Insect Type Spirit Pets

Long San felt so confident that he'd crush Han Men, but was starting to sweat.

He never was one to be in the limelight. He normally killed indiscriminately only in the darkness. Yet now, he was in the center of one of the biggest stages of the Spirit Mountains. Not exactly what he would like to be doing, but it was definitely going to help him in the long run.

'I can accomplish a lot of things by crushing Han Men. For one, I'll no longer have to be bothered by his little followers. I already crushed An Lang so bad that he probably won't wake up for two days.. Hmph, after this, I can probably go around and ask for whatever I want, and people will what I want to me.'

Long San saw the referee walking towards him and smiled.

The White Sect's Elders, the Gold Sect's Elders, and quite a few of the smaller families were here watching. Of course, there was the usual bickering, but nothing that distracting.

"I placed enough spirit tokens on Long San's loss to buy a nascent rank spirit pet. He must be here today to lose. I bet he even placed a bet against himself hahaha!" one of Han Men's brother's smiled and looked at his sister. She was ravishing today, and her pearl body was shimmering while she responded,

"He's pathetic! I heard An Ai won't even talk to him anymore,' she said, "Hmph, a lot of girls like him, but I don't see what there is to like. He used to watch the spirit pets and thats probably why all the girls came to see him. They were probably stealing spirit food for their spirit pets after using him, hahaha. Now, without that job, all the girls are ignoring him."

'More like I've been too busy,' Long San turned and saw the White Sect's core family also starting to gossip. 'Ugh, I never thought I'd see that bastards face again either. Isn't that Lan Sen? Doesn't he in the future get into one of the best academies. If I remember correctly, I spent over 100 years trying to kill him and never found out where he was hiding. Hmmm, I wonder if he's still as strong as I remember.'

He looked up and saw Lan Sen sitting down next to three girls while he finally took out his Silver String Insect spirit pet. He was going to only be using the abilities of this spirit pet today, so he didn't have to obviously take out Gal. Long San noticed Lan Sen talking and sighed.

"Hahaha! Girls, this is what I love," Lan Sen said with a smile. "People like Long San that try so hard to strive for greatness! Isn't it great to see them! In the future, he'll probably get crushed so bad, but right now, this is what makes a man! Watching another man suffer while he holds three girls around him tight."

"You're so bad, Lan Sen. Hehe, I'm embarrassed to be here with my two friends. You-you can't invite all three of us outside like this at the same time. It's almost like you're planning on dating all three of us at the same time."

"I am," Lan San said, petting two girls on the back. "In exchange for you dating me, all three of you, I can promise you a lot?"

"Oh, well how about this? If Long San loses like you say, all three of us girls will date you for one day, haha, but if he wins, you have to go down there and bow by his feet."

"Hahaha, I love that wager! Let's do it,"Lan Sen smiled and looked down at Long San. "YOu better lose, jerk. Otherwise, I'll cut you to pieces!"


Long SAn patiently waited for the judge to assess his spirit pet.

He sighed and crossed his arms. It was just a level 30 spirit pet? How hard was it to assess.

"This-this is really the Silver String Insect? It's showing a reading of a divine pet. Only a little bit away from a god ranked pet."

"It's really the same one. Now can I fight him." Long San tapped his fingers impatiently with his arms crossed. "You're making me waste my time. I have things I have to do today."

"He sounds confident," A woman in the crowd said. "Hey Long San! I'm An Ai's friend! Remember me! I played look out when you were on your shift hahaha! How about this? For encouragement, if you win, I'll let you take me home!"

'She's so drunk,' Long San watched the girl get stared at by her friends. "I-I think I remember her. Isn't that An Lele? Doesn't she get killed during the insect raid.'

The insect raid was so damn horrible that Long San almost didn't want to recall it. There had been hundreds of spirit pets versus tens of thousand of wild insect spirit pets.

The outcome was that after all the spirit pets died, the spiritualists that remained had to use themselves to fight. After 5000 were slaughtered, a wall of bones kept the insects fed long enough that help was able to arrive.

'She-she got killed by her own boyfriend if I remember. What was his name again? Whatever, If she really wants to play after, I might take her up on her offer.'

"I-I have confirmation of the spirit pets!" The referee said and held up his arm. "We have here a divine ranked insect on Long San's side and one Divine ranked bird and one nascent ranked bird on Han Men's side. Do we have permission to proceed with the battle from the sect leaders?"

"Confirmed," Lan Qui from the White Sect's Core family seemed a little bit surprised while he stood to agree. "However, are you saying Long San really has a divine ranked spirit pet? How is that possible?"

"I had some good luck," Long San smiled while he looked at Han Man. He was beginning to sweat out of nervousness.

He figured that Long San used the strength talisman the other day and was lying about getting 700 on the spirit machine, but now-now he understood why!

Insect spirit pets gave more strength to their users than bird type spirit pets. Basically, every spirit pet you got boosted your attributes. If he had a divine ranked spirit pet, that meant he was really stronger than him! And it was level 30! He-he had totally gotten duped.

"I-I can't lose! My father placed 1 / 10th of his savings on the line," Han Men started to tremble while the leaders of the sects discussed whether for the match to proceed. Finally, they held up their hands to all confirm. "I-I can do this! I have the fastest agility out of anyone in my family that's level 301 It should be a cinch!"

There were different types of spiritualists, or those who possessed spirit pets, but only four main types that teams recruited. These four types were strength types, control types, agility types, and support types.

Out of all the types, a good control type and support type were usually the most sought after because most spirit pets tended to have strength or agility type abilities. Basically, the main control and support type spirit pets weren't very numerous in the wild because they couldn't protect themselves.

There was two ways around this in order to get support and control type spirit pets. One, to raise them for generations and make them a heritage type spirit pet, those you'd give to every member of your family, or two, to find one in the wild.

In the wild, the only really control type spirit pets that could be somewhat caught were insect type spirit pets because they lived in large colonies, and had many different roles, but support type spirit pets were nearly impossible to find. Hence, it was very common for someone like Han Men to have to go the route of agility. However, even though he did so, he could still do a lot of damage! He was confident in himself.

"We've gotten approval for you two to battle. Remember, no fatal injuries, and no killing spirit pets," The referee backed away and activated a spirit pet of his own.

It was known as a Leaf Dome Toad. It had three leafs around its head that began to rapidly grow outward.

'I'm being overly cautious, but just incase someone in the audience could get hurt.' The referee held up his hand. "Now, do either of you have any thing you want to say to the audience?"

"I do!" Han Men said, smiling and laughing. "I will show you that a Divine Insect can never win against a divine bird, hahaha! I may not have a phoenix, but like always, a bird will peck out any insect! I swear here right now, that Long San will be completely and thoroughly defeated! If there are any scouts in the audience! Please select me for your school!"

'Oh right, scouts sometimes hide in towns and wait for events like this,' Long San sweeped his eyes through the crowd and shook his head. 'Ugh, but what an idiot. I almost feel bad about how bad I'm about to crush him. I guess I'll let him attack me for three minutes at least. That way, my father will be able to collect his bid.'

"Well then, since Long San is staying silent," The judge backed away. "Begin!"