Going Back to the Elite Camp

Between the Southern Main City of Babylon and the Capital of Kaizer was a Large Area of Land. This Large Area of land was divided into two different Big Biomes. The Great Forest and The Great Desert. The Whole 1/4 of the Southern Region was a Large Desert while the remaining third was a large forest. The Whole continent was very big and sandstorms were some kind of an everyday occurrence.

The Main City of the South or the City of Babylon was a big desert city, Although it had a small patch of forest with it. Of course, The Elite Camp was more on the Forest than the Desert. This was why in the Elite Camp, The only thing the students could see is trees. The Continent is Giant Island Continent, 1% of the land has the potential to be a nation of its own.

In the middle of a Huge Sandstorm, The Strong winds could topple trees easily, The Sand can easily fill anything, The Dangerous Hidden QuickSands, and The Place where bandits gather. The Great Desert, One of the most dangerous areas in the Empire. It was also one of the areas that people pass every day. The Unending sandstorms that won't stop for even 1 hour, A dangerous part of the Great Desert.

With this many dangers, People still didn't stop passing this great area. In the Distance, A Giant Figure could be seen traveling through the sandstorm at a great speed. It was obvious that this Figure wasn't some kind of monster, It was a Vehicle. This was the vehicle that was used in order to pass the Great desert.

A Giant Behemoth Vehicle, It was used mainly in the Military but it was also used in transportation. The Bandits in the Empire seems to have been hiding like rats, With how big the Empire is. The Bandits can hide everywhere and their infested places was well hidden for anyone to notice them.

This was called the LandKreuzer, The Monster Land Vehicles that were made by the Empire. The history of this vehicle was a sad one, It was abandoned many times until one inventor pick it up and renovated it. It was one of the moments that made the LandKreuzer important to the Empire. Many Inventors followed the first one and came up with many designs, From Offense, Defense, Speed, and Practicality.

The LandKreuzer was simplified, The Increase of the practicality in the Land battle made the Empire gaze at the Vehicle. It was the Main Battle Tank of the Empire, Something that was known for Power, Defense, And Mobility. Such a monster shouldn't have existed, The Empire had many things to gain dominance.

With the Length of 105 meters, The Width of 42 meters, The Height of 33 Meters, And The Mass of 1,800 Tons. It deserves the name of a Land Ship, A monster tank that was known to have many cannons. It was currently heading towards the Capital of Kaiser, It can stop anywhere but it needed identification and a pass from the Department of Transportation. It was too dangerous to stop which is why stopping was rare for the LandKreuzer.

"We are almost near the Camp." Morgana's voice was heard, They had to take the LandKreuzer since their Elite Camp is in the No-No-Zone. Stopping in the middle of nowhere might be weird but most people wouldn't care. It was time for the trio to go home and looking around, There were many people with them.

"This is really beautiful." Jeanne muttered in her soft voice. She was currently entranced by the Daggers of Valkyrie that was given by Maid Enkidu. She was currently spinning the golden daggers and was having fun with them. Morgana hearing Jeanne just shook her head, It was the first time Jeanne had a gift so it made sense for Jeanne to be acting like this.

'A Gift was something rare of the Magic Kriegers, Time was long for them. Birthday's are just like the same as an ordinary day for the Magic Kriegers.' Morgana thought to herself while staring at Jeanne. She was thinking about a lot of things but she then notices her master who was completely silent.

"Master are you okay!?!" Morgana asked. She was disappointed in herself when she didn't notice the weirdness of her master. It has been a lot of time since the Office of Gilgamesh but after leaving that place, Her master seems to be completely silent. Jeanne, who was having fun with her Daggers quickly realizes that something was wrong.

"Master." Jeanne quickly put the golden daggers back in their place. She then asked worriedly towards Elizabeth who was completely silent. Elizabeth, who was looking through the windows notices her two disciples asking worriedly towards her. Elizabeth then smiles and spoke towards her two disciples.

"There is nothing wrong, I am fine." Elizabeth said with a calm and soft voice. There was clearly something happening to her, Experiencing the Satan Summoning Ritual made Elizabeth somewhat stoic. She was calm and her mind was really soft, It seems that her guard was lowering and this was dangerous.

"Here." Morgana taps Elizabeth's shoulder. Elizabeth, who saw the hand of Morgana didn't dodge and stares at the shoulder she was touched. She didn't feel anything other than the hands of Morgana. There was nothing wrong with her, This was what Elizabeth thought about her current situation.

"Jeanne, There is something wrong with Master." Morgana spoke with a serious voice, This was a huge problem for the two of them. Jeanne hearing what Morgana said nodded in agreement, She also noticed the weird thing about her Master. It was the fact that her Master's guard was down.

Her Master didn't resist being touch by Morgana, It was a huge problem since the two of them can only rarely touch Elizabeth. She would quickly dodge everything and there was some rare instance that Elizabeth wouldn't be bothered about it. The two of them clearly knew that this was not the current situation.

"Defcon 5." Jeanne spoke with a serious tone. Morgana nodded and put her hand on Elizabeth's forehead. Elizabeth was somehow curious about what was going on, The two of her disciples were acting weird. Why are they acting like I was in deep trouble? This thought passes through Elizabeth's mind.

"It seems that her body is above the normal temperature, there is a possibility of her being sick." Morgana spoke as if it was a huge problem. But to be honest, It was somehow a huge problem. A Magic Krieger being sick is not a good thing especially with the fact that their endurance is a dozen times better than normal humans.

"That is not possible, I am feeling fine." Elizabeth said with a gentle and soft voice while smiling. It was a weird time for Elizabeth to act like this and it was also weird for her to get sick. The possibility of it being a huge problem is also huge and not good. Jeanne hearing Elizabeth had no choice but to disagree.

"Master, I have no choice but to disagree. Come! take a nap." Jeanne said while forcing Elizabeth to sleep on her lap. The sits were long and they were alone in the area of the LandKreuzer since it was a VIP area for them. No one would bother them with what they do in this place.

The Time continues, Elizabeth was forced to sleep. Morgana didn't try to stop Jeanne and was just reading something important. it was the medicine of being sick, It was obvious that normal human medicines wouldn't work. With this fact, Morgana had to find something useful. She might have to ask Gilgamesh for more information about Magic Kriegers getting sick.

The Trio went back to the Elite Camp, A lot of students manage to see them carrying Elizabeth back to the Elite Camp. It was the first time Elizabeth was carried by a student, This manages to cause huge attention and most of them were curious about what happen. The Last time Elizabeth went unconscious was the fight between her and Teacher Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was the one that carried her back to the Elite Camp.

The news managed to spread, Elizabeth being sick was heard by every student in the Elite Camp. The students were shocked at hearing this since the stronger a Magic Krieger is. The less of the possibility of them being sick. There was a way to increase the possibility and it was dangerous. Something that could make someone as strong as Elizabeth sick is a really not good thing.

Of course, Some might have thought about the time in the place of Maid Enkidu but it seems that this has been going ever since they arrive in Babylon. The Weird Actions of Elizabeth during that time were also noticed by Morgana and Jeanne when they tried to remember the evens at that time.

The Life in the Elite Camp was thriving but the looming threat behind it gets darker.