VOID Spells Part 4, Absorb and Release

The Void Erase was a good skill that would make anyone stay dead and not resurrect themselves for some unknown or bullshit, Elizabeth was sure that she needed this skill since she had a feeling that she needed to erase somebody or someone to make them stay dead. (Some unknown protagonist or heroes that happens to be alive for some unknown or weird reason)

Elizabeth wanted to make the fourth spell, This spell would be used to defend and attack herself, The Spell can be used in many situations but the only situation Elizabeth could think of is a Counter Attack. She would be able to counter an attack and attack with their own attack but with the power multiplied.

The Theory of this Spell is the product of the Singularity called Black Hole, They Absorb something or matter itself but where is the matter that sucked going? Would they stay in the Black Hole forever? Be stuck in the singularity where the Void Exist? This was why the theory called White Hole exists.

'This theory hasn't been proven in the Modern Knowledge that was given by Mr. Devil but is a good reference for my spell.' Elizabeth thought to herself, This theory gave her another idea for a good spell. The White Hole is an Opposite of the Black Hole, Instead of absorbing the matter around it. It will probably spew it out all creating weird things around it.

It was time for Elizabeth to make another spell, Elizabeth's Magic Blueprint is now running out. She could only create 2 spells so she had to make them efficient and useful, Elizabeth took out the same things she brought when she created the Void Spells.

'The first thing about this spell is the Absorption ability.' Elizabeth thought to herself, If she wanted to absorb something she would probably need to recreate a black hole. She needs this to be controllable and wouldn't destroy everything in its path, It will probably be hard but all she needs is time a lot of tests.

Elizabeth began writing about the Absorption Ability in her Magic Blueprint. She wanted this spell to have 3 abilities which are Absorb and Release, The last one is a secret. The First ability she would need to make is the Absorb part of the Spell, It took an hour for her to put all the reference she knew in the spell.

"Let's test it." Elizabeth muttered, It was now time for her to test the absorption ability of the spell. She then stretches her body and heads towards a clear area that had one bush in it, It was a perfect place for her absorption ability. A while later Elizabeth finally arrives at the perfect testing site of Her Spell.

Elizabeth began looking around the area, She was always like this when she tested something. She would always look around the area trying to see if there is a human or any creature nearby since there could be a possibility that she would lose her focus. After checking the area, Elizabeth then began using the first ability of her spell.

'Void State, Absorb' Elizabeth thought about the spell, Her Magic Core began absorbing the Mana in the air and transform it into a Void Element. This Void Element is gathering on one spot which is her right arm, The Void State didn't engulf her whole body and was just currently in her right hand.

Elizabeth could control the Void State to protect certain body parts, Which is a good thing since she didn't want to waste any mana just to use a Void Spell. Elizabeth was still standing gathering the Void ELement towards her Right arm, It took a while for the Void State to be noticeable.

Her Right hand had the good old Aura of the Void which is a Bluish Violet light, She didn't know why this was the Color of the Void since it was supposed to be nothingness but she didn't care about colors and just cared about the results. The Void state in her right hand is active and Her absorb state was now starting.

In her right-hand palm, a Black Hole was slowly forming a singularity. Thankfully her whole right arm and hand were protected by the Void State, The Whole area around her was slowly getting ravaged by the Black Hole. Elizabeth then pointed the Absorption towards the Bush and the whole bush got absorbed by the Black Hole.

After absorbing the whole bush, Nothing was left in its place and the Blackhole on Elizabeth's palm close itself. Elizabeth then began looking around the area and it showed no signs of damage which means that she succeded at the Absorption test of her spell. After looking around the area, Elizabeth then sighed and spoke with her calm and soft voice.

"It is a success." The First ability of the fourth spell was a success, She manages to use it without too much destruction in the area and also without hurting herself. This was a success for her and it was time for her to create the Second ability of her spell which is the Release.

She went back to her place and stares at the Magic Blueprint, She then began writing and drawing the second ability which is release. The Magic Blueprint can host many abilities as long as the spell would be able to handle it without crashing. She wrote many things about the Release and the Third ability was the first one she created before the two abilities.

The Third Ability is the first one she created in this spell, It was the Void Dimension. She just cannot absorb anything without putting it somewhere so she created the Void Dimension, A very small Dimension that was 5 to 5 to 5 meters in size which is very small.

The Things that were absorbed would be put in the Void Dimension and they would wait for the release to spew them out of the Dimension. Elizabeth didn't know if this should be called a dimension but she knew that the Dimension is inside her and it wasn't something that can create many things but was just an ability that was inside her instead of it being outside.

"I'm finally done." Elizabeth was now done at the release ability, This ability took the same time as the absorb but it was worth it for her. Elizabeth then heads back to the place or area where she tested the absorb, She stands at the same place or position where she tested the absorb.

"Void State, Release." Elizabeth uses the same style as the absorb, The only thing that was different is the fact that she was currently using her left arms instead of her right arm. She could actually use these abilities in her different arms but she needs to learn the style of using all arms so that she won't get confused and have an accident due to her trying to confuse herself with her arms.

It had the same process as the right arm, Elizabeth began using the mana in the air and put it in her magic. This Magic Core like before would use the mana and transform it into a void element, The Void state is also protecting her left arm. A while later the results could finally be seen.


It was not the same as the soundless black hole she uses, The Palm of her left arms produce something that was very different from the black hole. A Whitehole was slowly revealing itself and the weird thing about this Whitehole is the fact that it was releasing everything that is inside the Void Dimension.

The Whole area was hit by something that had the same power as a shockwave. The Strong Absorbing power of the Blackhole and the Strong Releasing power of the Whitehole. What would happen if the two of them were used at the same time as what Elizabeth had planned.

The Whole Bush that was absorbed by the Blackhole was spewed out of the void dimension, It was like someone just got sick and threw up everything that was inside his stomach. A while later after the Whitehole spewed out the Whole bush, It began closing itself and the whole Whitehole disappeared as if nothing happened.

"It was a success." Elizabeth spoke with a calm but good voice, She was kind of feeling good when her test was succeeded. She thought that it was not possible to recreate something from a theory but if she had the ability to erase something like this would be something that won't be challenging for her. Elizabeth sighed and spoke in her calm tone.

"The Spell is done, It is time for me to wait." Elizabeth just returns back to the area where she stayed in the grassland, She was currently waiting for the confirmation that her spell was a success. After a while later, The one that she was waiting for was finally. The Notification then revealed itself.

[Void Absorb and Release has been accepted as a spell.]

[Void Dimension is a different ability and would be transformed into a new spell.]

"Eh?" Elizabeth was surprised at what she saw, The Third ability was made into a complete separate spell. This would mean that she had a new spell without wasting the last Magic Blueprint, But she already had a spell that was recorded there. This is still a good thing for Elizabeth since it would help her.

[Void Absorb and Release: A Magic Spell that could Defend and Attack at the same time, This spell is the combination of an Offensive and a Defensive ability. The User could make two things that destroy the so-called laws of physics, which are called the Black and White hole. The Blackhole is the First Ability that would absorb anything from energy, matter, or anything. There would be an absorption power and as the rank increases the power of the absorption gets stronger. The Whitehole is the Second Ability that releases everything that the Blackhole absorbed. The Things that was absorbed in the Blackhole would have their power multiplied, The Current multiplied power is x2. This would increase as the Magic Kriger rank increase.]

[Void Dimension: This place is a semi-dimension that could not be called a full dimension but represents the name dimension, This semi-dimension is just an empty place. Nothing would exist here but as the Ranking of the User increase, The Dimension's potential would also increase. The Current thing the Void Dimension could do is to help the Void Absorb and Release.]

"Powerful spells." This was the only thing Elizabeth could say when she saw the Skill Description, Although not as cool as Void Erase. It was still a good spell that could help her, The Void Absorb and Release is still what she expected except the Power Multiplier that was given to the Whitehole.

The Void Dimension was something she didn't expect and the whole thing was still shocking for her, A semi-dimension that could be given the potential to be a real or true dimension. But something was bothering Elizabeth, This has been bothering her ever since she created the Void Spells.

"My spells are connected to my Magic Krieger Rank." Elizabeth has been thinking about this for a while, She has been absorbing Mana of Order for a long time but she still cannot move up a rank. This would mean that the only problem was the Mana of Chaos that she only one time absorbed. She had no choice but to go back to the ancient hall.

While Elizabeth was thinking about a lot of things or about the rankings, A light was seen in the distance. Elizabeth clearly saw the light and notices that something was heading towards her. It was a truck but the Chaos or Emotions she felt from the truck was something dirty and not good.

"Enemy?" Elizabeth then prepared her Alle Waffen, All of her abilities was charging up and she was absorbing the mana in the air. Elizabeth then saw the full size of the enemy, She was surprised but calm. The Enemy in front of her is an army of trucks, And there were hundreds of trucks that she was currently seeing.

The Hundreds of trucks then stop in front of her, The Truck that was in front of the Trucks was bigger than normal. This would mean that the truck in front of her is a truck from the leader. The Doors of the truck slowly opens and a shout was heard in it.

"Why the fuck is a girl in the middle of nowhere." The Middle age man shouted while looking at Elizabeth with lustful eyes, This was literally noticed by Elizabeth and this was the biggest mistake they ever did. The Man didn't care about what Elizabeth's face was and just spoke with arrogance.

"Why not come with use little lady, We can have fun." The Middle Age man said with a creepy smile, The Bandits around him was laughing and smiling towards Elizabeth. These Bandits are literally trying to bully a monster that has the experience of something very bad and did a lot of genocide that even includes baby monsters.

This Lady in front of them ate monsters as her food mainly babies, What would happen to them if the Lady in front of them gets pissed when someone just steps on her face while she was having a good time with her spells? There is only one thing that would happen to them and this would be very ugly...

They would meet their maker called Primus....

The Alle Waffen slowly materialize on Elizabeth's right arm, It was releasing an Aura that wanted to kill and destroy everything in its wake. It has been a long time since Elizabeth killed a creature or anything that has life, It seems that this would be the first time she would kill ever since being a student of Merlin.

Elizabeth has thousands of Live subjects waiting for her.....