Ronnie Anderson

We make our way to the gym and right away we see the bleachers.

"So what's the plan? Are you going to kick Ronnie in the nuts and kick his side chick's ass?

Maliah has a great way to use her words to add fuel to fire. If the circumstances were different, I would most definitely kick his ass but I created this problem now I have to deal with it.

" There is only one thing I can do Maliah and that's let Ronnie go."

Sadness swirled in her eyes because she saw how kind Ronnie was to me. Our relationship was meant to have a happily ever after.

"What happened between you? You were an ideal couple. Everyone aims to have a relationship like you and Ronnie had. You were perfect."

Maliah was right, everyone who knew us knew that we had a great relationship. We never fought for tedious things. He was a loving and caring person.

"Don't remind me Maliah."

I met Ronnie in my science class, he was smart and had jokes for days. We got paired up as lab partners for our microbiology class. We started talking about the assignment we were given. Soon the conversation changed to personal questions. It took a couple of months of getting to know each other for Ronnie to ask me out on a date. At that time I didn't tell Ronnie about Zaphyr.

Our first date we went to was a high end restaurant that was way over priced for a couple of college students. It was a great experience. The food was a work of art , too pretty to eat. We joked about taking the food and framing it in our dorms. The time passed with us laughing and de-stressing from our midterms that had just passed. At the end we had to fish out a couple of coins to pay for our dinner because we didn't have enough money. We both left bright red that day but it was worth every penny.

The first year was great, we did a lot together, from arcades, amusement parks, to outdoor activities . We had done a lot of things neither of us had done before. I saw the world through his eyes and I fell deeply in love with him. I had introduced him to my mom and she loved everything about him. She was so happy I had found someone that loved me so much. There was not one bad thing I could say about Ronnie. We were truly a match made in heaven until I let my obsession overtake my life.

My obsession started at the end of my high school senior year. It started very small. I fell in love with Zaphyr's music and then his acting. I never imagined that my love and care for this celebrity would turn into an obsession. When I had met Ronnie I was spiraling out of control and I saw myself getting too obsessed so to try and take my life back into control I tried to date. Ronnie came at the right time but also at the wrong time.

I told Ronnie about my obsession when he accidentally opened my room door instead of the bathroom. Zaphyr was plastered all over my bedroom walls. Music videos, DVDs mini figurines filled every shelf and desk top. My blankets, pillows and stuffed bears had Zaphyr pictured all over them. Anything and everything that had to do with Zaphyr I had it.

I panicked as soon as my secret was revealed. I stood frozen not knowing how this was going to end. I was sure he would think I was nuts, maybe even psychotic. My world had been opened to scrutiny.

" Wow" was all he said.

I stared at my carpet as sweat beads formed at the top of my forehead. My heart palpitated with great speed. All I thought about was how my life was about to change. I was already hallucinating the great torment I was about to experience at school.

I could already see people mocking and pointing their judgements at me. The laughter of how ridiculous my obsession is. My best friend would be ashamed of me and never speak to me again. Realization hit me so hard that my body started to tremble with my fight or flee instinct oozing out of every pore on my body.

"Bella, are you ok"?

Ronnie's face popped right in front of me. I couldn't breathe. I sank down to my knees wishing for someone , anyone to take me far away where I could isolate myself and never see another human again.

I stared down each poster and then my view was suddenly shaken as I saw Ronnie's mouth move but no sound. I blinked and stared at him. A hard slap to my back broke my trance and air filled my deprived lungs.

My body soon was airborne and sanked on top of Ronnie's shoulder. I silently shrieked as my body was still overcoming my anxiety. I plopped down onto my bed. Ronnie's body enveloped mine into a tight hug.

"Bella, what the hell is wrong with you. You are shivering and it's so damn hot outside".

I took a deep breath and faced Ronnie. He saw the dread in my eyes but his face was neutral. He was calm, not mad. His eyes showed concerned but no judgement. His mouth wasn't laughing. His fingers laid on my shoulders not at my face.

I don't understand why he is not laughing at me? Why isn't he judging me like I pictured everyone else doing. Is this a nightmare that is only taunting me?

I gulped and gathered all the possible strength I could and managed to whisper, Are you ok?

He looked at me with a confused look.

" I'm ok, are you"?

"I've never brought anyone to my room before", I muttered.

"Well, it's an honor to be the first one here. I dont know who the dude is but I can assume you're his number one fan".

I contemplated and struggled, should I finally let someone other than my mom into my world?

Be brave Bella, you already overcame the worst part. There is nothing worse that could happen or so I thought.