The Silk Skin of Little Silver

Long San's body seemed to shift slightly to the left as Han Men rocketed towards him.

Two wings that seemed to be made out of air appeared behind Han Men's back while he laughed and instantly bridged the gap between him and Long San! This was his first spiritual ability of his Divine Steel Jaw Bird, air wings!

He activated his second spiritual ability, Steel claws, and slashed at Long San. This should be over quicker than it began.

"Silk Skin, activate!" Long San held up his arm before the claws slashed towards him. His hand instantly seemed to get covered with a white armor while everyone in the audience laughed.


Long San stepped one foot back towards the edge of the ring and grunted. He was somewhat surprised by Han Man's strength. He most likely had activated a strength talisman, but nonetheless, it should still be a pretty easy battle.

'How did he only move a step back!' Han Man slashed out with his claws three more times at Long San. 'He should have shot out of the ring! I'm certain, with that strength talisman plus my speed, I should be able to do 1400 on the strength machine! AH! Again!"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Long San playfully moved From side to side to dodge the sharp silver claws of Han Men before he flipped off one foot in the air and landed behind Han Man. He smiled, and looked at the few people near the betting booth starting to tremble. They were probably certain Long San was going to lose.

"I think you might have missed me, Han Men," Long San held out his hand and activated Silk Mold before a saber appeared in his fists. "Want to try that again? I have an offer here from a nice lady to go home with her if I beat you."

"You're nothing compared to me," Han Men snickered and activated his level 30 ability, super wing. "My speed is now about to get 2 times faster. I doubt even someone level 40 could stop this attack."

"Come," Long San waved his arm at Han Men before he screamed like a banshee and shot towards Long San. "Hehehe, Let's see what you can do."


"He's embarrassing him," Someone in the audience said, "That Long San hasn't been hit once and it's been five minutes."

"He's probably waiting for the right moment to punch him in the face," Another snickered while Long San seemed to dodge a myriad of attacks with ease. "Haha, Han Man is never going to be able to get a wife now! He was never very good looking, and now he can't even beat the guy who was said to be one of the weakest in the village."

"Ah! You piece of shit! Stand still!" Han Man swiped down at Long San who stepped back using the spirit technique speed steps. "You-you're running around like a scardie cat! I-I just have to hit you once hahaha!"

"Times up," Long San stepped forward and instantly caused his shirt to tear. A large burst of air appeared behind his arm before he struck forward.


Long San's arm bulleted right towards Han Man's face and stopped an inch away. Han Man instantly froze and place and fell onto his knees.

"Silk Wave," Long San opened his hand before Han Man's entire body got covered in a silk net. He instantly fell to the floor and screamed while Long San leaned down towards him. "Haha, I could've really hurt you if I hit you, but this is better. Shall I slowly kick you out of the ring."

"Stop, he cheated!" Lan Sen said, raising his arm. "Han Men cheated in the battle to begin with! From the beginning this fight wasn't fair for Long San! Judge, i think it's only fair you stop the fight now."

"I'm sorry, but don't interfere," Long San kicked Han Man in the face and sent him rolling towards the exit of the ring. "You have proof he cheated? Otherwise, go back to playing with your three girls."

"Judge, I'm not talking to him," Lan Sen coughed. "Judge, please… please disqualify Han Man. If you disqualify him, those who placed bets will surely be refunded right?"

"Hmmm, do you have proof," The judge sighed and walked away from Long San. After all, he also placed a bet against Long San losing even though he wasn't supposed to do that as a judge. "If you do, I guess I'll have no choice but to go with what you said."

"And he's out of the ring," Long San stopped holding back and kicked Han Man as hard as he could in the face. He instantly shot into the wall and sent shrapnel shooting in every direction. "Ooops, judge, you should read the rule book, you can only disqualify someone if they didn't lose, and he just lost," Long San yawned and jumped out of the ring. "Anyways, anyone have the rule book. Turn to page 12. I think you can only disqualify someone in the beginning of the fight, right?"

Long San sighed and walked off the stage. He shouldn't be taking this so seriously, but he wasn't about to lose 50 million medium spirit tokens. He sighed and jumped up to the betting booth and picked up a tournament rule book. A few people seemed to be shocked seeing that he was the victor, but he didn't care. He won fair and square.

'This may come back to bite me in the butt, but I hate nothing more than getting cheated.' Long San opened the rule book to page 12 and sure enough you couldn't disqualify someone after the fight started.

"Yup, it says right here, no disqualification after the sects have confirmed the match can start. Anyways, Lan Sen, does that satisfy you?" Long SAn said with a tiny trace of annoyance while the judge himself looked for a loss for words. "What? Didn't think I'd win? Well, I Did, so any of you who bet against me have yourselves to blame!"

Long San knew he wasn't making the best decision right now, but in his last life he got cheated thousands of times! Before he met Xama, the Dark Angel Spirit Pet, people had bullied him and made him do horrible things.

He couldn't count the number of times people had stolen spirit pet corpses from him, or the number of times rich sect elders forced him to give up his spirit tokens! Not again! He wasn't going to let the same thing that happened last life happen again!

"Well then, if that's the case, let me bow to you right now, Long San," Lan Sen got down on his knees and prostrated in front of the entire crowd. "You see, I told those three girls I would bend down on my hands and knees if I lost."

"Son, please stand," Lan Qui his father screamed, "There are people watching son! What are you doing? Scouts could be here! Get up! Get up!"

"No father, I am a man of my word," Lan Sen got up and wiped off the dust before he turned to the three girls who were also completely in shock. That could've ruined his reputation with scouts!

It was extremely important for most scouts for all the prestigious institutions that their candidates never lost a battle! Bending the knee, though not the same, was still a sign of defeat! IF a scout was here today, and Lan Sen didn't get into a prestigious school, it would be because of Long SAn! EVen he realized that.

'Shit, I had no idea he placed a stupid bet on me. Otherwise, I would've rather given up the spirit tokens,' Long San scoffed and shook his head. "Hmph, Lan Sen, I'm taking it you were so confident in me losing that you told those three girls you'd bow or something? Is that correct?"

"Haha, yup. I like to be a man of my word like I said. I one day want to hunt vile spirit masters. I want to cleanse this earth of filth."

"Hmmm," Long San sighed and shook his head. "Well, I never asked you to bend so don't consider it a loss or anything like that. And I really hope that no scout is here takes it as a sign of weakness. Lan Sen here is showing what I call pride in defeat. Anyways, unless anyone else wants to fight me today, I'll be leaving now."

"You-you are quite impressive," the lady from the Golden Sect said. Her real name was Bai Lu. "Would you mind coming over to the Gold Sect tonight, and having a real party? I heard what happened to you last night. Would you care to join us. I mean, after all, such a person like you is fragile right now. You wouldn't want to be crushed by an angry father from the White Clan would you?"

"Maybe," Long San took a large bag of spirit tokens from the trembling hands of the vendor and somewhat annoyingly scoffed. "However, I mean… I can't make it tonight. I need two weeks until I can come over."

"Very well, take two weeks," Bai Lu bowed and watched Long San walk off towards his father. "I guess, in exchange, I can protect the blue merchant sect for two weeks as well. And why do I have a feeling you know I'd protect you. Such a sharp look in those eyes of yours. Terrifying that you're so young."