Elite Camp, Arthur's Failure

"This is a really good food." Jones said while eating the soup that was on his table. Bond, who was right beside him nodded in agreement and also ate his own food. The students were currently eating their own dinner and the First test was now finished, That time was a really weird experience for them.

After the First test, All of them exited the weird building and went towards the building they were staying in. It was a large building and this would be the building of the Elite Camp, They would stay in this building for many months and train under the Elite Camp. They didn't know if they should be nervous or not, but the First test made them passive and stoic.

They are currently eating for dinner in the cafeteria of the building, It was clean. Although not clean as the Room in the Wierd building, It was still very clean for them. All of the students were eating soup that was made for them and it was very delicious which made them eat the soup without any problem.

"Did we pass the Test?" Krej asked Jones who was in front of them, The two of them manage to get along and this also made him realize that the 5 prodigies are not as serious or warlike as he expected. He was asking the question since he was confused if they passed the test or not, The Students hearing him turn their heads towards Jones at the same time.

"Of course we pass the test, We killed all of the criminals and that is the requirements in order to pass the test." But before Jones could answer Krej's question, Douche already answered the question about the test. Hearing what he said, The students accepted it since it made sense. The Students around them got their minds to relax and started talking to each other.

"Douche, what do you think about her?" Jones whispered quietly towards Douche, Krej already heard it and knew the one that was in Jones's question. Douche hearing it felt a chill from his spine, He then looks around and saw that the girl was still not in the area and sighed in relief.

"Jones, are you crazy? Why the hell is you speaking about her behind her back, I don't know what would happen but I don't want to know." Douche said to Jones, It was suicide to try to talk about Elizabeth. All of the students in the room already have a law that involves Elizabeth, this was now to mess with Elizabeth.

"If the two of you get caught, Don't tell her about me since I don't have anything to do with the two of you." Krej said towards Douche and Jones, As much as they were his friends. He was not brave enough to try talking about a monster. But before Krej could leave, Two hands were holding his arms and he then saw the smile of his friends.

"Krej, Don't leave us. Aren't the two of us your friends." Douche said as his hand that was holding Krej arm slowly grip it hard enough, Krej could clearly feel the pressure of his arm and knew that he was already locked but another voice was heard from his other side. This was Jones who was holding his other arm.

"Krej, You will stay with us right?" Jones said with a smile plastered on his face, If he gets caught. He will drag anyone that is near him and let them suffer with him, This was very evil but he didn't care about that. Krej knew that he couldn't leave so he had no choice but to go back to his own seat.

"You bastards." Krej said as he sits down back on his own seat, He began grumbling about how his friends were bastards and how unlucky he was. But Jones and Douche didn't care about him grumbling, If they get in trouble with Elizabeth. They will take anyone near them to suffer with them.

"Now what we are already thinking about her, All I can say is that Elizabeth would probably be the leader of all students here." Douche said, He was a very smart Magic Krieger but somehow he kept getting in trouble. This was his theory about Elizabeth being the leader of the whole Elite Training students.

"What do you mean?" Krej asked, He was curious on why Douche thought of Elizabeth as the leader of the whole Elite Training students. She was powerful and had an aura of dominance in front of her, He didn't even notice this kind of power when all of them were lined up. She was already hiding her power during the lined up and this made her Dangerous, Thankfully all of them already knew her power.

"She is the most powerful student here, She is charismatic and had a mentality of a leader, She had this aura of dominance around her, and She has already established the Morale in the students here," Jones answered Krej's question, Krej understood what Jones meant but before he could speak the door of the cafeteria open drawing everyone's attention.

This was Elizabeth, Morgana, and Jeanne, It took a while for them since they were the first ones to put in the new uniform that was given to them. The First uniform was for the army but since they were studying in the Elite camp, A new uniform was needed and the new uniform was now in front of them.

The 3 of them had White Collared Shirts that were covered by the Black Uniform, It also had a white ribbon in it and a belt for some important weapon. Their skirts were a black skirt that had white stripes in them. It was a weird uniform but this didn't deny the beauty of the girls but instead amplified it. The students seeing the 3 were shocked, Even the girls were having a little blush.

Only Elizabeth had a black stocking since this was something she always wore ever since she came to this world. The 3 was holding their own soup and the whole students in the area were staring at them, They were the first testers of the Uniform and they could say that it was quite good.

The 3 found a corner that would be perfect for them so they began heading towards the place catching the attention of all the students. They then sat on their own seats and began eating the soup they brought, Elizabeth was kind of surprised at the taste of the soup. It was very delicious for her.

The Students around them stop focusing their sights on them and began talking to each other quietly. The Trio at the same table was quiet, Although the 3 of them entered at the same time. They still didn't know each other so it was awkward for them to be at the same table. The only reason for this was the stare of the students which made Morgana and Jeanne unconsciously followed Elizabeth who was right beside them.

"My name is Morgana, nice to meet you." Morgana said towards Elizabeth, Although she was a little bit nervous. Morgana was still a very straightforward person who somehow didn't get nervous with Elizabeth. Jeanne who was near them knew that this was the right moment so she also spoke towards Elizabeth.

"My name is Jeanne." Jeanne just spoke her name and continued eating her own soup. Elizabeth who saw the two of them was interested in this girl and also knew that they were somehow nervous towards her, This made her think about the things she did in the Elite Training Camp.

'Maybe it was my torture and my decapitation of the Criminal.' Elizabeth thought to herself, It seems that she scared the students around her. This would explain a lot of things but the only thing that confuses her was the fact that most of them had an eye of admiration towards her which is weird.

"My name is Elizabeth An'cient, Hope we get along." Elizabeth said towards the two girls in front of her, This was the time where the walls that separate the girls open themselves. Jeanne nodded at what Elizabeth said while Morgana knew that her chance was finally here so she asked something that was very important.

"Eh? Elizabeth, I want to ask something." Morgana said to Elizabeth, She wanted to ask something important. Her words clearly echoed in the cafeteria and the students around them slowly turn their heads and were not looking or looking to the trio in the corner. Elizabeth hearing what Morgana said just spoke with a calm voice.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked, She was curious about what Morgana wanted to ask. She already knew a lot of things about Morgana when Gilgamesh and her talk about it. Morgana was the first one that killed a person after her, She was also the one that manages to guess her own inner workings which means that the two of them are more or less the same.

"How can I be like you?" Morgana quietly asked, She was a straightforward person. So she asked something that she wanted to ask and this had a weird reaction. The students around them felt a chill on their spine while they were eating their own soup. Elizabeth who heard Morgana just smiles towards her and spoke.

"You can never be like me, You will be yourself and I will be myself, No one can copy anyone perfectly, and copying someone because you admire them is weak. You can only look at the someone you admire and forge your own path, You can look at them as a reference while making your own path." Elizabeth said towards Morgana as if she was some kind of sage that live in this world for thousands of years.

"Understood but I have another question." Morgana nodded at what Elizabeth said, She realizes that she was the only one that could forge her own path. She is herself and Elizabeth is herself there is no use in copying since it would never be the same as the original. With this fact, She should just forge her own path but she had another thing to ask Elizabeth.

The Students around them sighed in relief when they heard the answer of Elizabeth but another chill was felt from their spine when they heard that Morgana had another question. If this results in a misunderstanding, The whole cafeteria would be a battlefield and would be dangerous for them.

"Can you be my Master?" Morgana wanted Elizabeth to be her master, Before being in the Elite Camp. Most of them were Magic Kriegers that didn't have a master other than Gilgamesh, This was the moment where all of them had no master, Morgana's former master died and she was alone. She was made to be a prodigy due to her hard work.

"You want to be my student? I would teach you but what is the exchange?" Elizabeth said with a smile on her face, She wouldn't do anything for free even teach for free is not in her vocabulary. The Word Free is nonexistent and everything must have an exchange.

"I will do anything you want." Morgana said honestly towards Elizabeth, She was straightforward and only wanted to be a student of Elizabeth. Hearing what Morgana said made Elizabeth surprised and she was staring right at Morgana with her golden eyes. It seems that Morgana was honest about her words which made her surprise.

"Okay, You will be my student. Hope you can take my request." Elizabeth said as she sighed, This had been on her mind but a maid would be interesting for her. She was interested in having a maid and a maid that is also powerful. But her words were misunderstood by the students around her. Even Bond, who was silent almost spurted out what he was eating.

The door of the cafeteria open and Gilgamesh was seen.

"Arthur and Elizabeth, Come with me." Gilgamesh said, This was something that was unexpected and Arthur who was not noticed in the corner began heading towards Gilgamesh with Elizabeth who was also heading towards Gilgamesh.