Special Chapter, Imperial Government Meeting

In the Imperial Capital of Kaiser, There were towering buildings that reach the skies. Airships or Zeppelins that were observing the Capital from above. A lot of Imperial Police could be seen guarding each section of the Imperial Capital. There was a huge event going on, This Event was the Imperial Government Meeting. It was rare for such a thing to occur and most of the public were observing the Meeting Via Media.

There was a Huge Ancient Coliseum that was the spotlight of the whole Capital, A lot of Zeppelins or Airships could be seen flying above it. There was also a lot of military presence in this area. From Celebrities, Nobles, and Politicians. A lot of people entered the Ancient Coliseum, Some of them were dress like they were entering a huge ball.

A lot of reporters were also seen in the surrounding area. Some were trying to illegally enter while some already had their own area reserve for the reporting. It was a huge event for the Empire, No one was getting through the entrances easily without a lot of Identification. But there was something more.

International Reporters were also seen, Some of them were outside the Coliseum. Some of the International Reporters already had their own areas. The Whole World was obviously watching at the current event. It was a huge event for the Empire but it was a catastrophic event for the whole world. It was a bad thing for all Imperial Officials to gather in one place, That would mean that the Empire is now moving.

Families were watching through the Even via Media or TV. The Whole Capital was a lot more crowded than before which is a problem. Cars could be seen, Traffic was everywhere but luckily there wasn't any chaos. The Imperial Police were doing their job properly probably due to the fact that there were many important guesses entering the Ancient Coliseum.

There was one journalist that was staring at the huge coliseum on the inside. Her name was Bericht, It took a lot of her research and the Company's resources to get a spot in this Ancient Coliseum. She was one of the Famous International Journalist. She didn't expect to get here but seeing the Ancient Coliseum with her own eyes was like an achievement.

She heard a lot about the Empire, Especially the fact that they were a tyrant on their own people. It was a fact that most of the world hated the Empire, But entering the Empire on her own made her see something different. It was known that the Empire was hell, Most of the citizens don't have anything to eat and it would probably collapse sooner or later.

But seeing the magnificent view in front of her made Bericht realize that the Empire won't collapse sooner. It was obvious that the Empire could be independent on their own continent. They obviously didn't need any nations to trade and could probably take care of their own. This was something that Bericht saw.

"Bericht, It seems that International Diplomats are also here." Her Partner which was a Camera Man spoke to her. Bericht was cut off from her daze and turn her head to look towards the Camera Man. It was a Handsome Man, It was probably shocking seeing a handsome man working as a cameraman. His name was Medien, Bericht's partner.

"They really are fast." Bericht spoke with a mocking voice, It was obvious that the Republic was the ones that sent the Diplomats. She was obviously not from the Republic and to be honest, After the World War many dozens of years ago. The Republic began failing and the other Island Continent took advantage of it.

The Republic in front of them was just a suit or a nation that represented the whole world. It was never the leader of the alliance and was just something that was controlled by the Senate. Her Nation took part in the Alliance due to the fact that they were pressuring them. This fact made Bericht hate the republic.

"They're entering." Medien pointed towards the Huge Entrance of the Ancient Coliseum. The Other Reports was obviously pointing their cameras towards the Entrance. The one that they were waiting for was the most powerful individuals in the Empire. They were the only second powerful individual other than the mysterious emperor.

It was obviously the 5 Legendary Magic Kriegers or the publicly known Imperial Knights of the Empire. Five Individuals were seen, Most of the crowd cheered for them. Even those who were high ranking officials were cheering like fangirls. Bericht notices the noisy crowd and proceeds to look at the group of people.

Gilgamesh was the first one that entered the Entrance, He was currently on his Imperial General Uniform but his handsomeness only made it deadlier for anyone. He was currently having a stoic face which is weird and his achievements and ranks were obviously on display for the crowd. What followed him was a THICC Lady.

This Lady was Merlin, She was also in her Imperial Admiral Uniform. She obviously had a stoic face and looks like the opposite of a pacifist but the crowd didn't bother. They still cheered for her especially her last achievement which was sinking an entire Island Continent with her own ships.

Another THICC Lady followed Merlin, It was obviously the Queen of the North. Coldice, She was also in her Imperial General Uniform. Had a stoic face and was currently not bothering the crowd. Sometimes the crowd could feel some of the Cold Aura coming from her which is weird.

A Middle Age man was revealed, This was Terran. His brown hair and brown Eyes was seen, He was in his Imperial General Uniform. He had a Stoic face, The Merciful general having a stoic face was incredibly weird. Another Girl followed Terran, This was the demoness of the east.

It was Akuma, She was wearing her Imperial Admiral Uniform and was currently waking towards the Center with a serious and cold voice. She was the demoness who was known to have killed more people than the other Generals or Admirals with her. There was something weird going on in this Imperial Knights.

"Why are they serious and why are they wearing military uniforms." Bericht spoke while staring at the five with a serious face. Medien noticing his serious partner also thought about it. Judging from the information he got from the Five people. There wasn't any information found so he just spoke what he got in his head.

"They are the highest individuals in the Empire other than the Emperor so it is obvious that they won't be some kind of arrogant prick like ours." Medien said while shaking his head. It was obvious that the 5 individuals were very powerful. Most of them would probably serious cause if not, The empire would probably collapse. This was why a tyrant Empire getting run by idiots doesn't last long in history.

"I hope you are right." Bericht nodded in agreement, There was nothing weird about them being serious. The 5 Imperial Knights finally arrive at their seats and began sitting. The Crowds then stop clapping and sat on their seat in respect to the Imperial Knights. A lot of Reporters and journalists were using their cameras to capture this moment in the Empire.

The 5 Legendary Magic Kriegers were sitting in their seats. Politicians, Officials, Nobles, and Celebrities also didn't dare to do anything other than follow. They may have power on their own things but in front of these 5, They didn't want to even look at these monsters. They just sat on their seats and the whole Ancient Coliseum was in silence.

"The Imperial Government Meeting will now start." An Old Man spoke. His voice echoed all around the Ancient Coliseum. The Crowd nodded in agreement, There was also a lot of Magic Kriegers in the Ancient Coliseum and most of them felt different things coming from the Legendary 5.

The Legendary Magic Kriegers were releasing a Strong mana Aura, It was suffocating for individuals or people that could sense the Mana. Some of them felt different things but most of them felt the same thing from the Mana Aura. It was a dangerous thing and it would change the course of the Empire.

What they felt was a Strong Emotion of Anger, Hatred, And A little bit of Sadness.

"Now that we are starting the Imperial Government meeting." Merlin's cold voice echoed in the Ancient Coliseum. Her Cold Gaze went throughout the crowd, All of them felt a shiver on their spine. They couldn't help but feel fear from Merlin, They just gulp and didn't bother the weird feeling they got from Merlin.

"Something Happen an Hour ago...."

"In the Camp where our future Imperial Officers were trained, An Incident happen."

"This Incident cause the Deaths of our Future Imperial Officers, Most of them were murdered and killed. The Survivors were scared from the Experience that happened an hour ago. It was a Trauma for the kids who didn't have the experience to take something horrible. Their comrades dying in front of them was something that stabs their hearts."

Most of the Crowd were shocked hearing the words, Merlin spoke. They could feel something from their heart, It was something weird that was steering chaos deep within their hearts. The Future Imperial Officers of their Empire. Since most of them were murdered and killed. What would happen in the future?

"There was one student that would take our mantle, She was someone that could be the sixth Imperial Knight. Incredible talented and was focused on her job, She was the perfect candidate but it seems that fate just slaps us in the face." Merlin spoke with a serious voice while gritting her teeth.

"It was obvious that the Incident was an attack, It was an attack that came from our mortal enemies."

"The peace of the world was just an illusion, And the world broke it themselves."


Merlin, stops shouting and felt a hand from her shoulder. It was the first time someone like her who was a pacifist let her emotions erupt like a volcano. She turns her head and saw Gilgamesh shaking his head. She just sighed and went back to her seat, The Other Legendary Magic Kriegers also shook their head.

"It's my turn." Gilgamesh muttered. The Crowd was talking to each other due to the outburst of Merlin. The International Diplomats and the International News Reporters were shocked at hearing this. All of them knew that before attacking, one nation must declare war. If a nation broke it this would be a declaration of war from the receiving nation.

This would mean that the Empire would have the Moral high ground if a war happens. The Outside world, although seeing the Empire as a monster. Looks at its citizens like some normal people they would always meet. Some of the Internet connections, and with the VPN knowledge. They more or less somehow met people that came from the Empire.

"I am the Representative of the Empire, I am given the rank by the Emperor himself." Gilgamesh shouted towards the crowd. Most of the International people were nervous while the local ones were just waiting for the announcement of Gilgamesh. This was something important for the future of the Empire.

All of the Cameras were aimed at him, The Local or International had their cameras aimed at him. They were waiting for Gilgamesh to speak, The Silence engulfs the whole Huge Coliseum. It was pure silence and Gilgamesh finally spoke about the business and the announcement of the Representative.

"The Empire will Declare War towards the Republic, Anyone who tries to help them would be counted as an Enemy without any questions..."