Massacre of the Bandits

"Oy, Little Lady can you hear me? Come with us and will give you something to ride." The Middle age man kept poking and making fun of the monster or beautiful lady in front of him, Another man appeared behind him and it seems that this man was very weak as he looks like he came from a hybrid between a skeleton and a human.

"Boss, We don't have time left." The Man that was behind the middle-aged man said, They were supposed to pass the grassland and attack the small village that was near it. There was an easy way to go towards the grassland but the employers who gave them everything they needed said that the imperial army is waiting that way.

This is why the Army of bandits had to pass through this area, They were employed to attack a small village but why would they attack a small village? With this much equipment, they could raid a town if someone blocks the information around it. Bandits knew better than questioning the ones that gave them these pieces of equipment.

"We still have time." The Boss wanted to have fun before raiding the small village, He was the one that was given a lot of pieces of equipment by the people that hired him. He wanted to have fun before going to the job and the girl in front of him was very beautiful. Some might even mistake her as some noble's daughter in the area but what would a noble's daughter do in the middle of the grassland.

The Sun was slowly setting and the night was slowly replacing, The Bandits was running out of time and the boss knew that he had to attack the small village before the time passes 9:00 pm. With this in mind, the Boss knew that he had no time to have fun but it was a waste to leave the girl here so he did something that would make him regret it.

"Come with me!" The Boss shouted towards Elizabeth, He then began heading towards her and was about to grab Elizabeth's one arm. What he didn't notice was the sword that was next to Elizabeth, The Boss was still there but there was something that was bothering him. He cannot feel his hand.

"What the-" The Boss looks at his hand and felt that he cannot control his own hand anymore. His hands were still there and he didn't even manage to touch the girl, He cannot move or control his hand and a while later something could be seen from the boss's hand. This was something that would horrify the boss himself.

"AHhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" The Boss Screamed when he saw what happen on his one arm, A weird line was slowly drawing itself and it was a weird line. Blood slowly flows from the line and the boss knew what happened, During this time. His hand slowly falls to the ground and a lot of blood spewed out of his arm.

The Bandits were shocked when they heard the Boss screaming in pain, They then stare at him and saw what happened. They could see that the boss's arm falls to the ground with a thud and they could see a lot of blood spurting out of the boss's arm. This was very shocking for them and the man that was behind the boss run back to the truck and threw up.


This sound could be heard from everywhere in the Bandit Army, All of them numbered in thousands. The only ones that saw the even in the front line were the ones that threw up, The Man that was back in the truck began speaking on the Radio and it was now time for the massacre to begin.

"Reinforcements, We need Reinforcements. HELP!!!!" The man shouted on the radio, Most of the Bandits that came with them didn't expect something like this so they didn't know how to react. The Man that was inside the truck looks through his windshield and saw that the girl was still there.

The Sun fully set and the night began, Most of the Bandits that saw the Girl felt the chill coming from their spine. The Silver hair of the Girl was fluttering in the air while hr Golden Eyes revealed something that would strike fear in anyone, The weirdest thing about the girl was the fact that her fluttering silver hair was doing the same thing that would happen underwater.

'We need reinforcements!' The Man thought to himself, The Bandits around him were already trying to get their own guns. They wanted to leave this place but all of them knew that in order to leave this place is to kill the monster in front of them. It seems that their time was running out.

"Where is she?" The Man muttered when he saw that the monster just disappeared in front of them, He was still in the Truck holding his revolver. The Man could feel his heart beating at a fast speed, He was feeling fear. The Man shook his head trying to calm himself down, He then looks around the windows of the truck trying to find the girl.

Little did the man know that the bandits around him already knew where the girl was, She was currently on top of the truck the man was in. Her Golden Glowing eyes were very scary and her unemotional face or a rather stoic face made them fear her. One of the bandits thought that this was the best time to attack the girl so the bandit pulled the trigger.


A thunderous sound echoed, Most of the bandit army heard it. The ones in the very back knew that a problem was currently appearing in the front so they began readying their guns. While the back was preparing, The middle was already heading towards the front while the front saw that the girl didn't get shot. They saw a black weird circle in her palm and the bullet was deflected or absorbed.

The Boss who was on the ground already died due to the amount of blood that was lost, His face was frozen with the fear he projected before dying. His Blood created a small pool around him which made it more terrible, The Bandits knew that there was nothing they could do but attack the girl or monster with all they got.


BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!!

All of them fired with all they got while all the bullets they shot towards the girl was absorbed towards her palm. All of the things they did was useless in front of the girl, Elizabeth didn't want to take a long time to finish the job so it was now her turn to attack the Bandits.

Elizabeth then hop down the truck, The Bandits were trying to reload their weapons but they just cannot focus themselves on the weapon and kept looking at Elizabeth. Elizabeth then disappeared from their sight and she just appeared in one of the bandits. The Bandit who was right next to Elizabeth was about to scream but it was too late for him.


The Bandit got his head decapitated by Elizabeth sword, How unlucky this bandit was. Elizabeth then began her footwork in the An'cient Sword art. Her Cold steel sword began humming and this was the sound of death trying to convey its message towards the Enemy.

Elizabeth who was at her sword stance stares at the Bandits in a calm but serious face, The Bandits seeing this knew that they were going to die so all the bandits had to do was one thing. Run! This was the best situation for them to run. The Boss was already dead, No one would care if they run. This thought passes through all the Bandits at the same time and they began running.

All of them began running like they were born a ninja, They didn't bring any guns since it was too heavy. They would just pray that Elizabeth wouldn't see them as the target. They heard the tap in the ground, All of them knew that the monster was now starting its hunt.

Tap... TAp... Tap...

The sound of Elizabeth heading towards them was heard, One of the Bandit tried to turn around but he felt that his head was falling from his head. The Bandit was decapitated, Blood began spurting out of his headless body creating a small pool of blood. The Bandits that were running felt a cold sweat from their forehead.

Elizabeth did the same thing towards the bandits that were running away from her, Mercy was something that wasn't in her vocabulary. With this in mind, Heads began flying through the air. These were the heads of the beheaded bandits, Blood spurting out of their body followed the heads.

A while later after the beheading of the hundreds of Bandits, Elizabeth was standing at the position that didn't have the same look like the area around it. The Area around Elizabeth had many headless bodies and pools of blood that would make anyone throw up. Elizabeth who was standing in the middle of the battlefield felt that many bandits were heading towards her.

The Middle part of the bandit army finally arrives at the scene and what they saw made them feel fear, A lot of headless bodies on the ground while a lake or river of blood was in front of them. They could see a Silver white hair girl standing in the middle of this hellish place.

"Release...." Elizabeth muttered with her calm and soft voice, She didn't want to waste more time in this place so it was time for her to release the bullets she absorbed. The problem with this was the fact that there was a 2x multiplier in the release, The Bullets that was absorbed would turn into 50 caliber bullets after being released.


Meanwhile, in the distance. A hill that was 25 kilometers away from Elizabeth was seen. It was like the normal hill that could be seen everywhere but the difference was the ones that occupied this hill. It was the ones that told the Bandit army to pass through this grassland.

"Monster." There was a masked man looking at Elizabeth's battle with a telescope, Elizabeth was currently raining bullets towards the Bandits resulting in a lot of explosions that came from the trucks. The fire was seen everywhere and Elizabeth was just like the terminator killing everything in her way.

"Did you take a picture and a Video?" Another masked man asked the masked man that was using the Telescope, The Masked man who was using the telescope stops using it and stares at the Masked man that asked him. He took out the things that were asked. The Picture and the Video.

"I got it." Their mission was considered to be successful. The two of them manage to pull something this large but this was normal for them, The Masked man who asked about the pictures and videos just sighed as he took the things from the Masked man's hands. He then spoke with a calm voice.

"Let's return, I have a feeling that this girl is dangerous. The only job is to measure her power and now that we have proof we need to return and take this back to our leader." The Masked man said calmly while storing the Pictures and Videotapes safely, these things were very useful to them.

"This girl is the perfect student for Master Gilgamesh." The one who gave the Picture and the videos said with admiration, This was the first time their Master wanting to find a student and the girl in front of them was a perfect student for their Master. The Masked man who took the Things said with a calm voice.

"Let's return.." The Two masked men head back to the nearest city, It took them a while to gather the thugs from different cities but the result was worth it for them. While the two were heading back to the nearest city, The Scene behind them could be seen as something that came from hell.

Fires that clouded the skies, Their bright light was seen through out the night. The Pool or lake of blood, Countless headless bodies or bodies cut in half could be seen everywhere. Burnt bodies from the fires and explosions were also seen.

In the middle of it all, was a single girl who was still clean, Wearing a white pure normal dress. The White Silver hair fluttering through the winds. The Girl didn't have any blood touching her clothes or her body, She was like an angel of death punishing the humans that tried to mess with it.