A Day Before The Meeting


A Bright Light was seen coming inside the Elite Camp, A loud sound was heard. It was a Huge Explosion, Where it came from was unknown. Many things were thrown into the air by such an explosion. The Casualties were unknown and the whole Elite Camp was in chaos. No one knows how many died during that attack, While the Elite Camp was in chaos. A human figure could be seen falling from the sky.

This Human Figure falling from the sky was slowly heading towards the forest area of the Elite Camp. It was a good landing spot for anyone that is flying through the air. Looking at the Human Figure, It was a Beautiful Girl holding two golden daggers.

This Figure was a Blond Golden Haired Girl with Blue Azure Eyes, She was currently holding the two golden daggers that were given to her. The Explosion brought her to the sky, Falling from it. The Girl was slowly heading towards the ground at a fast speed. Noticing the ground below her, The Girl turns and began to land on the ground.

It didn't give any loud noise, It was just like a feather landing on the ground. The Beautiful Girl easily landed on the ground, Standing with her two feet. The Girl began looking around her area, She had a cold and serious look plastered on her face. Clenching her daggers, She stares at the distance and spoke with a calm but cold voice.

"Who are you, Intruders?" Jeanne spoke while pointing her daggers towards the distance, The only thing she could see was the lush of trees and plants. There was nothing there until the noises coming from the trees and plants were heard. She manages to found the enemy that causes the explosion but she didn't know why the enemy attacked the Elite Camp.

"Interesting, Although you are a little bit weaker than expected. Sensing us is enough for you to be dangerous." A voice could be heard coming from the distance, A while later. A man was revealed, He was holding a spear while also wearing a Dark Cloak. Jeanne seeing him was serious as he manages to sense that this man in front of her was strong.

With this in mind, Jeanne knew that the situation has become more dangerous than before. It was currently night, The Flames of the Explosion could be seen coming from the Elite Camp. Jeanne was worried about what would happen to her friends especially to her master who was currently in bed.

The Starry Night sky was seen, The Moonlight shone towards them. The Face of the Man in front of Jeanne was seen, This was Connard. He was sent by the Mortal Enemy of the Empire to kill the 6th possible Legendary Magic Krieger. To be honest, He was surprised at his discovery of the Elite Camp.

"This really is an interesting place young miss, To think that the Empire has this kind of place." Connard said with a smile on his face, The Elite Camp. A Place where the talents of the Empire are taught, This place was the one carrying the future of the Empire. What would happen if the Future of the Empire was destroyed? Connard didn't have the answer but it will be answered.

"Now, All of you around me. Do you really want to offend the Empire?" Jeanne spoke as her voice echoed in the surroundings, Black Figures could be seen falling from the trees. All of them were surrounding Jeanne, Holding their swords tightly. All of the Black Figures were in the Master Level, The same as the 5 prodigies of the Empire.

"Well, It's not like we are lost, aren't we?" Connard spoke with a mocking tone, With the attack happening. There was no going back so the only thing they could do is kill everyone and everything inside the Elite Camp. Jeanne hearing him gritted her teeth, It was obvious that there was no going back.

'It seems that a fight will unfold, I should prepare everything needed to survive.' Jeanne thought to herself, She was planning inside her mind on how to survive and kill the enemies in front of her. Most of them are at the same level, The only one that was weird was the man in front of her.

"It seems that I forgot to introduce myself." Connard Voice was heard. Jeanne, who was planning was distracted and turn her gaze towards Connard. Connard, who spoke slightly bowed himself as it was courtesy of the one that introduces.

"My name is Connard, A Republican Magic Krieger." Connard said with a smirk plastered on his face. Jeanne, who heard him was shooked. The Republic and the Empire were mortal enemies, The moment one of them enters the opposite territory. A bloodbath would happen, To think that the Higher Ups of the Republic was this gutsy.

"A Republican..." Without thinking anything, Jeanne began the first attack. She uses her Light and Water to fight against the enemies in front of her. A Bright Light shone and the Two daggers that she was holding began humming. The Daggers of Valkyrie seem to be special Daggers.

The Bright Light engulfs the whole area, The Blinding attack was unexpected since most information about the students of the Elite Camp was unknown. The Black Figures were perfectly ambushed and for some reason, the Bright Light was a little bit stronger than her current level.

The Whole Forest was directly engulfed by the Bright Light, The Humming sound of the Daggers was heard passing through each of the Black Figures. Even Connard was directly engulfed by the Bright light but he had a stoic face and was calm about the situation.

It took a while, But the bright light slowly disappears. What left the bright light were the headless bodies of the black figures. Although not all of them died, A lot of them still ended up dying because of Jeanne's surprise attack. Jeanne, who was still in the middle was holding a humming golden dagger.

"Unexpected, You seem to be giving me a lot of surprises. To think that you are holding the Daggers of Valkyrie." Connard was genuinely surprised, The Look of the Daggers was unknown. Only the abilities were recorded in some history books. It was unexpected for him to see such treasure in this place.

'They really are stronger, The Genuises of the Empire cannot be underestimated.' Connard thought to himself, It was time for him to bring the battle to himself. He didn't want his subordinates dying since he didn't want to take care of everything. Connard then spoke with a calm voice.

"All of you should leave this place, Kill everyone inside that building. I'll take care of the Girl." Connard ordered the Black Figures to kill the students, He would just take care of Jeanne and follow them later. The Black Figures hearing him nodded in understanding and began heading towards the Elite Camp.

Jeanne wanted to stop them but the Aura of Connard was stopping her, She shook her head and hope that her friends could handle them. After trying to steel herself, Jeanne began staring at Connard with her Cold Blue Azure Eyes. Connard, who notice it just grins and spoke.

"To think that you didn't run, You really are protecting your friends in that building." It was unexpected for an imperial to act like this but she was still a kid so it was also expected. The Purple Eyes of Connard and The Cold Blue Azure Eyes of Jeanne were currently staring at each other.

Jeanne didn't speak anything and began her attack, She charges towards Connar with a fast speed. The Trees around her felt the winds of her speed and then she was like teleporting from her position. Quickly appearing next to Connard, Jeanne swings her daggers and attempts to decapitate him.


But something manages to block her attack, It was the spear that Connard was holding. Jeanne seeing the Attack failed, Quickly backs off and maintains the distance away from Connard. The Impact manages to make had arms numb, The Man in front of her was too strong.

"Although you have a good weapon right next to you, You still don't have enough strength to unlock its full potential." It was Connard's turn to attack, He charges towards Jeanne using his Spear. He was attempting to pierce her heart with it, Seeing this made Jeanne understand that Connard was just playing with her.

But that doesn't mean that Jeanne would give up. She began holding her Daggers tightly and dodges the attack of Connard, It was not an easy dodge since she was grazed by the spear. It was a little bit painful but Jeanne didn't bother the pain. Her Shoulders were grazed by the spear but she continued and it was now her turn to attack.

Holding her Daggers, Jeanne began slashing it towards the Heart of Connard. The Spear was right next to her, So Connard didn't have anything to use in order to block her attack. This was what Jeanne thought until something surprising happen. She felt something dangerous and looking below her. Connard's leg was heading towards her.


It was unexpected, To think that Jeanne forgot the fundamentals her Master taught her. The Kick Connected and a loud sound was heard, Jeanne went flying through the forest hitting some trees on her way. She only manages to stop the momentum with the Giant Stone Boulder that was blocking the way, She was injured and blood could be seen on her face and body.

"Naive for you to think that I would only use a spear." Connard shook his head while he was slowly walking in her direction. Jeanne hearing him just smiled, She didn't have enough strength to do anything. She had a great life although it wasn't anything special.

'I forgot the teachings of my Master.' Jeanne thought for the one last time, She stares at the Bright Moon. Her Consciousness was slowly disappearing, Her time has come. Connard, Who was the enemy was slowly getting near her. He would kill her and continue killing everyone in the Elite Camp.

Connard was heading towards Jeanne at a slow speed, He was trying to see if Jeanne could wake up but seeing her right now. Connard shook his head in disappointment, He thought that the kid would never give up but it seems that she gave up. He was disappointed until he felt something in the stomach.

He turns his head downwards and saw a Beautiful Girl that reminded him of his daughter. The White Silver Hair Like his hair, It was unexpected. Connard didn't have time to react and he flew to the distance like Jeanne. This Girl was Elizabeth, The Top Student of the Elite Camp.

"Jeanne, To think that you tried to fight him. You really are brave." Jeanne heard the words of her Master, Opening her eyes took a lot of her strength. She saw the smile of her Master, It was the smile of pride. Seeing that Smile, Jeanne felt that it was not time for her to die yet and just wanted to sleep.

"Master!" Another Voice could be heard, This Voice came from Morgana. The Trouble brought by the Republic was a devastating one. A war would start after this but Elizabeth didn't care about the war. She turns her head and looks at Morgana, She then spoke with a calm voice.

"Morgana, Take Jeanne out of here." Elizabeth spoke as she stares at Morgana, Seeing her eyes. Morgana gritted her teeth and nodded, She then carried Jeanne and the two of them began running out of the area. It took a while for them to disappear, Elizabeth turns her head and looks at the place where she saw Connard landed.

"I don't have enough power left, There must be something happening to Mr. Devil. I need to take care of this guy, The only one I need to kill is him and After that is Victory." Elizabeth spoke as she slowly turns serious, The Man that she kicked was strong. She needed to use all of her power to defeat the man.