Day Six

I was informed that today I wouldn’t be allowed to see Nathan. It was my assistant who told me and I didn’t understand why. When I asked her to elaborate she said she didn’t know why and that she was only told to tell me I wasn’t to go see him today. It made me worry because what if he was sick again like two days ago and what if they were the reason he was sick? I highly doubted they would be the reason but still, I liked to know my patients were okay for the most part.

I was laying down on my office couch as I looked at the ceiling. Since I wasn’t seeing Nathan today I sent my assistant away. I had to give a report today but I didn’t care to do it because I was thinking about Nathan. It was unlike me to be this overlay worried about someone but Nathan always made me feel like he needed the extra care. He also never gave off any signs of being dangerous or crazy but I had only been here only a week. I figured I would have to last longer to actually figure out if Nathan was dangerous.

I was tempted to still go see Nathan but the cameras lining the hall made that impossible. It was the first time since being here that I was frustrated with how tight the security was. I also took notice of how everywhere else wasn’t nearly as watched, but leading up to Patient 000 area it was like a camera every five steps. It was also only one way in and one way out and the guards were actually very big to be guarding someone so harmless. Well, in my opinion anyway.

I sat up and looked at my wrist to check the time before getting up. I walked over to my desk and turned on my computer. I had to finish up my report and since I wasn’t seeing Nathan today it was much shorter than usual. I had put more information inside the report but also not everything that I had asked. I didn’t think it was time they knew everything and I wanted to learn more about Nathan before opening up the door for them to know everything.

It took me about twenty minutes to finish the report up and I read over it to make sure everything was the way it should be. I doubt they would expect much seeing as I didn’t see Nathan today but there was always the chance that they expected me to be farther along. It was something about needing me to check in every few days that made me think they wanted me to finish up before the thirty days I signed in my contract.

I saved the report and then printed it out and slipped it in a beige folder. I grabbed my key card off the couch and left my office, locking the door behind me. I ignored the cameras as I remembered the way to Dr. Camel’s office as I tried to go over everything that might be asked in my head. I had added some fluff into my report and I was hoping he didn’t catch it because I was worried that not everything lined up.

Once I made it to Dr. Camel’s office I knocked on the door but didn't receive any response. It made me look back down at my watch to make sure I had the right time. I tried knocking again and the door opened a bit because it wasn’t fully closed. I was tempted to go inside and peak around but I held back and shut the door all the way. I moved to stand beside the door and leaned against the wall.

I wondered what Dr. Camel could have been doing to be late to a meeting he set up. I understand he has his own patients and he is a boss but I also knew that the time I meet him is consistent. He had told my assistant that the time would be regular and that I shouldn’t be late because that was bad job performance.

It was about ten minutes of waiting before I heard the sound of footsteps followed by talking. I looked up to my left and saw Dr. Camel talking to Dr. Taylor and I found myself become a bit tenser at seeing him. I straighten up the exact moment Dr. Camel noticed me and he gave me an apologetic smile as he stopped by me.

“I apologize, Dr. Nakajima. We had a meeting that ran a bit longer than usual.” He explained.

I nodded and smiled, “That’s fine. I didn't mind the wait at all.”

He seemed happy and opened the door for me and Dr. Taylor to enter. I took a seat at one of the seats in front of his desk and Dr. Taylor took the seat to the left of me. I hadn’t addressed him and I didn’t plan to do it first because he rubbed me the wrong way. His presence made me a lot more nervous than if it was just me and Dr. Camel because Dr. Taylor already let it be known that he was not a nice or respectful guy. Rather that was because I was a female doctor or because of the job I was doing, I didn’t know.

“I hope you don’t mind Dr. Taylor joining us?” Dr. Camel looked at me as he sat down.

“Not at all.” I smiled as I handed him my report.

“I’m glad to hear that and it's nice to see you again.” Dr. Taylor spoke and I turned to see him looking at me with a smile that did not reach his eyes.

“It nice to see you again too, Dr. Taylor.” I gave him back a smile as I glanced over to see Dr. Camel still reading the report.

“How are you finding your work so far?” Dr. Taylor asked, drawing my attention back to him.

I knew he wasn’t asking for my sake, “I’m finding it well and haven’t run into any bumps. Although that might be because of how great my assistant is.”

“Ms. Jones is a promising talent and is quite new here but she is very capable. I might have to take her own as my assistant in the future.” Dr. Taylor let out a light laugh that seemed as fake as him.

I let out a little laugh, “She won’t let you down. She’s always on top of everything.”

He nodded before tilting his head a bit, “How is everything going with Patient 000? I hope he hasn’t been giving you any trouble.”

I had the nerve to roll my eyes because I knew that he was finishing for information. I honestly think he thought the little conversation we had was supposed to make me more welcoming to him so he could find out more stuff. Although I think he would need to rethink his approach, seeing as I was a psychiatrist and a scientist so mind games were nothing new to me. If they were I wouldn’t have been hired here.

“Well, despite not being able to meet with him today, all is going well. He has yet to give me any problems and he answers most questions I ask.” I informed him with a polite smile.

“Oh, so he speaks with you?” The interest in Dr. Taylor’s voice couldn’t be missed.

“He does and I think that is amazing. It shows we made a great choice in bringing Dr. Codwell-Nakajima here.” Dr. Camel spoke up as he finished reading my report.

“I believe it does too. You show great promise for the future it seems.” Dr. Taylor’s smile seemed more forced now and I got the feeling he didn’t like that Dr. Camel had butted in but I was beyond happy. It meant that I wouldn’t have to sit in the office much longer with Dr. Taylor.

“A very promising future indeed.” Dr. Camel nodded.

I smiled at him, “Thank you, Sir.”

“No need to thank me for agreeing with the truth. I read over the report and I see no problems with it and I didn’t expect it to be long since you were unable to see Patient 000 today.” Dr. Camel said as he relaxed some in his chair.

I took this as my chance, “May I ask why my meeting with Patient 000 was halted today?”

I didn’t know if I would get an answer or if they would give me the real answer but it didn’t hurt to ask. I mean it was my job to meet with Nathan and get answers so it didn’t make sense why they would hinder the progress of my job if it wasn’t something serious. And if it had anything to do with how ill Nathan looked beforehand then I would like to know because it might help out with my job.

Dr. Camel smiled, “No reason really. Patient 000 just had some health checkups today and seemed kind of agitated when done so we just didn’t want you to be on the relieving end of his aggression. He can get quite dangerous at times.”

I didn’t believe that but nodded and smiled anyway, “Oh, well that's good to hear. Thank you both for taking the time to meet with me.”

I stood up from my seat and we said goodbye before I left the office. I let the smile drop from my face as I walked back towards my office and I knew I was being lied to. I had noticed that Nathan could get irritated but he had never been aggressive. I mean a few days ago he looked like crap and probably felt worse but still didn’t get aggressive. He didn’t seem like the type to just get aggressive because he was in a bad mood.

Therefore, I began wondering what they had to have done in order to make him act out in aggression.