

Enzo's POV.


I stare at her when she's sleeping  I know I sound like a creep. She looks so cute . She stirs in her sleep and I think she'll wake up but she doesn't . I get up from the  bed and go to the bathroom.

I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen and glance back to see Ella.

"My clothes look good on you ,does your head hurt?"I ask her .

"Yeah have any pills to stop ?"she asks.

"Just wait a little bit let me get them to you",I tell her as I go to the medicine cabinet and fetch her some pills.

"Here ",I tell her as I hand her the pills and a glass of water.

"You shouldn't be drinking that much "I tell her .

"I know but then I couldn't say no",she says as she sits on one of the stools.

"So what are you making as I can see it's already break time",she says as she glances at the clock .

"Pasta and some meat balls"I tell her.

"I really want to help what can I do?"she asks.

"Just sit there and look pretty that's it",I say and she chuckles .