Life Changing Wager

Long San yawned and took a nap for roughly 30 minutes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw two things that he wanted to see. Han Ola had walked all the way here from the Han residence, and his Silver String Spirit Pet had reached the divine rank.

"Come here and sit down," Long San said to Han Ola. She was wearing a blue silk dress and looked absolutely dazzling. She was pale, but had beautiful black hair and was probably pretty enough that even kings would fight over here. Yet, at the same time, she hadn't been out in the sun in years. "What did you get?"

"I got 3 God ranked cores my father probably forgot about, and a spatial ring that he also hasn't used. I put a few weapons inside of it."

"YOu sure he won't remember they were there?" Long San didn't want to attract too much attention to himself right now. "Will he recognize the ring if I wear it?"

"Not if you change the emblem. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

"No, go home and rest for three hours. The last thing I want you to do is jump out of bed and tell your father you had a dream. Tell him you had a dream to wager 10,000 spirit tokens on Han Man. After that, don't worry, I'll no longer be able to control you."

"Do you want anything else?" Han Ola said with a dazed expression. Her body looked so beautiful that Long San almost wanted to bite her. "If I am unable to remember, there must be a lot you must want."

"Unfortunately, I can't ravish you right now without leaving some type of mark." Long San shook his head and waved her away. "Haha, but she got me a spatial ring! What a great find! I didn't have one of these in my last life until I was level 40 with 3 spirit pets!"


Long San used the Spirit measuring device on his Silver String Insect to check it's rank. Sure enough, it really had reached the divine rank.

[Silver String Insect (Divine Rank)]

[Abilities have been upgraded according to detector]

[First ability: Silk Mold level 10]

[Before you could only make keys or daggers out of silk that were less than 12 centimeters long. You can now use silk mold to make any object that's a meter in length.]

[ second ability: Silk skin - level 20]

[Create a light armor of silk around your arms and legs that will protect from sharp weapons from penetrating your armor.]

[Third ability: Silk Wave - Level 30]

[Send out a large net of Silk that can capture a moving prey that's less than 2 meters tall. Works better on targets that are unaware that they are getting attacked. ]

'Hmmm, before it was practically useless. However, the last skill now is impressive. I can probably hunt spirit pets and sell them now at the spirit pet den in town.'

'However, silk skin is also useful. I think before, it's level 20 skill was silk earrings, and all they were almost completely useless.'

Long San asked his two spirit pets to return before he put the spatial ring in his pocket. A spatial ring was basically an area where objects could be stored and carried with ease. This saved a huge problem. He was wondering how to carry those large spirit cores.

Using his spirit energy, he put the spirit cores of the 30 dead Insect Dragons, and then walked away.

However, as he was leaving, he noticed a young woman laying by the edge of the water. She seemed to be foaming by the mouth.

"Help-Help me."

"You drank the water?" Long San leaned over and brushed back her hair. "How many drank the water with you. And what village are you from?"

"Small village… Only me…"

"You're pretty. Do you have anything of value?" Long San took out his Lord Grey Insect, and sighed before he asked for it to create a small antidote. He tossed over a vile he had in his pocket. "Anything of value you can tell me?"

"I-I know where it is… The insect that shed that shell. I know where it is."

"Hmmm, I guess I should save you then. If you're lying, I'll kill you. Does that sound like a fair trade."

"Please-I have children, Please don't kili me!" The woman started to gasp for breath before Long SAn tossed the antidote in her mouth. "What? What are you doing? What the hell are you giving me? Please! Please don't kill me."

"Go to sleep," Long San hit the woman in the back of the neck and looked down at her body. "Ugh, I really should've let you die. Knowing where that insect is will only cause me problems."


Training Ring,

Dozens of people were gathering around the training ring waiting for the match between Long San and Han Man. Quite a few people had bid against Long San except of course his father.

Long San's father had been told from Long San this morning to bet his entire savings of 10,000 spirit tokens on him! Though he didn't want to do it, Long San seemed to be confident that he would win. He sighed. The current odds against his son were 500 to 1. If he won, wouldn't that mean he'd get 50,000,000 spirit tokens in return? Did really no one else here decide to bet on anyone but Han Men? How ridiculous was that!

"Father, are you sure it's okay I'm outside today?" Long Ye asked, leaning on her father's shoulder. "I-I'm feeling a little bit better, but what if Long San loses. I don't think I'll be able to take seeing him get hurt. I feel like I might just fall back into bed again!"

"Nonsense, Long San seemed really confident today. I have a feeling he might have gotten a second spirit pet." Long Cal said and patted her on the back. He believed his daughter was in better spirits because Long San had gotten a new job. He'd been bringing home lots more spirit tokens then usual, and even left them over 100 this morning when he returned from the mountain. "Look, your brother is a playboy, but every once in a while he uses his head and good things happen. Over 2000 people are here today to watch! Do you really think he'd embarrass us?"

Long Cal sighed and watched Han Man jumped onto the stage. He immediately called out his two spirit pets. One of them, a level 30 divine spirit pet called the steel jaw bird, and the other a level 35 nascent spirit pet the black tail bird.

Though the black tail bird was probably almost as weak as Long San's Silver String Insect, it was still nonetheless quite a powerful spirit pet.

'The rules are to release your spirit pet before the matches start so the judges can see it will be a fair fight. I'm guessing Han Man plans on using both his spirit pets.' Long Cal sighed and put his arm around his daughter. She seemed to be trembling while more powerful families came in.

'Oh look, there is someone from the second sect, the Gold sect. Why am I not surprised some from their sect would show up to watch this match. A few of the Gold Sects elders are close with the Han Sect Elders. Make sense they'd want to see my son lose.'

"Long Cal, is that you?" SOmeone from the Gold sect smiled and rushed over to him. "Long Cal! It's been so long! So good to see you!"

"Am I dreaming?" Long Cal turned to his daughter who had her black hair in a bun while she shook her head. "Isn't that an elder from the GOld sect."

"Long Cal! Long Cal!" A lady in a golden dress rushed towards him! "So nice to see you hear! I heard your son did quite a number on the strength machine!"

"What? I'm sorry, am I in your way?" Long Cal stood up to make room for the lady to run passed him in the aisle. "Do you need to get by?"

"NO, of course not," the lady stopped and playfully pushed Long Cal in the chest. "I'm here to talk about your son. I'd like to ask him to stop by tonight and test his strength again. We have a much higher rated machine then the one he used."

"We found the spirit talisman he said he used to boost his strength on the floor, but it was faulty! Your sons strength is really over 2000! He might have gotten lucky, hahaha! His spirit pet might have reached the divine rank or even higher!"

Long San walked into the training area at this moment and sighed before he looked up and saw his father. He had a lot going on right now. He was making the lady he found by the watering hole scout out where she found the insect.

'God, I have a feeling she's going to die. Oh well, she did tell me she knew where it was, and I had to go make her find it.' Long San ordered the lady to go check out the cave and give him the exact coordinates. He did give her an antidote after all. 'Anyways, why is that lady talking to my father? Don't tell me, is she here to talk to him about me?'

Long San sighed when he realized he accidentally dropped the strength talisman he said he had the other day. Obviously, it wasn't a strength talisman, but just a piece of paper. The last thing he wanted was someone to figure out he was strong.

'I'm guessing this will make things complicated. However, as long as the bets have been placed, I should be fine.' Long San looked over at the betting board and saw that the odds were 500 to 1 against him. 'Well, this makes things simple. I kick his ass, and my father gets rich and I no longer feel indebted to him. Then, if I leave town, I can leave and never come back.'

"Long San, get onto the stage you punk," Han Men said, laughing as his two spirit pets flapped by him. "Hahaha! Feast your eyes on my divine rank spirit pet!"

'What an arrogant fool. I'll crush him in just a second.' Long San jumped onto the stage, and looked around him, 'But wow, over 2000 people are here to watch me kick his ass. I guess I better hold back my strength or I'll be in a world of trouble.'