
18.Always Wrong.

It's Monday again and I am back to my regular routine. I am thinking about quitting my job . I hope Mrs C will take it well. Am ready for school took a shower already ,dressed ,taken breakfast looking cute again. I grab my car keys and carry my satchel bag. I say a quick prayer to start my busy day.

I had asked Soffie to look up some acting auditions for me . I have always wanted to act I mean I have to have my degree too . Everyone needs a back up plan . I drive through the busy highways and am in school in thirty minutes. I pack my car on my obvious spot as another car pulls up next to me. I grab my bag and the breakfast I brought for Soffie. I exit the car and am ready . "Wait for me pretty", I hear someone say behind me and guess what the guy who pulled next to me is non other than Enzo. "Morning too", I retort.

He chuckles as he makes his way to me . "Hey, my bad",he says as he gives me a hug. I am getting used to his guys , damn him with his hugs.

"You're early today huhh ",I tell him as he intertwines my fingers with his and it feels good. "I wanted to walk you to your first class",he says giving me a smile . The ones that make your knees feel weak... "Aren't you sweet today "I say not hiding the smile that I have . He decided to be a gentleman . "Pttfff am always nice you just never notice , am nice to you.",he says . I feel bad for never noticing the effort people around me are always making in order to be close to me . We walk in silence and as promised he takes me to my first class. Unfortunately this class isn't with him it's with Soffie not that I don't enjoy her company.

I wait for a while and Soffie shows up. " Hey , you couldn't wait for me?"she asks . " Am sorry Enzo escorted me"I say.

" Give me the details bitch"

she says excitedly. I burst out laughing because what else could I do. "What's funny spit it out ",she says . "There is nothing really ,he just escorted me that's all",I say . "I don't believe you but it's fine",she says as she takes the bag containing her breakfast. "Have you ever talked to Jade I haven't seen him in a while?",she asks. "Naaaahhh the last time I talked to him he said he was busy at his dad's firm ",I tell her." Ooohh then it might be it",she says as she eats the sandwich. We sit in silence well me .

We're done with half of the day and am really hungry I need food."Hey Soph wanna grab something to eat?"I ask her."Am really sorry can't go I am supposed to go somewhere with Harry",she says . Wow everyone is being loved except me. I carry my bag and leave.

I buy some fries and a milkshake. I finish my food and pay the bill as I exit the cafe. I don't have any lectures today so I am just gonna head home straight. As I near my car I notice there are some people leaning against the hood of my car. I can't recognize who they are because there backs are facing me. I get closer and the voice only belongs to Hayley. "What do i owe this precious visit?"I ask them . She is with her bimbos following her around like she is money ."Here arrives the queen", says one of the girls. "I saw you with my man bitch",says Hayley. I bluntly laugh at her face , I mean she is referring to Enzo as her man wowwww , people never stop amazing me."I wonder if you're laughing at yourself or what",she says. "So listen here sweetie , I don't know which 'man' you're talking about because the list of guys I know you say you own I don't associate with any",I say . I know I have pricked her . "Are you calling me a whore ",she says glaring at me . "I didn't say that you said it",I tell her. " Stay away from Enzo bitch he is just toying with you",she says . "Listen to who is talking here , is it me or you who is being used and am not even interested in him we're just friends so buckle up bitch and get out of here",I tell her . " You're just naive bitch he doesn't even want you , well that's what he said when he fucked me the last night",with that she walks away .Am wrong again as always. So he left my place and went to fuck her or what ? I open my car door and just sit there motionless . Everything has to go wrong . I shouldn't even be affected that he left my place and fucked her later I mean am nothing to him. I was just lying to myself because I felt bad . I couldn't sit here all day I had work to do . I start my ignition and drive out of school.

I reach my place and I can't sleep. So I decide to go some grocery shopping . There is a store just across the street so I can walk . I grab some cash my phone and leave the house. I reach the store and remember am supposed to buy alot of stuff,two trips it is now. I buy all the stuff I need I don't want to starve . I pay for the goods and now I wonder how to reach home. "We meet again",says a voice I don't recognize.I turn around and Sam is here or what was his name again? The look I give him tells him I don't remember him, "it's Xander the guy you bought some paints from", he says. Ooohh my days how did I forget. "Hey ",I say over excitedly. "Hey , having trouble carrying your grocery?"he asks. " Yeah ",I say." I can help"he says."Thanks but I just live across the street I can manage. "I say. "Well I insist"he says . If he wants to help then it's okay."Okay then". He carries like all my bags as I show him the way. He helps me take the bags to my place and I thank him profusely and he promises to come by sometime . A male friend for once this others are jelous pricks. I arrange the things and check my watch and realize it's thirty minutes past six I need to get ready for work.

I am five minutes early if that can be counted . I get to work and it's busy as always. I go to Mrs C's office I need to tell her now. " Hey Mrs C",I greet her."Hey ,is something the problem Issabela?"she asks.Well I tell her how I want to quit and she doesn't want me to go but then she has no choice.

My shift ends well and I can't believe this is the last time I am working here. I take my bag and leave the the dinnery. Outside the dinnery is Parker. "Hey hazel"he says. "Hey parker."I greet him as he embraces me. We walk in silence to my place and this time I don't complain about him escorting me. "I just wanted to make sure you reach home safely",he says. "Am safe don't worry "I tell him ."Goodnight hazel " he says as he leans and am sure he is gonna give me a peck . He comes closer and I don't stop him. I feel his lips brush my lips a little like for some seconds then I lose the contact .

He turns and leaves.


Hey guys here is another chapter . I didn't like the last chapter I updated so I had to write another one and I like this one better. I hope you like it too. Thanks for the support so far. Please remember to vote I'd really appreciate it❤️❤️