Elite Camp First Test, Elizabeth's Dominance

"Quiet." Elizabeth softly said towards the students who were screaming at the sigh of a Beheaded Ogre. The Head of the Orge is on the ground while its Green Blood was still spurting from the Headless body. Most of the students who can't take the scene threw up while some were covering their mouths.

Hearing Elizabeth's soft voice made the students quiet, It was not about Elizabeth's voice but the Aura that she was emitting from her body. It was very heavy to their hearts that even they forgot the fear of blood and the fear of killing, The Body became heavier than before and it was like they were getting eaten by a monster.

"An Example is needed for the students to continue, I have sent an example so to those people who can't do this. You are free to leave." Elizabeth said with a cold serious voice, As much as she understood they were kids. She was a former Hero and a former General, Even if she knew that they were kids she didn't have to bother with their bullshit since she was also a kid.

The Students who were shocked lowered their heads, They were given an Example about what they were going to do. And this resulted in their optimism is lower than before, Elizabeth then began looking around the students. Most of them avoided her stares but Elizabeth just stared at the 5 Prodigies.

They lowered their head thinking about the current situation, They saw the mysterious genius easily killing a criminal. Should they be surprised? Or is this expected? They began thinking about what they were going to do, most of them knew the inner working of the empire. Arthur was probably the only one living in his own fantasy world.

'As expected, She knows how to assert dominance easily without doing much.' Gilgamesh thought in a corner while looking at Elizabeth, His Ex potential student was doing great and this really made him want to smack himself to the wall since he didn't get a good student.

"Stop living in your fantasy lands, We are in the Empire, The World of Primus, And We are the Elite. Such word Elite shouldn't be thrown to weaklings." Elizabeth said towards the students, She then stops releasing the Aura of hers and heads towards some corner that was next to Gilgamesh. She then leans and stares towards the students with cold eyes threatening them to be serious.

'She is destroying their past lives and establishing a new one, She is mocking their past lives while creating a new one with it. Elizabeth is really a natural leader, Why am I not lucky?' Gilgamesh thought to himself, Elizabeth was good at making soldiers that would follow orders. She had a natural talent for being a leader and this fact would make the whole Elite Foundation be her own foundation.

Morgana who heard Elizabeth was surprised, It has been a long time since she remembered the life she got before getting picked up by her master. She was someone who can survive on her own, She was someone who won't hesitate to kill other people. When did she become this weak, Her body became stronger but her mentality became weaker.

'It seems that some of them are slowly falling to her grasps.' Gilgamesh thought, The Students in here are slowly falling towards Elizabeth. Her Words would slowly become the law and her presence would be their moral. He remembers the time where he was like this, Someone who can move freely while fighting on many battlefields.

"I am really getting old." Gilgamesh quietly mutters, He was really getting old. He kept saying this sentence but he was probably just below 35 years old. The Nostalgia is probably the one that kept him feeling that he was old, although in reality he was not that old.

"I am an Elite." Morgana said with confidence, The First one to fall is now served. It was Morgana herself who was the first student to fall towards Elizabeth. She then took out her sword and head towards the Goblin Criminal, She was now in front of the Goblin Criminal with a long sword that she was holding.

Seeing Morgana preparing to kill the Goblin Criminal, Elizabeth had a smile on her face when she saw it. The first one to fall will be the bravest one while the last one to fall will be the coward, The people who fall in the middle of the First and the Last are pretentious. More training will be needed for them to accept their fate.

Morgana then raises her Long Sword and beheaded the Goblin Criminal in one slash, The Goblin Blood splattered on the ground while some were on her sword. This was the first time ever since she became a student, felt the flesh of life, It has been a long time that she almost forgot her identity before getting picked up.

The head of the Goblin began rolling to the ground and the neck spurt a lot of goblin blood creating a small fountain that only lasts for 2 seconds. The Students cannot react to what happened, Morgana just killed a criminal just by saying a word. Is there something inside the word that can give people confidence?

"Good Job." Elizabeth releases a smile at Morgana's performance, It was just like her technique of beheading people. She was surprised that Morgana was going for the head and she mostly expected a stab but this was good. Elizabeth could also see the happiness of Morgana when she decapitated the Goblin.

'What is this?' Morgana felt something when she heard what Elizabeth said, This was the first time a Praise hit her like this. Morgana was always praised by her master for how talented she was but there was something different. It was like she managed to destroy a wall of herself and someone praised her for it.

Morgana just heads towards Elizabeth and Gilgamesh who was in the opposite corner of the area. This was like the place for the one who finishes the test to stay, Even Gilgamesh felt weird when a student was coming in his direction for the second time. He only thought that the students were coming back to the group but it seems that this was like a passing side of the test.

Jeanne followed Morgana after she left the Criminals, It was her turn to kill a criminal. Although she didn't have some backstory and was just a normal girl in the countryside. She didn't have the view of the city people and always thought that the world is a Survival of the Strongest.

She then heads towards the Beastmen criminal and didn't beheaded him like the two girls before her but just stab his head through the eyes. This was literally something that would make Elizabeth a little bit concern, The Art of stabbing through the eye is more taxing than the Art of beheading.

"Good Job." Elizabeth said towards Jeanne, Jeanne who heard what Elizabeth said nodded towards her. It was the first time that Jeanne was praised for killing a criminal, Jeanne just shook her head and sometimes take a quick look towards Elizabeth.

Two of the 5 Prodigies pass the test, What about the guys. Well, they are coming after the girls, Unlike Arthur who was sheltered by Merlin from any bad things in the world. The Guys already killed someone before this but they were thinking about being gentlemen for the girls.

Of course, Jones and Bond were surprised at the emergence of Elizabeth. She just beheaded someone at a quick speed while giving every student around them a lesson about killing. They would even call Elizabeth master if it weren't for the fact that they had their own master.

Jones was the first one to find a criminal for himself, He was holding a short sword. The One that he chose was a Criminal Goblin, He then walked towards the Goblin and did the only thing he knew that could kill a creature. He just slices the neck, Although not decapitating like Elizabeth. The Goblin was struggling to hold its own neck and it died due to the blood escaping its body.

'I hope they didn't notice.' Jones thought, He acted like he was afraid due to the fact that his friends were acting like that. But to think how the tables turn, He just hopes his friends forget about it. Jones was honestly a pretentious guy who would always follow how his friends react.

Jones then walked towards the passing zone that was unknowingly created by Elizabeth, Elizabeth didn't care about that and just continues to stare towards the students. She was like a predator trying to see if someone tries to mess around in front of her. It was now Bond's turn.

Bond had a dagger as his weapon, He was heading towards a beast-man. A werewolf that causes murder and was a serial killer, He then arrives in front of the wold and proceeds to use his killing technique that was taught by his teacher Akuma. It was killing via stabbing the heart technique.

All of the kills were easy due to the fact that the criminals were not moving but it was not about the fight but the bravery to kill someone, With 4 of the 5 prodigies passing the test. Most of the students somehow got weird confidence and all of them began taking turns in killing the criminal, Some would throw up but the students next to them would help them.

All of the students were now done and only Arthur himself was left, Even Dumbass and Jerk Moron passed the test. The last prodigy was still standing on the opposite side while most students were looking at him, To be honest. Most of the students got past the barriers of each other and began taking care of each other. It must have been used to cope with the killing which is good.

"Please don't kill me, I didn't do anything wrong I was brought here. My family still needs me." The last criminal was a man, To be specific. A Human, This man was brought to be a criminal and he clearly saw what happen to his inmates. He was begging mercy for the boy in front of him.

"Sir, Can I have the man's biography." Elizabeth asked Gilgamesh about the man's biography, This was the first time Elizabeth asked something from Gilgamesh so he gave Elizabeth the biography of the man. Elizabeth then began reading the Biography she was holding and the information was interesting.

"I cannot, This man is Innocent." Arthur said as he throws the sword that he was holding, Most of the Students seeing the pitiful man thought that the man was innocent. Gilgamesh seeing Arthur acting like this shook his head, Elizabeth then spoke towards Morgana who was right beside her.

"Bring him in." Elizabeth said towards Morgana, Morgana knew that Arthur was now brought in. Gilgamesh who heard Elizabeth raised an eyebrow until he remembered the biography, This made him grinned and thought of how Elizabeth was a very sadistic person.

"Understood." Morgana said as she walked towards Arthur, Arthur seeing Morgana heading towards him thought he was right about the man is innocent. Arthur was brought by Morgana towards the passed zone, The students thought that the man was innocent until Elizabeth spoke.

"Rellik Laires, How does your Wife and daughter taste?" Elizabeth said towards the Criminal Man that begged for mercy, This was when the change began. The Criminal Man change from a pitiful innocent man to something scarier than the criminals they killed.

"They taste good, Hehehehehe!!!" The Criminal Man laugh maniacally, Elizabeth who heard him didn't speak anything. She just stares at Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh quickly got what she was trying to say, He then spoke to the students on his side.

"Let us leave." Gilgamesh said with a smile while forcing the Students to leave, Most of the students were shocked at the situation. They were trick and this was like a slap on their face but the one who took all of it was Arthur. Before the students could leave the area, They heard a scream echoing from the place they came from.

"No!! No!!! no!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

The First event of Elizabeth's personal Army.....