I woke up in a good mood today. I don't know why. I took a shower,put on clothes, and went down stairs. When I went into the kitchen I seen my mother cooking food. I gave her a kiss on the forehead, and grabbed a plate of food. After 5 mins of eating I put my plate into the sink,and walk outside to get into my car. I went to my warehouse to talk to ronnie. When I walked through the door I seen Brittany being mean to another member. I was pissed I walked behind her listening to what she is saying.
BRITTANY: shut the f*ck up you dumb B*tch. No body likes you. Don't talk to Ace because he is mine. I will make you regret it.
After she said that i cleared my throat making her tease. She turned around and said " hey baby, I was just telling welcome to the team". I rolled my eyes
ACE: brittany?.
BRITTANY: yes boss.
After I said that she ran away.
God she gets on my last nerves. I asked gabby if she was okay. (Aka the one brittany was yelling at). She told me she was. I nodded and went to my office. It's been 5 hours. Of me doing paper work and meeting. I am getting hungry so I called up the boys, and them we are going to get something to eat.
When we got there was 2 boys sitting alone. I couldn't see their faces. I told the boys to find a seat. I went up to the counter and ordered my food since the other waiter was busy. I was about to tell bob what I wanted until someone bumped into me. I was about to go off when I seen it was akila. When I looked up I seen my men behind her. She said sorry while she was looking up. Once she since me she was frozen.
ME: hello akila nice to see you again.
AKILA: he..hello ace.
She was about to walk away when I grabbed her, but she did something I didn't expect her to do. She got out of my grip and put my arm behind my back. I was really getting turned on because of this. She said
AKILA: Put your hands on my again and I will put you on your ass like I did that man at the club.
I was thinking " damn that was hot". I looked at her to see what she was staring at until I seen ronnie with a gun pointed to her face, but she didn't move.
ACE: put the gun down.
All of a sudden i heard the 2 boys that was sitting by their self running up to Akila.
B&R: mama
When they said that i heard her say "shit under her breath. She let go of my arm and hugged the boys. When I looked at my men they kept on looking and the twins, then me,and akila. I didn't know why they was doing that until I got a good look at them. I was shocked they look just like me and Akila. I couldn't move. They confirm my suspicion when they let go on their mom. They was running turns me yelling
B&R: daddy.
Before I could react they was hugging my legs. I was still frozen. Until I seen Akila trying to take the boys away. ME: ACE: DON'T MOVE.
She turned around looking at me. I was pissed so I took a deep breath.
ME: are those my kids?.
I didn't answer them.
He just rolled his eyes. i was thinking "that was hot"
ME: will you answer my question are they mine.
AKILA: what do you think.
She said that while she walked to take a seat and put the kids are the window and she sat at the end. She looked at me and pointed to the empty seat in front of them.
I started walking towards them, and sat down looking at our kids. I looked at said
ME: Why did you leave that morning?.
When I said that she looked shocked. I hope she tells me the truth.
AKILA: I didn't want to wait for you to wake up and tell me to get out, and get hurt so I left.
ME: Why did you leave the city?.
AKILA: Because I didn't want you to look for me, because of how I felt.
ME: when did you find out you was Pregnant?.
AKILA: I found out when I was 2 months.
ME: why didn't you tell me?
I took a deep breath.
AKILA: I didn't know how you would react and I don't know where you was.
ME: Was that you at the mall in Bronx when you was Pregnant?.
When she said that I smiled on the inside knowing I got to see her pregnant even if it was for a seconds.
ME: Why didn't you come up to me and tell me?.
I raised my eye brow
AKlA: Why didn't you come up to me?. And plus was I supposed to walk up to you and say " Hey ace do you remember when we did the nasty 6 months ago well now i am pregnant with your babies?. I didn't want y'all to tink I was trying to use you are your money.
When she said that I was kinda hurt.
ME: well no but still. Anyways what are their names
AKILA: this one is the oldest his name is brain, and this one is the youngest his name is ryan.
Those name fit them prefect. I want to know their last name.
ME: What are their last name?.
she said something under her breath, but I couldn't hear her.
ME: what?.
AKILA: Winchester
ME: you gave them my last name?.
ME: Well ya they are your kids too.
I felt happy she gave them my last name. Its the thought that counts.
She looked at the clock. Its 7:00p.m
"Crap im late " she said, and she stood up and picked up the twins and started to walk away.
ME: where are you going?.
Akila: I have to go to bobs house to pack up mine and the twins stuff, because we are going back to bronx tomorrow.
When she said that I was pissed how can she take my kids away that I just meet an hr.ago
ME: you just can't take my kids that I didn't even know about away from me.
AKIlA: watch me.
She grabbed the stroller and put the kids in it, and walked out. I was was yelling her name, but she didn't listen to me . when she turned around and saw me and my men was behind her walking fast.
ME: Akila stop moving.
She turned around and flipped me off, I just rolled my eyes and kept walking behind her .ronnie started walking faster. When she turned around and looked at ronnie .she rolled her eyes. When he tried to grab her arm. She took his arm and blocked it, and flipped him and put him on his ass.I was think " damn that was the hottest shit I have ever seen.. That my baby mama" after she flipped him, she put her foot on his neck and twisted his hand about to break it.
AKILA: don't you fucking touch me. She yelled at him. She smiles when she seen the pain in his eyes. She looked up at me and my other men, and we are dumbfounded by what we just saw her do.
ME: let go of ronnie akila.
AKILA: why should I huh. If you want to talk to me then you can but your men have to stay at least 10 feet back.
ME: okay fine.
i started walking up towards her. She let go of ronnie. He backed away from her. He whisper in my ear " she is f*cking crazy, but she a keeper I just smiled him and told him I know. Now I was right in front of her face.
AKILa: The next time one of your men try to touch me I will break all their fingers, do you understand, and I don't care if you are the mafia leader. I will not put up with your shit or anybody else either.. You got that?.
ME: Yes I got that, when did you find out about me being a leader?. And how did you put a 6"5 man on his ass?
AKILA: Bob told me the day I met you, and My father showed me. So what do you want?.
ME: why are you leaving tomorrow?. Can't you stay?.
AKILA: because I was only here for a wedding, and yes I can, but I don't want to.
ME: you can't take my kids away from me.
He started getting loud.
AKILA: you better lower your voice or you will be the one on your ass!.
I just rolled my eyes. Thinking to my self " does she look hot and scary when she is mad"
AKILA: because bronx is where we live, and If I did move back where would we go.. Huh. I don't have money like that.
Me: you can leave with me at my house.
AKILA: No I and my kids are not living with you.
ME: why not?.
AKILA: You are a Mafia leader what would happen if your house got attacked and me or the kids didn't have enough time to go to a safe room. Then we get taken or killed.
ME: okay you have a point but you can stay at my house for a couple months while I get a house built for you.
AKILA: no see this is what I am talking about I don't want you to spend your money.
ME: just think that I am building a house for my sons but their mother gets to stay there until they are 18.
After I said that I winked at her..
AKILA: fine, but you have to go with me to bronx to get mine, and the boys stuff.
ME: you don't have to get.
She gave me a look.and I took a deep breath.
ME: fine we will go tomorrow, but you will have to stay the night at my house tonight.
AKILA: deal, but we have to go to Bob's house to get my stuff that I brought.
ME: deal.
She brought up her pinky to me.
ME: what are you doing?.
AKILA: its called a pinky promise if you don't do it then me and the kids will leave.
I looked behind us to see if my men are looking. But their talking to each other. I wrapped her pinky around mine and said " promise"..
We walked back to the cafè. To tell bob they are staying the night at my house.