Elite Class, Back to Normal

It has been days since the Spar between the two monsters started, It manages to draw a lot of attention from everywhere in the Empire but thankfully each Legendary Magic Krieger work hard on covering up the accident. This doesn't mean all is clear, The Enemy nation or the Republic seems to have planted a lot of spies in the Empire but that will be told later.

She was surprised at the fact that the Elite Camp still existed after the Explosion, She also heard of the fact that a Defense Artifact protected the Elite Camp. This made sense for her since Genuises in the Empire gathered in one area are needed to be protected by anyone. She wanted to see this Defense artifact until she heard that it was broken after the Explosion. It needed repair so Elizabeth had to wait for a while to check the artifact.

100 kilometers in radius was protected by the Blast, Beyond that border was a wasteland created by the Explosion. The Crater seems to be 50 kilometers in diameter, But its force flattened everything within the 500 kilometers radius of the Explosion. Luckily the Elite Camp was in the middle of nowhere or else the casualties will be high. Elizabeth didn't care about that but she cared for the punishment it might bring with it.

Elizabeth after waking up from the Medical room was met with Jeanne and Morgana, Jeanne had a weird stare towards Elizabeth which made Elizabeth curious about it while Morgana cooked Elizabeth a soup for food. Tasting the soup was one of the best things Elizabeth did, Morgana was good at cooking for some unknown reason.

Jeanne, who saw this was clearly in some way jealous about it so she did the only thing she knew. It was to Massage Elizabeth's body, Elizabeth was somehow felt weird about this since no one has ever touched her body in a long period of time but when Jeanne started to massage her body. She felt like some hand of God that belongs to the God of Massage was massaging her body.

Morgana seeing this was obviously feeling not good, Jeanne manage to touch her Master's body for a long period of time but the praised that Elizabeth gave towards Morgana's food was still heard by Morgana so her jealousy was kept in place. Elizabeth the Evil Girl didn't notice, She didn't notice due to the fact that she didn't see it or She didn't notice due to the fact that she was just a dense rock.

This type of thing continued day by day, night by night, hour by hour, and probably just every time. This thing made Elizabeth feel weird since she was already known to be someone who does things for her own. She still was weak for some unknown reason but she could now walk. Is this the effect of the absorption or is there something more? She had a lot of questions and she wanted answers, This thing continues to happen until one day Elizabeth had enough.

This day was the day, Where her body was now back in full strength. She could move easily and could fight to her full potential, She was happy at this fact until she saw her two friends sighing in disappointment. Do they want her to stay in bed forever? Why would they sigh in disappointment after she can finally fight on her own? While thinking about this, Elizabeth found some idea that passes through her mind.

This plan was something that would help the two girls, Elizabeth plans to be grateful towards them so she began asking about the things they wanted. The answers were fairly obvious, The two girls wanted strength and this kind of thing was in Elizabeth's jurisdiction. The two girls would feel a chill from their spine when they manage to have a look at Elizabeth's face. This was how the current situation began, The Training Plan for the two girls officially started.


In the early morning of the day, The sunlight passes through everything, The trees rustling was heard, and the Breeze of wind passes with it. The sound of life was heard and the blue sky with a few clouds passes through. It was the normal day for everyone or for every student in the Elite Camp. It was normal for them, unlike the two girls who were suffering ever since the time Elizabeth told them to train.

The sound of panting was heard, The two girls were fighting some wooden dummies that were custom made by Elizabeth. They were currently in some area that Elizabeth wanted to use, This was a remote are fairly far away from the Elite camp. Elizabeth terraforms a lot of things in order for it to fit her training camp.

Some areas change into something more, Some of them simulated many environments and were also made to have traps in them. The two girls were even curious about how Elizabeth manage to build this kind of thing but before they could ask the training regiment already started. There was only one thing they could say about the training, It was torture.

"I-ts really ha-rd to continue." Jeanne said while panting, It has been a long time but she was thought to jump from trees to trees. Elizabeth said that it was perfect for training balance and agility, Jeanne took it for granted and thought that it would be easy until every time she steps on a branch it breaks. She was wondering if this kind of thing is possible until she saw Elizabeth having a handstand in some thin branch.

It took a while for her to study this kind of ninja running, She manages to do it before breaking every tree branch in her area. She was proud about this until Elizabeth made her run around while not stopping, This was especially hard for her since she cannot control her strength and balance during the run. It taught her a lot of things but after finishing it, Elizabeth did another thing which is to make her run for many laps.

"Yo-u are m-ore luck-y t-han me." Morgana said while also panting, She has been doing the same training for a lot of time. This training was using her hands as the legs, No one would try this crazy kind of thing but Elizabeth was No one. Elizabeth forces this kind of training towards Morgana, This made Morgana think that Elizabeth wanted to bully her and was even doubting that someone would try this kind of thing until she saw Elizabeth standing in some branch with her had. Elizabeth was even using her finger and was only using one hand while standing.

This made Morgana realize that it was not possible, It took a while for her to understand the style of balancing her body. It was hard but she manages to do it, She was also proud about this like Jeanne until Elizabeth told her to do the same thing on a branch. She didn't want to die and would always stare at Elizabeth with a sad face which Elizabeth replied with a smile. Morgana manages to learn the technique, Elizabeth asked her to do this until the time limit which is 12 hours.

This was hell for the two girls, They hated this kind of training until the results of the training were slowly getting seen by the two girls. This made them realize that this training was useful to them so they continued this training without any complaints. The two girls would do different things at the same time, Jeanne would sometimes handstand while Morgana would ninja run in the forest.

The two girls were wearing their training clothes, Sweatdrop from their pale white skin. There wasn't even a bad odor in the area which is weird since sweating wasn't supposed to smell good. How the hell did they even do this? Well, this was probably the mana in their magic core going out of the body. The Mana is slowly exiting from their body while also speeding up the growth of their strength so this kind of sweating is useful.

"Are you two okay?" Elizabeth asked the two girls which are currently in training, The two girls seem to be in focus. The first time they did the training was complained about it but the second time made them silent, The third time made the two girls shut up and focus on training. The girls hearing Elizabeth's voice then answered.

"Master, I am good." Morgana said with a calm voice as she continues to train. No matter how the girls' train, Their bodies still cannot make one muscle that symbolizes the hard training they did. It was a sad but good fact, Their strength was still hidden in the pale skin and muscles they have. It was like a hidden weapon for them so that the opponents would underestimate their physical strength.

"Master, I am still moving." Jeanne answered, She was still continuing her training like Morgana. She was already used to hardships when she was forced by Elizabeth to face them. Elizabeth told them that after the physical training, Elizabeth would train the two girls depending on their own weapon arts. This would mean that Elizabeth would train their skills and would refine the skills for them.

"It seems that the two of you don't want to stop but please stop." Elizabeth said with a smile on her face, Hearing what she said. The two girls quickly stop their training and cleaned every mess they made in the area. Elizabeth seeing this was smiling at the discipline of the two, She was like some master who saw her student finally doing things correctly.

It took a while for the two girls to finish the cleaning of the area, They were discipline by Elizabeth herself. Their sweat already disappeared and the two of them began standing in front of Elizabeth. They were standing straight and their faces were serious, This was what Elizabeth taught to them. Gilgamesh was supposed to teach this kind of thing later but Elizabeth wanted to be early.

"Master, Where are we going?" Morgana asked Elizabeth, She was curious on why her master made her stop the training. It must be something important since Master wouldn't bother with trivial things. Jeanne hearing what Morgana asked was also curious about why the Master made them stop their training.

Jeanne was already used to calling Elizabeth as her master, Even Terra agreed when Jeanne asked for permission. Although Elizabeth was weaker than him, Elizabeth's nature was somehow close to Jeanne. This would mean that Elizabeth can teach a lot of things than him teaching to Jeanne. This made him agree and he could see that his student made friends in the Elite Camp.

"Pack your things, We are going to Teacher Gilgamesh's city which is called The City of Babylon." Elizabeth said with a smile, She has been wanting to get out rather than stay here. Gilgamesh already allowed them to enter his Huge city. With Gilgamesh's agreement, Elizabeth plans to travel to the city as she wanted to know what a city feels like.

"Okay, I also wanted to visit the city." Morgana agreed, She then began heading back to the Elite camp since all of her things were in there. She was only planning to bring her wallet since she wanted to buy everything her master wanted which is weird since it is mostly the opposite. Jeanne, who was right beside Morgana also spoke towards Elizabeth.

"I also want to be with Master." Jeanne said with a calm voice, Morgana hearing Jeanne speaking like that made her feel threatened so she did one thing that looks normal. Morgana brought Jeanne with her on the pretext that she wanted to be together with Jeanne while heading to the Elite Camp.

Elizabeth seeing them just sighed, She didn't have anything to bring and she can change her clothes easily without anyone noticing. She could change her clothes in one second which is a good skill, Her students were getting along with each other and although the two of them have a rivalry. It was tame and didn't have any hate.