

I come back to my senses. It was just a peck Ella don't make a fuss over it.

"Hey Don",I greet him ." Hey , actually there is a guy who came here looking for you ", he says . Who is that?" Did he tell you his name "I ask him . "He is waiting actually",he tells me. " Thanks ",I say as I go to the elevator. I reach my floor and Enzo is sitting on the floor next to my door with a bar of chocolates. He looks up when he hears footsteps . " You're back already",he says as he stands up . " Was I supposed to sleep at the dinnery?" I ask . "What's with the attitude did I do something wrong?"he asks as I open the door and he follows me as he loves the door behind me. I shouldn't be worked up because he left my place and went to have sex with Hayley that's his business. " Naahhh am sorry am just tired I guess with all the work",I tell him .

" I really don't know what days you have work are you free tomorrow?"he asks. "Well I just quit so am free",I say ."Why did you quit?"he asks . "I just thought that I need time for me cause am always busy and stuff you know",I say as I prop myself down on the couch. " Ooohh I get you , you really seem tired have you eaten anything?"he asks.It felt nice for having someone who at least cares. I ate something earlier am not that hungry I can manage ",I say . "No you don't want to starve do you I'll just cook you something you can eat it if you want",he says as he goes to the kitchen. "Thanks for the chocolates actually they are my favorites ",I tell him as I get comfortable."Glad you liked ",he says. As he said am really tired so I just lie there on the couch. I turn so I can stare at him when he is cooking. I see the way his arms flex when he is fetching all the ingredients he needs ,I really don't know what he is making. It's so beautiful watching him cook and I know he is cooking for me. I guess it's gay to have beautiful and him in a sentence but whatever . He seems so serious I mean serious fixing a meal . I feel my eyes getting dizzy but I don't want to sleep I just want to watch hi...

Enzo's POV

I saw Hayley talking to Ella today at school hope she didn't say something bad. I mean what could be bad ,I guess me and her dating that could screw things up . I wonder why I was worried and we're only friends. You don't want to fuck your friend do you? Am screwed...

I stole her undies the other day. I know how bad that is and am really perverted. I just wanted her scent nothing more and once I sniffed it I felt like keeping it . I wonder how her scent and her arousal will be like ...fuck am really pussy whipped no lie . I glance at her on the couch and she is fast asleep. I make my way to where she is and sit on the arm of the chair just staring at her. She is just perfection. The way her lips are pressed together. I take my phone from my pocket and take a picture of her . A beautiful face to stare at when you're having a bad day. I go back to the kitchen and the food is ready. I turn off the stove and let it cool so I put it in the freezer . I need to take her to bed . I walk to her and carry her from the couch. She fits so perfectly in my hands . She stirs in her sleep as she hides her head against my neck . Her breathing tickles me. I open her bedroom door with my leg as I take her to the door. I put her on the bed and pull the covers over her . I am curious because I no nothing about her and I know asking her won't help since she won't say shit.

Seems like I can't find anything here as I am going out of her room I see something under her bed near the edge. I bend and pick it up . I recognize this person even if I was woken up at night and asked who it is.Its Bianca but how the hell does she know her ,I can't denie the fact that they looked a like a little. I can't figure out how they know each other but maybe they were friends you never know. I take the picture and put it in my back pocket as I leave her room.

I wear my boots at the door and I leave her place .

"Hey bro where were you last night I came by your place but you weren't there?"asks Jade. "I was over at Ella's place",I tell him. His jaw ticks as he glares at me. "I thought I told you to stay away from her maahnn",he says . I chuckle as I look at him," Who are you to tell me to stay away from her ?" I ask him . "Just fucking stay away from her ",he says . This dumbass. "The chick you wanted me to stay away from the last time I did and what did you do, you fucked up what happened to her was all your fault", I say and immediately a blow lands on my jaw. Am pissed and I punch him multiple of times. He also throws a number of blows and my jaw is sore. "This is not over maaahhhnn don't say I didn't warn you",he says as he walks away . Son of a b***h who does the think he is ordering people around. He doesn't get to mark territory on people anymore. I can't even go to school with a busted lip ,this is the second time he is doing this to me.

It's already evening and I have to go to Ella's place to pick her up. I take a quick shower and get dressed.

I grab my car keys and head out. I drive to her place and park my car as I greet the guard . I reach her apartment and I can hear voices from inside ,not again... I knock the door and it's opened on the second knock. Standing at the door is a fumming Ella with Jade beside her . "Hey did I interrupt anything?"I ask directing the question to both of them. " Not really Jade was just leaving , weren't you Parker?" She says . Fiesty much... Jade doesn't speak he just glares at me and walks out.

"Could you explain the bruise at your jaw throwing punches at each other?"she asks . " ooouuhh just got into a little fight nothing serious",I tell her. She doesn't seem to buy it but she let's it slide.

"Ready to go ?" I ask her . " Hell yeah let's hit the road",she says and she is no longer the girl who sent away Jade some minutes ago . I grab her hand as we leave her apartment and she locks it as we make our way to the elevator. She talks to Don something about her going out and not to worry as I wait for her in in the car. She comes and sits at the passenger sit next to me as I start the car and hit the road as she said. I've been driving for like twenty minutes and am tired already because she has tried every radio station and the songs suck. Am glad when she finds a song that she knows and and sings along WAP by Meghan de Stallion and Cardi B .

"Aren't you even worried where I am taking you",I ask her . " There is no need in asking because you won't tell me",she says as she continues singing. Smartass.

I drive for another ten minutes as I reach the park.

"Why the hell did you bring to the park now precisely , want me to scream your name when am riding at the ferris wheel?"she asks bursting out laughing. "I really like your idea but not today I brought you here for something else",I tell her as I open the back door to the some stuff I brought. She comes beside me and helps me carry some of the things.

I spread the blanket down and sit on it waiting for her to join me . She has two bags of chips and chicken nuggets on her hands I figured that maybe she'd want to eat . "So what should I do ?"she asks as she continues staring at me. " Just put those down and lie on your back "I tell her as I lie down and stare at the sky . She does as I tell her ."What else ?"she asks. "Just shut up and just stare at the sky ",I tell her and she keeps quiet. The view of the sky is amazing from here the stars shining above the whole city. We just stare at the sky not speaking it's beautiful . We stay like that for at least thirty minutes until she speaks up."Thanks for this ",she says. "Don't mention it",I tell her and we fall back to the comfortable silence.


Hey loves😍😍here is another chapter . Please remember to vote I'll really appreciate it❤️❤️.