Special Chapter, Enemies

In the Darkness of the night, The light of the cities shone brightly in a colorful flare. The Cars were in the streets jumbled up together. The people on the sidewalks walking and having the time of their life. It was a good day for anyone, The Southern Coastal City. The Cruise Ships in the background, The Light of the moon was also seen.

But in this beautiful scene. In a Small Alley, An area that was very dark. Blood was spilled, The pool of blood in the ground and the bodies that were with it. Some of them had their limbs chop off while some had their bodies beheaded. It was a sickening scene for the normal populace. In this scene was a group of people, People that were very dangerous.

"Master Connard, We have taken care of the guards." One of the people wearing a black cloak said towards a tall muscular man, He was Connard. The White Haired young man had purple eyes. A Talented man but he was currently on a mission to cause one of the downfalls in the empire. An important mission for him, if he succeeded. He can go back with a proud face with a proud family.

"Salaud, Make sure to take care of the bodies and split up the soldiers. We will meet at the rendevous point, Information is needed. Kill anyone that can see you." Connard said with his cold voice. The Black Cloak people began cleaning the whole mess. Killing people was a huge risk since it could possibly alarm the enemy but the information is needed to find something they wanted.

After cleaning the whole mess, The Black Cloak Soldiers began spreading for information. Connard was currently on the top of some skyscraper, looking down at the colorful city. It was very different from the depictions of the world outside the empire. Slaves still exist but it seems that most people here are living their life.

"The Irony and the Hypocrisy." Connard shook his head and sighed, He was an ArchExalted Magic Krieger. He has seen many dark things in the Republic, That one thing he hated was the hypocrisy. They will hide the bad things and not owning up to them, They will kill anyone that hesitated to follow their opinions.

"But I still have my wife and my daughter, I shouldn't think too much." Connard silently muttered, Staring at the beautiful starry sky. Connard thought about the many things he had done during his life. He didn't care about the people he killed since this was the reason why he managed to have this part of his life.

He was sent by the Republic to deal with something in the empire. A Republican ArchExalted Magic Krieger entering the Empire was suicide. But there was a good reason for this, A rumor has sprouted in the world. The 6th Legendary Magic Krieger is now being taught and created in the Empire. This was obviously a piece of bad news for everyone outside the Empire.

The possibility of the 6th Legendary Magic Krieger is making everyone crazy. The Republic only had 3 Legendary Magic Kriegers, The other two were a rare find in the Island Continents. With this face, The Legendary Magic Kriegers from both sides maintains a good status quo. The Republic also didn't know the existence of the Emperor and thought that the Legendary Magic Kriegers were running the Empire like them.

The Balance will break, The Power would tip towards the Empire side. It was not a good thing for them and it was obviously a good thing for the empire. Connard's mission was to find the Growing 6th Legendary Magic Krieger and kill it. It was a clear and easy mission since Connard was the top of his class, The Legendary Magic Kriegers in the republic had to ask him personally.

"I would die without going back in the republic." Connard muttered with a cold voice. Proud shitty things the people always say to him. It was obvious that the Empire would hunt him down, There was also a possibility that a Legendary Magic Krieger would personally hunt him down. Killing his family with him, This was why he already changed many things before going into this empire.

He already had his last words written in some letter that would be given a week after this day. He knew he would die, He wanted his family to continue with him. And since he would die, He would kill the 6th Legendary Magic Krieger. This was his mission and since he already steps on this empire. He must continue the mission he was given.

"Master Connard, We have collected some interesting information via rumor and information breakers." A shadow figure appeared behind him. Connard, who was in a daze slowly turns his head and looks at the shadow figure. It seems that his soldiers have managed to find some interesting information.

"What is it?" Connard asked, Many soldiers appeared with the Shadow Figures. The Republic intelligence and the Republic Elite Squads were with him. They were seriously treating this mission as something important. This fact made Connard smile since his death wouldn't be something unimportant.

"Information has been distributed and it seems that something happened in the Southern Region of the Empire." The Shadow Figure Answered.

"What do you mean?" Connard asked again, A cold aura surrounded him and he obviously didn't want the Shadow Figure to explain in a confusing and weird way. He wanted the shadow figure to explain the information all at once. He could just analyze everything from that Information.

"An Explosion happened in the Great Southern Forest, It was a huge explosion and can be compared to weak Legendary Attack. It didn't harm any surroundings but the Explosion was very magnificent. This was the word that was given to me by the Locals. Let's continue."

"The Explosion cause shockwave and the Western and Eastern Regions of the Empire was somehow affected. Luckily for them, The Legendary Magic Kriegers step up and stop the explosion from spreading. The Whole Southern Region also had clear skies due to this explosion. Which is why the starry skies are very beautiful."

The Shadow Figure said while looking at the beautiful sky, It was the effect of the explosion. Connard hearing the information nodded in understanding. He was currently thinking about the information that was given to him, There was a good possibility that the Explosion was somehow caused by the 6th Legendary Magic Krieger but it also had the help of another Legendary Magic Krieger.

"Did you pinpoint the location of the Explosion?" Connard asked, Some might think that the 6th Legendary Magic Krieger might have relocated but the Legendary Kriegers are arrogant, Republic or Empire. They are the higher being and no one can control them other than themselves.

"Yes, I already pinpointed it." The shadow figure nodded. Connard was really surprised at how efficient the Elite Squad of the Republic. It was expected for them to be this efficient, They may be weaker than him but they can work with versatility and efficiency. They were the perfect dogs but the Empire also had this kind of dogs.

"Master Connard." Salaud bowed towards Connard, It seems that he had another important piece of informaton. Another group of soldiers came with Salaud bringing a new information for them to use. Connard noticing Salaud nodded towards Salaud and waited for the guy to tell the information.

"According to our spies, Legendary Magic Krieger is leaving the southern region and is currently heading to the Capital for the meeting with the Legendary Magic Kriegers in the Empire." Salaud said to Connard, The Shadow Figure hearing the information knew that nothing can stop them from besieging the whole explosion site. It was obvious to tell what Salaud was trying to say.

"So you're saying that we should attack during that time?"

Salaud nodded when he heard what Connard said. Connard thought about it, This was obviously the perfect time for them to attack. They would find the 6th Legendary Magic Krieger and kill it. Connard releases his aura which made the soldiers kneel, They didn't try to fight it and kneeled in front of Connard.

"It is time for the operation to start, I hope that you soldiers would get ready. This isn't a normal Magic Krieger we are fighting." Connard said towards the soldiers with a serious tone. The Soldiers nodded together while still kneeling. Seeing the discipline soldiers in front of him, Connard had a smile plastered on his face. This would be a tough fight for anyone but they would still fight.

"We are the dagger of the Republic, We stabbed our enemies from the Back, Kill them without knowing they were killed, And Leaving each mission successfully." Connard recited important teaching of the Republic. The teaching of each Elite and Intelligent Magic Kriegers.

"An Important Mission that would decide the power of the Legendaries between the two superpowers. It is time for us to dispose of our enemy's important asset."