Elite Camp First Test, The Side of the Evil

In some room that was inside the Weird building, The Test was still not finished since Elizabeth was not with them and needed for her to return in order to pass the test. The students were currently in the room that was next to the place they came from, The Room was very clean and had pure white walls that look very clean.

The students were currently in the cleanroom sitting on the waiting chairs, They were in silence thinking about what happened. In the Center of the room was Gilgamesh on his own table, He was currently reading the reports while also making reports about each student in the room. He was still the Trainer of the Elite Camp so he had to do his job, Maid Enkidu said that she would manage the Southern Region so Gilgamesh can do his job in the training camp.

"What just happened?" One of the students asked, They were surprised at what happened. Mostly they were shocked and were very confused at what happened. The Students were in silence until they heard someone's voice and this came from Jeanne who was sitting calmly in her seat.

"That Criminal managed to trick us by pretending to be innocent." Jeanne said with a straightforward and calm voice, Hearing what she said. The students flinched when they remember the Criminal, All of them were trick by the criminal and they didn't even think about him being crazy.

"We were tricked." Morgana said with a cold and serious voice, Although she didn't want to admit it. She also thought that the man was pitiful judging by his appearance but that criminal transforming into someone crazy was like a slap to her face. It was the world reminding her that even though she killed someone, She was still naive.

'But Miss Elizabeth was really cool.' Morgana thought, When she saw Elizabeth for the first time she was surprised at Elizabeth's calmness. A while later after discovering the fact that Elizabeth was stronger than her, She accepted her as a rival. Then now, She just cannot feel Elizabeth being a rival. Elizabeth was like an idol for her, Someone she wanted to be.

"Haha, All of you were tricked by a criminal." Gilgamesh stops working on what he was currently doing and chuckled towards the students. This was the first time something like this happened, He was laughing at the naivety of the students and how their expectations were thrown by Elizabeth to the window while also burning it with flames.

"How does it feel to be tricked?" Gilgamesh stops chuckling and asked them a half-serious question about the feeling of getting trick by a criminal. He was sure that all of them felt they got a slap in the face but he wanted to hear it from their faces. The Students then began thinking about a good reason but Morgana answered Gilgamesh's question.

"I feel sick and I was like slapped in the face by the criminal." Morgana said honestly, There was no need of lying about it and she knew that most of them feel like that. Getting trick by a criminal was really not a good feeling especially with the Genius title on each student. Hearing what Morgana said, Gilgamesh chuckled for the second time and spoke with a smile.

"You feel sick..." Gilgamesh said with a smile, The Female students in the room slowly revealed a blush on their face. Although the situation made them not focus on it, Gilgamesh was handsome as an evil god. But there were many girls that weren't affected by it like Morgana who was staring at him with a blank face.

"Oy, Arthur are you still good?" Jones asked, All of the students heard what he said and it was like an echo in their ears. All of them knew in the deep feeling of their hearts that Arthur was the one that took it all, If they were slapped in the face by the criminal. Arthur was literally slapped by the criminal under his consent and murdered Arthur in some mental way.

"Sorry..." Jones covered his mouth when he realizes what he just said, The 3 prodigies around him just shook their head while Gilgamesh had grinned in his face when Jones talked about Arthur. It was the best time to use the mental attack on Arthur making critical damage to his health.

"No, Don't be sorry? I have one thing to ask Arthur. How does it feel?" Gilgamesh said towards Arthur with a voice that signifies he was enjoying the situation around him. The 3 prodigies realize what Gilgamesh wanted to do but most of them didn't want to mess with him.

"I'm okay!" Arthur said towards Gilgamesh while gripping his fist, He was the one that felt the whole thing when he realizes the truth about the criminal. He thought that he was right but the world didn't follow what he wanted and just punch the truth towards him. This punch was not a good feeling for Arthur.

"You're okay? That is a good joke you have there. You're acting like you were punched by somebody." Gilgamesh said towards Arthur while maintaining his grinned, This had been a habit of him when he sees white knights. Those who believe that the world is Black and White, That kind of people disgust him the most, and seeing a live one in front of him made him want to break it.

"I said I am okay." Arthur said while gritting his teeth, It seems that Arthur is losing his calmness and was about to explode. This was something Gilgamesh wanted until an idea went into his head at the last minute, This made him smile and asked a question towards Morgana.

"Morgana, What do you think about Elizabeth?" Gilgamesh asked Morgana about Elizabeth. When Morgana heard Gilgamesh's question towards her, Her body flinched as she slowly turns her head and stares at Gilgamesh. She was searching for a good answer and a while later she was finally answering Gilgamesh's question.

"Elizabeth? I feel like she is someone that could be a future Legendary Magic Krieger, Someone that could possibly be someone powerful in the world. With her thinking, She would survive on her journey due to her smart and decisive thinking." Morgana spoke about what she thought about Elizabeth but that didn't end there.

"She is a monster in human clothing, She doesn't have the care of life and sees it as something disposable, She is very powerful and can get more powerful in the battlefield, She is a war goddess that feeds on war and the angel of death that feeds on the deaths of anyone around her, She is also someone that wants to make anyone that denies her suffer." Morgana spoke about a lot of scary things that could possibly be true. She then realizes that she was scaring everyone in the room and apologizes.

"It seems that I was a little bit too serious about the question, That may be just my own theory. I don't have any evidence to prove it so don't take it as a fact." Morgana said to the students, She wanted to have a good relationship with Elizabeth and the first thing she did was slandering Elizabeth without context. This made her feel horrible but she was honest at what she spoke about how she felt about Elizabeth.

"That is perfect, It seems that you have a good Analyzing skill." Gilgamesh said honestly, He was surprised at Morgana's deduction skill. She almost guesses everything about Elizabeth, Which made him think that Morgana was perfect for Elizabeth. The only one that could guess everything about Elizabeth without seeing her dark side.

Hearing what Gilgamesh said, Most of the students were surprised and shocked. What Morgana said about Elizabeth being some goddess of war was true? This thought passed through their mind and they couldn't believe it. Seeing the students' shocked faces, Gilgamesh spoke towards them to solidify the truth.

"Do you want to see it?" Gilgamesh said with a calm voice as he pushes a button on his table. Morgana wanted to see that side of Elizabeth, She was somehow excited and wanted to know about the things she said about Elizabeth. She saw something from the ceiling and it was a TV.

All of the people inside the room looks at the TV, The TV opens and all of them saw the place they came from. They saw Elizabeth and the Criminal inside the TV but the Criminal was bloodied from the Outside as well as the Inside. A while later the Audio of the TV was finally heard.

"Please STop!!!, IT hurts!!!!" The Criminal Man said towards Elizabeth, He didn't think that something like this would happen to him. He was currently on some seat and was tied up by Elizabeth. Elizabeth on the other hand was holding a small knife that she was about to use for something important like this.

"It has been a long time since I tried to torture somebody, I wondered if my skills still exist." Elizabeth said while revealing the small knife in her hand, It has been a long time since she tortured somebody. The last time was the war when she was a hero, She at least tortured 1 to 5 people during her hero job.

Her Voice literally echoed in the room and the students felt a cold chill from her voice, They still didn't stop looking at the TV and was observing what Elizabeth was doing towards the Criminal. Arthur on the other hand had a very ugly face that was quickly hidden by him, This was the first time he saw this side of Elizabeth other than the killing part.

"NO! NO!, Please kill me!!!" The Criminal Man literally wanted to die when he saw the face that was pasted in Elizabeth's head. It was like a mad scientist experimenting on a live subject it was a very calm face but this made it scarier since it looks like Elizabeth had done this many times.

"Sorry too late..." Elizabeth said as she slowly slashes the small knife towards the Criminal's finger, The worst thing about this was the fact that it was very slow. The Pain was unbearable as the Criminal felt the knife hitting his bone and was slicing it up. A while later a thud was heard and the Finger was on the ground.


The Criminal Man scream in pain, The Feeling of his finger slowly getting slice felt awful and painful. Elizabeth then began picking up the Finger and was staring at it, She was planning to see what she does about this finger and an idea came to her head. This would make her torture training good and painful to watch.

The Students in the room felt sick when they saw it but they force them to see the whole process of slicing the man's finger. All of them killed a criminal but it was fast and the criminal they killed didn't scream. The Criminal in front of them was different, He was begging for mercy and screaming in pain.

"This should be a good idea." Elizabeth muttered, She was still holding the small knife that had a lot of blood. She stares at the Criminal man in front of her, Seeing Elizabeth's stare the man felt a chill from his spine. She then put something unexpected towards the Criminal's man mouth.

"Is it tasty?" Elizabeth literally put the sliced finger towards the Mouth of the Criminal, She then forces the man to eat it. This was very gross and the teeth of the man were getting broken in the process, The students who saw it were shocked and some of them even threw up.

But something more shocking happened while the students were looking at the TV.

"I don't want anyone spying on me. Sir, please stop watching me and this isn't a free example. You do not want to see everything that would happen and I could give you a first-person torture with me." Elizabeth said with a gentle and calm voice, While staring right at the Camera that was observing the whole area.

The Students flinch when they saw the stare of Elizabeth.