Elite Class, Result

"Is she okay?" A girl's voice could be heard, This voice came from a Golden-haired Girl that had Blue Azure eyes. She was a very beautiful girl and was currently sitting at the girl in the bed. This Girl was Jeanne, They manage to found Elizabeth unconscious in the middle of a wasteland. It was a weird thing for them to find her there Alive and Okay, She didn't have any injuries and just lost her consciousness.

"Her body is okay, She is just unconscious and would probably wake up later." Another voice was heard, This voice came from a Crimson haired girl that had Orange eyes. This was Morgana, She was currently right beside the girl in the bed, The two of them were worried about what happened since it was very dangerous. The Destruction caused by the two monsters was beyond what anyone expected.

"We were lucky that the Elite Camp still exists." Jeanne sighed, The two of them were sitting on the chairs that were beside the bed. Jeanne felt lucky that the Elite Camp wasn't destroyed by the Explosion, It will take a lot of work to build this camp again and the whole schedule would probably be changed. Morgana, who was also sitting in her seat spoke with a calm voice.

"Our Elite camp has a Defense mechanism specifically a Defense Artifact that was owned by the Empire. It was known to at least block one attack that came from the Legendary Magic Krieger." Morgana said, She stares at the ceiling and began thinking about a lot of things. It was mostly about Elizabeth being very powerful, Morgana's master was so powerful that she even wonders if she could stand beside her master.

"But the problem is the fact that the Defense Mechanism needed repairs." Jeanne said, All of them knew that the Defense Artifact that was owned by the Empire was currently damage by the Explosion. This would mean that it would take a lot of time to repair the artifact, They needed to defend themselves from whatever tries to enter the Elite Camp. Luckily they have Gilgamesh with them.

"We could only hope that the Defense gets fix." Morgana said, The whole medical room was in silence until the door of the room slowly opens. The two girls turn their heads and saw a lot of people entering the room, Gilgamesh was also entering the room and was currently staring at Elizabeth.

"Master!" The two of them bowed towards Gilgamesh, Although they were still feeling unwell when they saw the man who fought their friend. The Students behind him was staring right through them and was currently staring at Elizabeth, Morgana then stares at them with cold eyes. All of them notice and avoided her stare while Gilgamesh finally spoke.

"Is Elizabeth alright? It seems that she is currently unconscious." Gilgamesh said while staring at Elizabeth who was in deep sleep in her bed, His potential student seems to be uninjured by the fight which is very weird. The Giant White Ball of Energy also disappeared for some unknown reason.

"Master, She is unconscious but her body seems to be alright." Morgana said towards Gilgamesh, Elizabeth was okay other than the fact that she was unconscious. Gilgamesh hearing what Morgana said nodded in understanding, All of them were in silence until Gilgamesh's pocket began ringing.


"Wait a minute, Let me pick this up." Gilgamesh said towards his students, All of them nodded. Gilgamesh then took out his phone and slowly opens it, He was curious about who was calling him. When he presses something on the phone, A loud sound could be heard from the phone and he knew that he was fuck.

"Gilgamesh, The Fuck did you do?" It was Merlin, She was the first one that called Gilgamesh. The Results of the fight is affecting the Southern part of the Dunkel while also affecting some of the Western and Eastern parts. It was no doubt that no one can hide this explosion from anyone and questions would arise.

"I and your second student had a spar, it seems that something surprising happened." Gilgamesh said honestly, He didn't have any reason to lie towards Merlin so he was honest to her. What Gilgamesh said made most of the students in the room shock, No one would try to mess with Master Merlin other than him.

"Is she still okay? And why the hell did you have a spar with her?" Merlin had a lot of questions that came from her mind, She was confused about how a spar manage to create such explosion which affected the southern Dunkel. Gilgamesh answered all of Merlin's question with the calmness of Buddha.

"She is okay and she isn't injured, The Second answer is that she wanted to have a fight with me to measure her strength which is now obvious." Gilgamesh answered with calmness, Merlin just went in silence and began thinking of what he said. She understood how her second student works so it was possible for something like this to happen.

"Bro, Are we going to be okay?" Jones asked his friends beside him, It seems that the event causes the reaction of many people. The trouble is very large and also took a lot of attention from everywhere in the Empire. Although it didn't cause any destructions, The effects were seen such as the clouds disappearing in the Southern Region while also forming a cloud barrier in the Western and Eastern Region.

"I don't know but I guess we will be okay as long as the Elite Camp is still standing." Douche answered The Accident cause a lot of attention which would also attract idiots everywhere in the Empire. Some might be currently finding this place but still, they were lucky that Gilgamesh is with them. One of the 5 strongest people in the Empire.


"Another one, Just let them get in my phone. I don't want to talk to each of them one by one." Gilgamesh said, He didn't want to waste his time since there were a lot of problems appearing in the Elite camp. He then began pressing buttons on his cell phone and a hologram appeared, Most of the students were shocked when they saw a hologram on a Phone.

"Talk." Gilgamesh said towards the 4 faces that were in the Hologram. All of them were the Legendary Magic Krieger of the Empire, Coldice, Terra, Merlin, And Akuma. All of them were staring at the students around Gilgamesh and finally stop at Elizabeth who was sleeping in her bed.

"Gilgamesh, The trouble you gave us is something we just cannot accept." Akuma said towards Gilgamesh, Bond finally saw his teacher for the first time but avoided her stare. Her teacher always gave her work towards him, This was the only time where he was somehow free. Although his teacher had a face of seriousness, He knew that his teacher was careless.

"Gilgamesh, The Western Region is having a problem. I already use my Grimoire to fix it but that doesn't destroy the fact that I needed to use my Grimoire to fix the problem." Terra was also staring at Gilgamesh, he then saw his Student Jeanne sitting right beside the Mysterious Genius. He was very surprised and Jeanne seeing him avoided his stare while Terra had a weird smile on his face.

"The Mana fluctuations were felt in the north but it seems that the western and eastern are also affected." Coldice said with her cold voice. She was not surprised at the fact that the Eastern and Western were affected by the thing that happens but it seems that her Student Jones is doing well in the Elite Camp.

"Arthur, Long time no see!" This was the only thing Merlin said after worrying about Elizabeth, Arthur who heard it was embarrassed and also avoided her stare. Gilgamesh, finally heard everything they wanted to say so it was time for him to say something to them. Gilgamesh then began speaking towards the other Legendary Magic Krieger with a calm voice.

"I know that I fucked up accidentally but you know the results right." Gilgamesh said towards the Legendary Magic Kriegers in front of him, The results of the fight made Elizabeth more valuable to the Empire. There would be a time where Elizabeth becomes the top priority of the Empire but this Time would come later.

"I agree that the results were alright." Akuma said, She was surprised that this explosion came from a student. Although, The Explosion included Gilgamesh's power. It was still surprising for Elizabeth to have this much power, The result of the Exchange was seen since she was currently unconscious but the results were still favorable.

"It seems that my Student has a friend now." Terra said towards Gilgamesh while staring at Jeanne who was right next to Elizabeth. Jeanne seeing the stare avoided it since she was embarrassed, It was weird for her to act like this especially when her master saw it. She thought of herself as somehow who would be alone due to her innate nature but fate decides to bring something different to her.

"You are right, The power of Elizabeth seems to be more powerful than normal." Coldice also understood the results of the test, This was something important since the power of the student was very powerful. Elizabeth may be the youngest Legendary Magic Krieger to exist since most of them were already old. It seems that she would have another comrade in the future, A junior of course.

"I can also understand what you are trying to say, It seems that I have to call the Emperor to report the news. The nobles also need an explanation so all of you need to protect and organize each of your regions, I will handle the things in the Capital." Merlin said, She was the closest Legendary Magic Krieger in the Capital so she may as well organize the whole Capital. She then disappeared from the hologram and was now trying to do her job.

"Let's continue this meeting later." Akuma said as she also disappeared from the hologram, All of the Legendary Magic Kriegers nodded and also slowly disappeared in the Hologram. Gilgamesh slowly turns off the phone and proceeds to turn his head as he stares at the students, He then spoke towards the students.

"It seems that she is slowly waking up." Gilgamesh said while staring right at Elizabeth, Her body was moving slowly but it was the sign of her waking up. Jeanne and Morgana were surprised, They then began staring at Elizabeth with hopes that she would wake up right away. Gilgamesh seeing this just smiled and spoke one last thing before leaving.

"You better take care of her." Gilgamesh said with a smirk on his face as he leaves the medical room, The students that went with him also left the Medical Room. Silence engulfs the room and the only two that were left were Jeanne and Morgana. The two of them were in silence and continued staring at Elizabeth.

"So what do we do when she wakes up?" Jeanne began asking questions since she didn't know what she needed to do after Elizabeth wakes up. Gilgamesh said to take care of Elizabeth but how will she do that? Morgana, who was right beside Elizabeth began smiling and spoke with a voice full of confidence.

"I can cook." Morgana said with a smile, A good woman can cook is what she manage to read in some book. This made her learn to cook food, She was efficient at cooking and can also make it more delicious than normal. She was confident in her cooking skills and could possibly call herself a chef.

Elizabeth, who was sleeping slowly opens her eyes, The Golden eyes were revealed and Elizabeth finally woke up from her weird and unknown dream. She was brought back to reality and she was currently confused by a lot of things in that dream.