"

"She is, but not like you could do anything about it," Han Mel laughed and pulled down his blue sleeves. He had long black hair and looked so arrogant it looked like it tilted his face in a downward direction. "Why? You aren't going to try and make love to a paralyzed girl right?"

'I could probably fix her paralysis with my Grey Lord's Antidote, but whatever. She got poisoned by an insect right when she was young? I'm guessing since my insect is stronger than the insect that bit her by two ranks, she could probably be chirping and jumping up and down, but… why would I help such an idiot?" Long San finally replied,

"No, your sister will probably stay not moving because you're such an idiot. You are the reason she went to the forest that day right? Because you wandered off, hahaha! I guess before you got that divine ranked spirit pet, your sister was sacrificed. How does it feel to know that your karmic luck came at the suffering of such a beautiful girl?"

"You-you! How dare you Long San!" Han Mel swung back his arm and prepared to deck Long San in the face before he realized one of the Vice Elders was staring at him.

In the training facility, there was always at least 3 elders over level 40 to make sure that none of the kids stole anything of value, and 2, to stop the kids from fighting. If the kids wanted to fight, they could go to the training ring where practice matches for tournaments were held. Unfortunately, it was quite hard to set up a match between two sects because no one wanted to lose face. If two spiritualists did want to fight, however, it would usually be a grand event. Both families would come and wagers would be set.

There was also another reason why spirit pet fights were normally kept to the minimum. That was because spirit pets could be killed. If someone lost a spirit pet, even though they could be replaced, they'd have to feed another spirit pet for quite a long time to raise their level.

Spirit pets could support Spiritualists in two ways. One, they could give them spirit abilities, and two they could be called out to attack themselves. Long San's Lord Grey Caterpillar, for instance, had come out of his spiritual cavity to poison the water. Yet, there were other things it could do! It could also attack other spiritual pets itself with the two abilities Long San was also able to use! Of course, the cost of beckoning his spirit pet could be its death!

Yet, sometimes, in life or death battles people did really stupid things! And the last thing anyone from any sect wanted was their sons or daughters spirit pets to be killed! Such a thing would weaken not only the family, but their children's futures! Han Mel knew all of this and decided to hold back his rage.

"You-you're lucky we aren't outside right now. When an elder isn't around, I'll kick your ass!"

"How about this? If you can punch that machine harder than me, I'll see about healing your sister," Long San said with a smile, and held up his hand. "I happen to have met a powerful insect spiritualist that has taken a liking to me! He even has a god ranked insect! However, if you can't, I want you to give me all your Spirit food you get from the elders for 2 months."

"What? My Divine Spirit Pet will downlevel if I do that," Han Mel shook his head, and pushed away Long SAn. "YOu-you got some nerve. Hmph, If what you're saying is true, and you can cure my sister, why don't you just do it for free? Then, maybe, I'll only bother you once or twice a month."

'Of course he wouldn't believe that,' Long San sighed, and shook his head. He was trying to come up with a cover story for how he could have possibly got stronger so fast, and the old strong teacher appeared in his mind, but it seemed Han Mel wouldn't believe him no matter what. "HOw about this, Han Mel, all you have to do if I beat you is let me fight you in the training area. Is that a better offer? And if I lose, I'll do whatever you want for two weeks."

"Haha, so let me get this straight?" Han Mel tried to hold back his comfort with this offer. "You-you want me to get my family to agree to fight you, and if I win, you become my personal lacky for two weeks? I get to tell you to do whatever I want? What if I ask for you to bring An Ai and An Lan over to talk to me?"

"No, idiot. I'll do chores or something," Long San shook his head, and pointed at the machine. "Look, you're taking too damn long. Hurry up and take the deal or don't."

"Deal," Han Mel pulled up his other sleeve and slammed his hands together. "Hahaha, this is so rich! You must have gone crazy after being weak all these years. Take a look at this! I already mastered the Great Calling Fist!"

The Great Calling Fist was a spirit technique that only those with Divine Ranked Spirit pets could learn, and pretty much made the person who was punching with their fist unleash 2 times their normal damage.

It was one of the simplest spirit techniques someone could learn. Long San, himself, had almost forgotten about spirit techniques. After level 40, they were pretty much useless. He, himself, knew over 10 spirit techniques that could easily slaughter someone using Great Calling Fist.

'Let's see… I guess the great evil bull spirit technique is pretty useful right now.' Long San started to swing his fist which caused the people gathering around Long San to laugh.

"Did you hear? Long San challenged Han Mel to a competition," A girl in a white skirt and blue top said while she snickered. "He's so cute, but he's really too weak. Should I take pity on him and ask him out?"

"His father is pathetic," The girl's friend replied, "He barely has any more use for the sect but he still takes up 1 / 50th of the resources. As the tenth ranked sect, he should just leave and go somewhere else."

'These people really don't hold back themselves,' Long SAn watched Han Mel get ready to punch the machine. "Oh well, if I killed them all now, then who could I get to do my chores?"

Long San had a lot of time until anything pivotal happened in the Tang Dynasty. It would be 50 years before the level 120 insects began swarming through cities and causing destruction. He didn't mind taking it slow. 'Let's see. I'm guessing he'll get 300. The machine stops at 2000 right? Should I try and get 1000?'

Long San could vaguely guess the power of his fist as he punched forward, but couldn't know the exact amount.

He smiled and turned to the black machine that had an area to punch before Han Mel swung with all his might. He seemed so proud, but Long San barely felt an ounce of fear.


"Wow! He hit it so hard!"

"So impressive!" Two girls clapped. "He may not be as handsome as Long San, but he's certainly stronger! Look at those muscles!"


Han Mel punched the machine twice in a row and walked away as the number rose. He himself was proud. His Divine Rank spirit pet had gotten stronger in recent days! He had no idea why, but it felt good to be getting stronger!

"650! He got 650!" A girl clapped and ran over to Han Mel. "Oh my god. Damn! If he asked me out right now, I'd probably say yes! Did you hear me Han Mel? I'm available."

"I-I I'll think about it," Han Mel blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "Now Long San, Your turn!"

"Very well," Long San walked up to the machine and quickly swung his fist.


Instantly, the ground around him shook and a few cracks appeared. 'Oh shit, did I overdo it?'