
( Lucy's pov)

Clayton walks me back to my room, once we get back, Clayton pushes me against the wall, we share a deep kiss. Both of us hunger for more, but before we get too far , Alex knocks on my door. I tell Clayton to hide in the bathroom, so nothing happens to him. I must tell Alex everything. He must be banished. And I have guards outside my room if anything bad happens. I open my door and Alex storms in, he starts yelling about the dance.

" Where did you go! You just decided to leave me there?"

" I remember everything, Alex. We're over."

" What the heck! You ditch me, then you fall for Clayton?"

" I left because I had a headache," I lie, " Then I remembered, everything. You have no place in my country."

" No this is my country, we were engaged!"

I don't remember that happening. I am certain I never would have said yes to this feline.

" No we weren't. You can't trick me or play me like that again. I'm not your doll."

" I know you love Clayton."

" So? He has nothing to do with this."

" I will ruin you."

" You forget that I have guards outside and they can hear everything. Guards! Take him away now, and plan for a sentencing for him and his family tomorrow!" They nod and walk out.

I motion for Clayton to come out. He looks like he just saw a ghost. " What is it?" I ask. Confused.

" You were engaged?"

" No I wasn't. I promise. I would have never said yes to someone like him. I had always had a gut feeling that he wasn't right, something about him."

" You promise."

" Yeah. Of course, I never got engaged, it was just him trying to play me," I sigh, " again."

" I gotta go, good night," he says. This tone takes me back to a couple of hours ago, when I didn't know that I felt that way about him. We were so distant. And now we are back to that state. It kills me. I feel as if the world has come crashing into me like a boulder, knocking me down.

I get ready for bed, and my maids leave. I walk out onto my new balcony, from my queens suite. This overlooks the gardens, and they look so big and beautiful. I look over to my left, and a couple balconies down. I see Clayton.