
When Mr. Jordan talks about me— having no rights to complain about what he's going to do with me for the whole duration of six months working with him as his personal assistant, never ever crossed my mind that he meant about making me feels like I'm in a living hell.

Working with him for almost 24/7 makes me feel like I'm in a calvary most of the time. Lexy wasn't making false statement when she told me what kind of human being Mr. Jordan is when it's come to work.

He's a monster. A dominating/arrogant/ruthless monster I ever known. He's the living proof that Lucifer really existed in this world.

Everytime I'am in his office and he's around, I can't breath normally and my heart is beating so fast. Not because I like him or I'm in love with him but because he scared the hell out of me.

I'm afraid of him. I realized that the Cylec Marcus Jordan I've known before was no longer existed in this world. He changed— a lot. Not for the better, but for worst.

Now I understand Lexy when she told me how scared they are to Mr. Jordan. That's what I'm feeling too. And when I say I'm scared, just hearing his voice and footsteps approaching makes me feel uneasy and bothered.

I'm afraid to make any mistakes about monthly report. His schedules for the month. Even when I'm just printing, answering phone calls and making his coffee.

He looks so serious and dangerous at the same time even he's just reading and signing some papers related to work. And when I caught him staring at me for no particular reason, my gosh! I think I'm gonna die any moment!

And to think that I made him mad when I dare cash advance my six salary right after I just signed the contract with such a huge amount makes me feel more awful. I didn't know that I survived that day.

When I saw his reaction that time, I don't wanna think about it anymore. It's so creepy and horrible. I'm just glad that the result of my action that day has been paid off.

Mom already got her operations and therapy. Right now she's still in the hospital, gaining her strength and still recovering. I wanted to take a day off even just for a day to visit her but I don't have any courage and strong will to do that.

I don't want to add any calvary moment in my life as possible as I can. I still wanted to live for so long. I still wanted to experienced finding my Truelove,akes my own family and lived happily ever after.

And I won't be able to do that if I pissed Mr. Jordan coz I'm gonna be dead any moment for sure.

"Ms. Jaranilla, are you listening?"

Huh? Did the devil just call my name? I almost jumped on my seat when I heard him placed a bundle of documents in my desk, right in front of me that cause an eerie sound. See? Even putting some documents in my desk feels like I'm in horror movie.

"Pardon, Mr. Jordan?"

I said and waited for him to tell me what is he wanted to make me do.

"I said I needed ten copies each of this documents until this afternoon."

He said impatiently.

I looked at the thick bundle of documents in front of me. He needed this documents this afternoon. And he even said ten copies each. Just looking on the papers, maybe it's around 100 pages.

Tss. What is he gonna do on this crap of papers, really? Is he going to run as a president and this is some kind of sample ballot!? Gosh, I'm almost tempted to throw all of this in front of him! Even the phocopying machine will gonna give up on this!

"Yes, Mr. Jordan. Copy."

That's all I say.

"And don't forget my iced coffee."

He said again.

Iced coffee my foot! Because of him, I've learned that coffee wasn't only one flavor at all. Since I'm not a coffee lover, all I know is black coffee. My mom used to drink that natural black coffee every morning.

But since I became his P.A, I've learned that there's a different kind of coffee. Black coffee, caramel, with ice, cappuccino and creamy latte. And he is drinking those coffee according to his mood.

Black coffee if he felt sleepy from reading and signing those documents. Iced coffee when he's tired and he wanted to refreshed his mind and when he's thinking about a perfect plan for the upcoming projects.

Caramel and creamy latte if he had a female visitors coming in and out on his private room. And cappuccino if he don't have anything to do but make fun of me by just commanding me to make a coffee for him but he's not going to drink it.

"Yes, sir."

I said. I'am about to leave to do what he says when he talk again.

"One more thing. Whose on the list right now?"

When he said "On the List", what he meant are those woman used to visit him Monday to Friday on his private room here on his office and who knows what they're doing inside.

I don't have any idea except those woman coming from his private office leaves in a messed like they just shared a steamy and intimate moment together. What a disgusting human being!

He can taked them on his penthouse or wherever he wants. But doing those things inside his office and knowing that I'm just here outside makes me wanna throw up.

And to think that he knew before that I liked him makes me feel more awful. Even a little consideration wasn't his thing. It only means that he doesn't liked me since the very beginning. He's not even bothered what I'm going to think about him.

And who cares about what I'm thinking, by the way. Past is past. I'm already over him, I realized that already. I'm not affected anymore when I saw those socialites he's bringing on that private room.

With lots of them, as in everyday he's changing his woman, maybe the next thing he's gonna asked me is an appointment for private doctor coz he's already infected and contaminated by virus called HIV.

I quickly looked at the ledger where I wrote the name of those fucking woman. Wow, Cyleen. You said you're not affected anymore. Why it sounds like you're jealous when you tsaid fucking woman with conviction!

"Sammy Estradez, Mr. Jordan."

I said.

Wait. Did I write it wrong? Sammy Estradez? As in that same Sammy who's also our classmates in high school? I didn't know that he's still had contacts with her. And I didn't know that he's dating her.

"Let her in once she arrived. I'm just on my private room."

He said before he disappeared in front of my desk.

I smiled bitterly. That jerk! Before, he told me that there's no way he's gonna like Ms. Estradez. Way back, she really had a crush on Mr. Jordan but just like me, he turned her down. And now, he's dating her.

What's our difference then? We both liked him before but now, Ms. Estradez can have and date him. While I still can't. And I dont have any plan on doing that either. I guess it's my ego that hurts right now.

Why he can date Ms. Estardez and I still can't? What's the difference? He don't like us before. Oh, maybe he don't really like me before and up to the present, while Ms. Estradez captured his attention and heart by now.

I can't say that she's lucky if ever coz I know his where abouts about woman. He's changing everyday. I don't know if Ms. Estradez was aware of that. And I don't want to tell her either coz I don't want to meddle on their set up. Good luck for the both of them, then.

Instead of thinking about it, I started to photocopied those documents he placed on my desk. I'm not even in a half when a pretty, brunette and sophisticated woman entered the office.

It's Sammy Estradez, for pity sake!