Never mess with us

Alexis POV

Where did the two go right now? They didn't even say they were leaving. Anyway, I was busy composing the song and fell asleep suddenly because I was so sleepy at this time. Like you going to wait for the next class and it's like 1pm in the afternoon.

Who else won't get sleepy at this time? Then you have two more classes even though I really want to go home right now but I don't want to cut classes and you'll be really lazy especially in the afternoon. I'm used in an evening class because it starts like 6pm, it's almost 10pm when we go home and then we eat at 11pm.

The two are still not here yet and they should be here any minute because the professor is coming. Suddenly the four boys who look lousy came. They went straight to their seats just to get their belongings.

"What the hell! Who put tacos, barritos and mustard on my bag?!" Charles said angrily that he almost wanted to kill someone. I can't stop laughing with his annoying face

"TELL ME! WHO PUT IT?!" charles look around to see who did it then I look away so that he won't notice at all

"Whoever did this, going to pay for it!" he said then removed all the tacos and barritos inside his bag then wipe the mustard. He really gone mad this time and it's not yet over. We're just having fun and later will be the big time for you to face it and wait until you see it

"Calm down charles, students are already looking at you and don't make any trouble here or else will get a detention" that annoying mico said which jamie seems to be smiling which I find it weird now. I think she did something while I'm asleep

"Who put trash on my bag!" Then he removed everything inside his until he saw something

"WWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" that benjamin shouted and throw something out of his bag. It's a toy wherein it's a fake snake. I didn't know they're so afraid of these kinds of things which I find it funny. I know lovely did this that is why she is not here yet.

"Benji, are you alright?" the lover boy said

"Please! Please, throw that snake out of here!" he said and hides under the chair

"He is so afraid, and I don't like it"

"Whoever did this, it's not funny at all"

"They look so pale and benjamin can't even do anything"

Why they always feel worried about these boys when they started it and if they only knew what happen to us, it will definitely change their mind feeling sorry with them.

"Benji, it's gone now and you should relax"

Is he crying? Give me a break and how could they look so feeling pity? After all we went through on what they did to us

"Why is my bag wet and heavy?" then he checked what's inside of his bag

"What the fudge?! Who put this big rocks, spoon and fork on my bag?!" these three are really going insane right now and are plan is really working. Then that mico opened his bag

"What is th.....AAAAAHHHHHHH!" he jumped out suddenly

"Jamie, what did you put on his bag? I asked

"A toy of king spider" jamie said

"Dude, it's just a toy" charles said and took away the toy on the floor

"Dude please, take that away from me!" he shouted and all of the students went in this room

"What is happening to the four of them? Which it's really serious now and I don't know whoever did this but please would they stop it. The two were very scared, especially benji and then mico almost died of fear"

Why do I feel like we're the bad ones here? Like yeah of course we did it for revenge but why can't they even see the real story without taking one side. I just don't get it, how come they love these boys so much? When they're such a bullies with the other students and some of them are scared because of what they see wherein they easily give way.

I hate the fact that they're too weak which deep inside they want to fight back. These boys are just students who can never set their own rules here in the academy and they should set aside their personal matters whereas we don't have any idea about their past or what so ever it is.

"Mico, just calm down and breathe"

"How can I calm down when it almost gave me a heart attack?!"

What a short tempered. Who wouldn't knew that he is scared and I think it's his weaknesses and I just amazed at jamie which how did she even figured it out?

"This bag is brand new and I won't even forgive whoever did this" he clinch his teeth

Jamie and I couldn't help but laugh. Suddenly that mico looked at us and he stare at us badly especially at jamie and he approached us without knowing what his intention after this. I don't like the way he looked at jamie at this moment which it give me a bit annoyed. Is he going to do something with jamie?

"You're the one who put this spider inside my bag?" he said and hold a grip on the wrist of jamie which I can see on the expression of jamie is bit different and I think he is already hurting her

"Ahh.. let go of me" jamie is begging him to let go which he tighten his grip on jamie's wrist even more and jamie is about to cry

"I'm asking you right now! Then even dare try to avoid eye contact with me JAMIE PARK! Answer me!"

Then jamie just looked at him seriously which made me want to butt in but charles just stare at me which he will find suspicious if I take an action right now

"Do you have any proof!" jamie said but mico didn't even remove jamie's wrist which he tighten it more and that's when he got even mad

"What proof do you need?! When I saw you laughing and you're the one who put it!"

"Then what about it? Is that a proof?" jamie just smirk

"Don't you even dare make face at me!"

"Let go of me!"

"How did you know that I'm afraid of that kind of thing?! How?! Tell me!!!" that mico said and shake jamie until she get dizzy

"Dude, I think you should let her go now, everyone is looking at you" charles said and mico finally let go of jamie

"No wonder why and you know what? If you had a little sister, she would definitely going to hate the fact you're such a jerk and bully. How come she would be happy having a big brother like you?" jamie said

"You're such pathetic and asshole at the same time. She would be embarrassed seeing you like this acting such scumbag and I think she's going to die if she found out that you're a bully. I think you also going to bully her if that happens" jamie said

And that's when mico approached her wherein he is about to do something then he just punched the wall hard which make everyone shock right now.

I can see blood on this hand and all over the wall. Jamie got scared and didn't say anything

"You don't know anything. You don't have the rights to talk like that" he just stared at jamie then all of sudden he get his things and leave the room which charles, benjamin and james followed him.

Jamie sat on the floor and a stunned as she took a deep breath. He almost broke jamie's face on what he did and jamie was obviously very scared of that mico. I approached jamie immediately and trying to calm her down

"Are you alright jamie? Relax and don't mind him" I said and jamie couldn't even respond right now

"Maybe you shouldn't mention about something like that. Because he might hurt you even you're a girl and I hope she is alright" one of our classmates who give as a piece of advice then everyone went back to their seats while jamie is still in shock

"Calm down now jamie, how did you know that he is afraid of spider?" I asked which hit my curiosity right now and why is he so insensitive when jamie just mention about a little sister.

I know it's kind of rude but if I were his little sister, I would definitely feel embarrassed and kill myself if that happens because people nowadays will spread rumors if something like this happen.

Knowing the fact, none of them know what the real story behind which they only believe on what other people say because they wouldn't even mind listening to the other side of the story.

"That is the first comes into my mind which I don't know why. But I feel that he looks very familiar and like we met already but I don't know where and when" jamie said and try to relax. I help jamie to stand up and sit on our seats.

The two arrived just in time and went straight to their seats. They looked at us and still seemed to be laughing

"Did you see the faces of james and benjamin? Seriously, I'm really laughing and they're like a kid who feel annoyed and their toy got stolen"

"I should've throw a water on him but I can't even stop laughing at that moment" lovely said

"Same here, did you say how they glare at us? That guts they have. Especially that james who look pathetic and I feel so much good and alive now getting what we should have done in the first place after what they did to us" michelle said and smirk

"I know right, but I feel like they're not joking around and they do look so pale" lovely said which she is a bit concern

"Lovely, cut it out. Hello, why would you feel worried about them? Think about what they did to us yesterday which is not even funny at all and jamie almost died there" michelle said and warned lovely

"Well that's true, what they did to us was terrible. I mean look at them, they're so pale they don't really look like they're joking. But I really don't know" lovely said confusingly

"Come to your senses, don't tell me you feel worried on that benjamin?"

"Excuse me, as if! What do you think of me? Come on, it's not what you think and I hate that asshole who ruined every single day of my life here in the academy" lovely is being defensive

"So, what just happened? Seems to be that four annoying prick are really mad right now" michelle said

"Well it's a success" I said but I still find it uneasy

"Why does jamie seem to be look shock? Like a ghost passed by" lovely said and I just laughed

"One last game later, so be prepared and don't forget" michelle said

I don't feel like this is the right time and I think there's something wrong but I don't want to think that way. We come this far so we need to do it and it will be complete once we're done on it.

The professor is right on time, as well I just might focus on this class than anything else that bother my mind right now which it will just make feel unease.


Benjamin POV

This is so unbelievable and I don't know what to feel right now because I still feel numb at the moment which it really almost killed me. I'm really having a hard time to breathe and my heart almost got down that gave me a near death. How could that person possible figure out that I'm afraid of snakes? I know it's fake but I really hate because that not what I wanted and never again it will happen. Forgive me for what I'm thinking right now but I'm really into edge or verge of killing because of that person.

Mico is all quite mad at the moment and been quiet because of what happened there. I can see in his eyes the angry and it looks like he doesn't want to talk to anyone. He is a type of person who can be a shit out of hell in him whoever tries to mess up with him. Never dare try to test his patience or else you'll end up having nightmare. Charles is just at the side of the tree while cleaning up his bag full of trash. He wants to find out who messed up with him same goes with the two and me. James is a bit pissed off because his brand new bag got ruined and wet. This was bought last week and planned to use it but someone messed at it. My Chest is really heavy and tight, it's happening again which I thought its already fine but I guess I'm wrong and made me think I should be careful as of now.

"It still smell bad and I don't know what to do with my bag" charles complain and cough badly

I don't know what I am going to do with my bag whether I wash it or throw it because it's really messy and I don't like it when someone trying to ruin my things. I can really see that all of us are pale and at the moment one of us is going to collapse

"Dude, maybe let's go home now"

"You really look pale, like you're soul left you"

How could he joke around when we're not in the mood? But mico didn't even respond or look at us when we ask him. I didn't know that mico is afraid of spider and I don't want to pull a prank at him because I might end up on the hospital lying at the bed for a week. But kidding aside which is somehow true. Just don't even dare try to mess up with him if you still want to live or see your future then you better think before you do it

"Why do students here look at us and laugh all of a sudden?"

I saw something flying on the back of james and it's a paper which I pull it out. This is written on it saying "I'm gay and I love boys"

"Didn't you see this coming at your back james?" I asked and charles seems to be not convince at it

"What the hell! Is this serious? I'm not gay and that peson really has the guts to stick this at my back" james said and suddenly stand up

"Where do you think you're going?" charles asked

"Gonna warn that person to stop messing with me or else that person will regret it" he is really pissed off right now and he don't want to make any trouble.

I saw something on the back of charles and this is also written on it "I'm an idiot and I like to eat poop" then I show it to him which he rip crampled the paper

"Darn it, no wonder why the students are laughing at us"

"Same goes to you, benji. It says that I am loser" james say it out loud which make me feel annoyed and I don't like it.

"Dude, are you alright?" charles asked and he really feel worried at mico

"Do you have someone in mind? Who did this?" james asked and the look in his eyes are very different like he wants to give that person a lesson that needs some shit out

"I have one and I know who" I said and I'm sure they're the one who did this

"They better try to hide and don't let them self be exposed. Because once I found out who they are, I won't think twice on ruining their lives!" james ban out his anger

James coughs and sniffs at the same time. We don't feel good at all despite of what happen today but this anger won't fix anything right now and I want to

"My head really hurts like a hundred needles are piercing my brain and then it's like I'm being killed because I'm going to fall in no time" said james and I felt the heat all over his body

Then mico turn around and the three of us look at the paper that is stick on his back and read it out loud "I am bisexual. I'm also stupid and pathetic" when mico heard then trying to reach to see if it's true and that's the time he rip off the paaer into pieces which he got mad and want hurt whoever did this.

"If I really found out whoever did this, that person is going to pay for it. Messing with the wrong person can be a shit out of hell for that person!" mico said and I don't quite like the way he 's going to do which he can really be the shitty person you wouldn't expect and he will going to say something you wouldn't even like"

"But, dude I can see how scared that jamie on what you did back there" charles said and I didn't quite see that because I still trying to break through on panic mode and nervous breakdown.

"I don't even care if she is scared or what" mico said which he mean it even he hurts someone

"Dude, you almost broke her hand and you hold the grip on her wrist tight which made her cry" james said

"Cry all she wants, but she must know who's she messing with" mico is really eager to hurt her and won't even care at all. That's what I mean when he gets shitty person

"How did she even know that I'm scared of spider? The only person knows my weakness is charles. Like does she know me or what? Because that almost gave me a heart attack" mico said and he didn't even tell us about it like seriously. Are we even friends?

"Maybe you told her without you knowing?" charles said

"Well that's right mico, maybe you just forgot I think" I said and sometimes girls really can hear something even you don't see them

"Like what? We're not even that close and I don't even know how did she figure it out? I will never get close to that pathetic girl" that's kind of harsh, if she was here and definitely she's going to cry

"She's really a weird girl like she really knows me but I don't know her at all and I don't plan to get to know her. We're not going to have any close relationship and never going to happen" he added and feel annoyed

"We almost forgot that we still need to clean the swimming pool and gym since it's our last task to do and I don't want this damn community service to be extended because I really want to take a rest for a week" I said

"Maybe let's get going now guys" charles said

"Later, let's take a rest for a bit then we will start and let us not force ourselves because this fever is no joke" james complain

"But how did you know that jamie did it?" me and james asked

"Because I saw her laughing and I already know she's the one who did it. Not to eavesdrop but I can hear her loud voice behind my back like there's a megaphone on her mouth" mico said and I just laugh what he said. Mico can really say harsh words when you mess up with him whether you like it which no one can stop him or else he will do something you wouldn't be expecting then don't even dare test him.

He stand up but out of balance that is why he fell from where he is standing and try to massage his head which I think he feel dizzy

"Dude, are you alright?" we asked

"I don't know, I'm just getting weaker and weaker than earlier which I'm trying my best to put all my strength today. I don't want to waste any more time and we should get going now" he wear his bag and walk. We just did the same thing since it's already 2pm so it's already getting late and we don't know what time will finish cleaning everything.

Oh please, give me long patience and strength to finish what I need to do today and time will pass by without letting me make mistakes or troubles. Benji, be patience and you'll get it done.


Michelle POV

None of the two is talking to us like what just happened when we're not around because I can see it to jamie that she is crying while holding her wrist which I notice it got bruise and I think mico did that and I'm not surprised by it because I saw how mad he was when we passed by them. Alexis trying to calm jamie and I want to ask what just really happened since we're not here. We might miss something today and I don't want my curiosity get big because I'll keep asking even it's not what I usually do wherein I let them tell me their problems. I don't also want them to think that I'm a busybody or nosy at all which make me feel guilty and annoyed but I don't really show it.

I'm showing my side of being strong no matter how buzzer or chaotic life is, when emotion gets on your way and you never stop being worried of someone who makes you feel scared of losing. Did you ever felt of something that you never usually do? Like you were lost then trying to go back where you used to be but you can't because you realize a lot of things were you can never see where did all went wrong?

Why am I so sloppy? Like thinking some things that I should be less worry and must focus on what's today instead mocking myself of disappointments. Michelle, be more positive person and just go with the flow than letting yourself be bother by those small things that only hurts your principles

"Is sir clark not here yet? Because I already bored and want to do something outside than staying here in the room" lovely is bit grumpy and always complain but she never complain when it comes to shopping and buying bulk of brand new clothes

"How could you even complain in this time and always think that way? When you always had time going to mall and shop all day?" I said and here she goes

"Did I ask your opinion?" she said without thinking about it

"Lovely" alexis warn her

"Well, I'm just saying. What are you looking at?" lovely is really something which you can't change her attitude at all

"You know what? You don't even think when you something. Your mouth is a bit daunt which you can't even deal of something and you can hurt someone feeling if you know yourself but no because you're too insensitive to not feel it" alexis said straight to the point making lovely realize it to herself then she's a bit surprised by that and stop talking

"Okay you two should stop it now or do you want me bring a knife just to let you two fight here in front of everyone ha" I said

"I'm sorry about that" lovely just said and look at her phone

"Alexis, just calm down and don't scold lovely okay? I know she is rude but don't get mad at her" I said

"You should at least give a piece of advice to respect you than letting yourself getting belittle like you don't want her to feel bad or you spoiled her too much. Remember she is old enough and don't treat her like a kid anymore. Let her be mature once in awhile than treating her a like a baby" alexis said

I know what she mean by that but if I do lovely will never get to talk anymore and trying to be quiet sometimes if that happens

"Are you alright now jamie? Is your wrist okay?" alexis asked

"Yes, I'm fine now" she said

"Finally, does it hurt?"

"Jamie, would you like to tell me about it? What just happened?" I asked then she agree to me

"I don't know and I'm really shock what happened" jamie said which she can't explain properly so I won't force her anymore by asking some stupid question

Then sir clark entered the room and open his book which I'm ready to participate in his class today because I'm having so much fun when it comes to this subject and I didn't know that he can entertain his class in a funniest way when everyone feel sleepy and bored

"So okay class, where did we stop last time?" he asked then I raised my hand which he saw it and pick me to recite

"Chapter 2: Building your confidence and Things that we need to realize" I said

"I'll give you an example. When you join a pageant, how confident are you?" this question I can't give an answer because I never join any pageant at all

"May I call on jem?"

"Yes sir, 100% confident with beautiful heart and positive mind"

"How about you kendell lopez?"

"I'm not even sure about that sir but once I step up on the stage that's where my confident come in"

"Let's call on the boys, chris?"

"I never plan or dream to be in any pageant, but if I have a chance definitely it will help me boost my confidence which let me realize that we should be afraid facing a lot of people and saying your own opinions even you can't express it well at least you tried to be confident in front of them than letting go what you want to do" he said

"Wow, I'm impress with you Chris"

"Next, how about teejay montenzo?"

"I must take the risk or leave the chance. No matter what you think just let it speaks into your mind then confidence will come along. Why would you be so afraid of something you love to do? Nothing will come on your way, if you're confident enough to do it. Opinions of others is not something will let yourself=lf be degrade if you believe in yourself instead of believe on what they said. Remember, be confident to face reality. Pageant can teach us in many ways, people will judge because of your grammar or opinion you have speak but this will even boost your confidence without worrying anything. Failures always build your character and create your own success. If you want to join at any pageant then be confident, if not then settle yourself for something that would make you confident. Learn to be you not what other say" teejay said and I'm very amazed on what he said. Then everyone claps at him

"Wow, teejay my man and I didn't know you still have that smart ass on you"

"I thought you were an idiot but I guess not" then everyone laughs at what he said

"You still have brain cells left on you, I thought you end up being stupid again if you just answer it weird"

"Whatever dude" that teejay said then I notice that he's looking at me which I find it strange like do I know him or do he know me? Isn't it weird? When a guy keep staring at you for no reason then you find it cringe and pathetic

"Teejay, very well said then. Anyone else would like to answer?" sir clark said then that teejay just point at me. Why is he pointing at me?

"Maybe teejay you should pick someone and she will be the last person to answer" sir clark said then he start to look around the room and look at me. Would he stop that? Because is really getting into my nerves. Give me patience please today

"The girl at the back sir, michelle swift" he said

"Ms. Swift would you like to answer?" this is really not my kind of topic to give my opinion which I might find it I'm out of words and thoughts

"Yes sure Mr. Jung" I said and I don't have any choice but to do so

"Dude, she didn't reject you"

"Would you shut up bucky?" I think he got annoyed with his friend

"How do you want me to answer it Mr. Jung? Do you need a specific opinion?" I asked because I can answer it logically

"Not really, just say anything you want"

"You take a stand not because you think you are always right, but because you are not afraid to be wrong. Standing in front of everyone and showing yourself without any experience is really tough path you always need to take because you are taking the risk you wouldn't expect even failure comes in but it doesn't mean you lose for a lifetime but you are boosting your confidence in step by step where sign gives you to do it." I said

"You wouldn't even realize when you start to speak in public because you knew for yourself that you're doing it not because of embarrassment but instead giving inspiration to others that they may take as an advice as they grow up and what the future holds. We all know that having self-confidence which may take time for us to build but you won't even realize you already possess it. Experience will test your confidence, if you're brave enough to face your face or show yourself to the public. For you to be confident, you just need to be yourself and let other see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, and magical person that you are." I continued

"`Always remember that, you can build your confidence, if you believe in yourself. That would be all, Mr. Jung" I added then everyone stand and clapped at me which made me a bit surprised.

"Have you joined any pageant, Michelle?" sir clark asked

"No sir, I don't like joining pageant because I prefer other things than that" I said clearly

"I see, because I'm very amazed on your answer. You know what, you can be part of any pageant and I like how confident you are"

"How to be more confident? First, stop comparing yourself to others and stay focused on you. Second, relax and go with the flow then don't stress on the little things. Third, love yourself. You are a gift and nothing would be the same if you didn't exist. Fourth, be positive and look for the good in every situation. Lastly, do what you love. Life is too short to waste your time doing anything otherwise" well sir clark has point on that. Do what you love because you only live once and whatever you decide make sure it makes you happy in every moment you have.

My phone suddenly vibrate then I check what is it

"1 new message from Mi Amore"

Oh it's my older brother

From: Mi Amore

"How are you baby loves? Is my baby doing great? Text me back when you received this message. Just tell me if you're having a hard time on your new school and I'll visit you right away. I love you and take care baby loves"

My older brother is really sweet that is why I love him so much and I can never hate him at all.

"So class, as you can see, we need to develop or build our self-confidence in way of being positive and believing in yourself wherein if you started feeling nervous or anxious, you can feel the negative vibes around you. Confidence isn't something we can achieve in one day, but it will take time for you to build it. You should at least have self-respect, self-worth and self-love. Why did I say so? It's because it all start with self. Stop looking outside of yourself for your value then remember that you are worth it and beauty begins when the moment you decide to be yourself"

"Is there any other question? If none, that would be all. Next meeting, we're going to discuss things that we need to realize. We will be having an activity which is by pairs, it should be boy and girl. I will be calling 10 by pairs next meeting to discuss the next topic. Okay class, good day" sir clark said and left the room. Why didn't he just let us choice our pair like girl to girl which would be easy for us to finish the discussion because I can't even cooperate with someone that I don't even know and I really hate it.