

Ella's POV.


"Put me down dumbass",I yell over  the music.


He spanks my right butt cheek. He is currently carrying me over his shoulders ,my ass in the air.

"Am not your property so put me down I won't repeat it"I say as I kick him.

He doesn't say anything just continues walking like he didn't hear me. We reach outside and I spot his car as he opens it and places me on the passenger sit and locks it.

He goes around and enters the car and starts driving.

"Did he really have to show up",my inner voice says .

"Don't act as if you didn't crave for him bitch drop the act",my bitchy other me.

"I need to focus please shut up am not going to act like he didn't ignore me all along",I say again in my head actually.

"Pleeeeaseee like you've never ignored him before",my bitchy voice she needs to shut up though.

"We're here",says another voice in my head but wait that isn't me ....

"Did you hear me Ella?",it asks again .