As soon as Violet and Lucinda left, Jack felt like he could do anything.
He was trying the best he could to ignore the fact that Violet had met that man outside of his own house without telling him about it.
How could she?
It was true that she had warned him that she would meet Lance again, but he didn’t think she was going to be so bold.
Of course it was better that the meeting had been closer to him instead of in the middle of the woods.
That way, if anything happened, it would be better for him to go after Lance.
But when he learned that Violet had left with Lucinda so late at night, he got completely mad.
And when his eyes felt upon Lance, Jack was certain that he would do something really bad if Violet wasn’t there.
But then she asked him to promise not hurt the man, and even though all Jack wanted was to beat his ass, he agreed.
Because he couldn’t risk to lose her.
And when Lance pointed out that was going to happen if Jack did anything to him, Jack felt conflicted.