It went wrong

"The revenge went wrong. It turns to be something that they wouldn't expect"

Alexis POV

I can't even think properly at the moment, then sir clark activity is really hard to identify. Why is the activity like that? Like let me guess, 1 boy and 1 girl. This by pair activity is not my thing and how can I even find someone who is willing to work with me? But why didn't he just make same woman by pair, so that my partner is Jamie. Well it's not because he already said that it would be a girl and a boy.

Who will be my partner for this hell activity? I almost don't know anyone in this class. It's like it's hard to look or ask who can be one of them, especially since I don't have anyone close to me if they're not lovely, jamie and michelle. I can also recite on my own in front of the class which I can handle it so it's okay. I'm much feel annoyed by this kind of activity and I might as well get along with my partner like talking instead looking at my phone and focusing on browsing even though I already know the topic.

I'm not telling that I'm that genius and maybe it's just a habit of mine which I don't really know and they usually call me monster genius. How come they call me like that? When I don't even know that I'm that kind of person who is really genius. They say that I always perfect my exams which it's true but I don't know either because I don't do any reviews even the professor to study well. Am I that weird? Or maybe I'm just some kind of idiot who really need to finish my studies before I find the fit job for me after graduation.

"What kind of stare is that? It seems to look crazy. Earlier you were stunned by something alexis and also obviously you are not listening to sir clark. You're probably thinking of Charles, so you can't focus on the discussion. Don't tell me, you like him?" lovely start to tease me like as if it's funny which I'm not at the moment to talk to anyone because I feel grumpy today and I don't know why. Something is really bothering which keep me thinking some hypocrite thoughts and procrastinate this very moment.

"Lovely, your joke is not even funny" michelle said

"Well, I'm just teasing her and you know me, I love playing jokes when someone is really dozing off" she said and which it is true

"Why are you in deep thoughts there? It's like a ghost passed by and you didn't even speak and you just stared at it. It's a good thing sir clark didn't see you, if he does, definitely he will scolded you maybe"

"Michelle, I notice that guy on the second column on the right side keep looking at you and I think his name is teejay montezo. Do you think he's into you?" lovely asked and I'm just listening to the both of them until I figured the problem here and what I need to do today since my thoughts are really messy right now

"I don't like him and I think he's a playboy if you will observe the way he talk and look" michelle explain which she really hate womanizer and we all know the reason behind it. That is why she can never love or like someone, even a person who is pure and innocent. One thing for sure, she is still waiting for someone

"Actually, I just noticed when he answer the question then he just stare at you like he want to say something or confess to you" lovely said

"Why do you always assume something when you don't have enough evidence or proof to prove it?"

That made me laugh and lovely seem to be fed up right now. Trying to look for a certain answers that will bring some lame excuses

"What are you a police? Interrogating me like I'm a criminal who don't have enough evidence to prove my innocence" lovely is like bringing it up to debate situation

"Well, definitely yes. Because assuming something or trying to dimidiate or diverse this situation into a wrong way without proper evidence can lead to misunderstandings" michelle is on point and trying to bring down the excuses of lovely

"Whatsoever, I'll just keep it to myself" then that's it, she lost and shut her own mouth. Never ever try to debate with michelle because you end up thinking where things go wrong.

"See, she always lose because she can never beat me here" michelle whisper and I can't stop laughing to the both of them who really love arguing but she can't do anything at all once michelle speak her opinion and lovely can't be indecisive whether she need to push for it or just forfeit the game. Lovely really love to compete but she can't even win to michelle

"So goodmorning everyone" Ms. Daisy said and it's one of our favorite subject throughout the other subjects we have this semester. Second would be physical education if I may guess

"So class prepare for at least 1 song and group yourselves into 4" she said and everyone start to look for their group. Well the four of us are very lucky when it comes to this kind of activity

"Let's begin" ma'am daisy said and it started already when this class became an acapella group seeing them seeing their favorite song and hearing their voices make me loving it like I don't want to leave this room just to see this kind of atmosphere at all. This vibes makes me feel in love and music is really my favorite thing to do in terms of composing, producing and releasing new songs that would inspired others.

"Class, I'm very impressive to all of the students who sing today but I want to hear from the transferee which is Ms. Park group. Would you sing for us?" then she looked at us with a smile and we nod

"You know what we're going to do"

"Acapella song" I said

"We should at least sing two songs to make it blend" lovely said

"I know what song it would be. Cheap thrills and Rockabye, remember what we did back then which make people love us not because we're popular but they're amaze by this one"

"Let's bring it on" jamie said and all of us look at her

"What? I'm just saying. Is there something wrong?" she said and we all laugh then everyone is waiting for us to sing since we are prepare for it now and trying to bring the beat in this class to make it alive for us to make an outcome of our group since they want to see what we got and some them are looking

Lovely ask one of them to sing with us. Then someone starts the beat and sing the first part of the guy

"Wait, you ask that teejay and bucky to sing?" michelle asked

"Well, I think they can sing better with the part of sean paul"

This must be the teejay who answer the question of sir clark and I'm pretty amazed by it. I thought he is an idiot


(Up with it girl)

(Rock with it girl)

(Show dem it girl)

(Bounce with it girl)

(Dance with it girl)

(Get with it girl)


Come on, come on, turn the radio on

It's Friday night and it won't be long

Gotta do my hair, put my make-up on

It's Friday night and it won't be long

'Til I hit the dance floor

Hit the dance floor

I got all I need

No I ain't got cash

I ain't got cash

But I got you baby (jus u an me)


Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

I don't need no money (u worth more dan diamond more dan gold)

As long as I can feel the beat (mek di beat jus tek control)

I don't need no money (u worth more dan diamond more dan gold)

As long as I keep dancing (free up urself get outa control)

I think the next will be bucky and that teejay is good at singing then his voice, I like it and he can really sing well which I'm very impressive with him. I might ask him to have duet with me but still looking for someone to do it. Since I'm still figuring it out what song will be next to release in our youtube channel which I'm having a hard time to look for someone who fits our channel. Alexis, you're slacking again and try to be motivated this time

"We're up next alexis and just relax" jamie said

"Don't worry about me, I'm going do just fine" I said

"Here we go, focus on the singing" michelle piece of advice


Call it love and devotion

Call it a mom's adoration


A special bond of creation,


For all the single moms out there

Going through frustration

Clean Bandit, Sean-da-Paul, Anne-Marie

Sing, make them hear


She works at nights by the water

She's gone astray so far away

From my father's daughter

She just wants a life for her baby

All on her own, no one will come

She's got to save him


Daily struggle


She tells him, "Ooh, love, no one's ever gonna hurt you, love.

I'm gonna give you all of my love.

Nobody matters like you."


Stay up there, stay up there


She tells him, "Your life ain't gon' be nothing like my life." (Straight!)

"You're gonna grow and have a good life.

I'm gonna do what I've got to do."


Stay up there, stay up there

Me & Jamie:

So, rockabye baby, rockabye

I'm gonna rock you

Rockabye baby, don't you cry

Somebody's got you

Rockabye baby, rockabye

I'm gonna rock you

Rockabye baby, don't you cry

Rockabye, no

Bucky & Jamie:


(Rockabye, yeah, oh, oh)


Then lovely try to beat the flow of the song with some snap of her finger giving the rhythm while michelle trying to humming then that teejay beatboxing which he really nailed it. I can say that, he is smart and singer wherein I can't deny it. Then the four of us, did the acapella to make the sound more pitch and everyone is singing along with us. Ended well because the whole class just sing the chorus in an acapella way and ma'am daisy is just calpping then praising us. I can see that she is really happy

"That is a great work class. I'm very impressed today and good work everyone" ma'am daisy said

"Now, you see class that's the power of the music when you follow the rhythm and harmony itself. Every beat of the song while singing, you can feel what the lyrics meant. Sing it out loud, someday people will recognize you for what you can do with your talent" she can really motivate her students

"So next meeting, look for a partner that you want to have a duet then it would be much better the partnering is boy and girl. Good day class and that would be all. Since we're all in music today and I won't be discussing that much either maybe next time" she said and left the room

Here we go again with by pair which I really hate because I can't still find anyone to be my partner somehow. Anyway, I think this would be our class and we're going to do our last thing to wrap up everything.

"So michelle and lovely, you should do your thing now because the last game will begin and I think I know where they are which we should get going now by the time they might leave then this would be all wasted" I said

We took our bags and went to the comfort room. It looks like my day will be special and happy today and I will be able to sleep well when I know I am getting exactly what I want. What a good day to start without worrying anything.


James POV

My phone won't stop ringing because of unknown number who keeps calling me which annoyed me the most and I hate it when that happens wherein I throw my phone then buy a new one. It ring again and I have no choice but to answer it since this person is a freak. If this caller is not someone who I know, I'll definitely going to kill him/her.

"Who is this calling in the middle of the night?!" I said

"Dude, what are you talking about? It's already morning yet you still have hangover" I think this person is drunk right now

"Just answer the damn fucking question!"

"No need to shout or get mad. It's me benjamin and I've been waiting for outside since mico and charles are still busy doing something so I left them"

"Benjamin? Who's mico and charles?" I said

"Dude, do you bumped you're head or what? It's us, your frie...." I already end the call and my sleep just got ruined with this freaking drunk man! I turn off my phone so that no one will disturb me with my sleep because I'm really exhausted right now. Then someone open the curtains which the light came out and wait, its morning? I thought it was night and where am I?

"Wake up sleepyhead, rise and shine. Breakfast is ready and you really have a heavy hangover there which it's already 10 am in the morning. Your dad just went off to work since he still has things to do in the company"

Who am I talking to? I rubbed my eyes a bit since I see things blurred at the moment then it's becoming clear now. I saw a woman standing while fixing something and I look closely. Am I dreaming right now? Is this real? Why do I keep seeing my mom now? Maybe I'm just tired right now, so I need to sleep. But, why do I feel unease? Then I look once again, it's my room and I can really see there's a person in this room which she is smiling at me

"James, sweetie and you been sleeping for almost 9 hours. Do you still have that hangover? Well, if you do, I just cook your favorite hangover soup"

"" I said bluntly and I don't know what to say because I think I'm seeing the right person which it is really my mom then my tears suddenly fell and I can't even stop it


"Sweetie, why are you crying?" my mom asked and I just can't believe it with my own two eyes

"Is this a dream?" I asked myself

"Sweetie, are you having a nightmare again? Tell me, so that I'll sleep with you every night so that you won't have of it and I don't want you to get sick because I always feel worried about you"

I just hugged her back tightly which I miss her so much and I can't imagine myself without my mom and she is the person who always care for me when I get hurt or feel sick because she never leave my side at all even I know she is busy with her work in her company but she make time for me and always will

"Sweetie, now tell me, why are you crying?"

"I don't know mom and I'm just happy to see you again" I said and my sadness burst then turns into tears

"Okay enough with the crying, I'm here now and I don't know what happen to you. If ever you make trouble in school, I'll try my best to solve the problem you had and won't leave you to feel worry or anxious, okay?" she said and I can't think anything else as long as I'm with mom right now and I don't want to let go of her

"Mom, let's have breakfast now and james still have that damn hangover when he almost killed me because I just carry him all we up to his room" my sister is here and I approached her

"Yah, why are you crying? Mom, did something happen to james last night?" Claire asked

"I don't know either honey, I'm asking him but he just suddenly cry and I think you should comfort him"

"James, what happened? Is someone bothering you?" I hugged her and she is shocked of what I just did right now

"Okay mom, I'll handle this and you can just go downstairs then wait for us there" Claire said to my mom while she is trying to calm me down

"Okay relax, and sit for awhile" then she sit on the side of the bed

"Now tell me, what happened? Did you have into fight last night with your friends or someone?"

"No" I said

"Then, what is it?"

"I don't know, I just miss you and mom"

"Are you serious? You're always with us, as if like you're talking to someone dead already" this is not time to play jokes because I'm serious now

"Okay no need to be serious and let's just have a breakfast okay? Since I'm starving already and I just let benjamin in because he is been waiting for you like more than 5 hours which I didn't notice him outside"

She just hold my hand while we go downstairs then I saw benjamin talking to my mom

"He's here"

"Dude, why did you end the call?" benjamin said

"Sorry about that, I thought it was someone else" I said

"So let's eat now and since benjamin is here. You should eat with us"

"Ah yes, thank you for inviting me here Mrs. Lee"

"Sweetie, why do you look pale?" mom asked and look at my phone

"You're also sweating, are you sick?" she added and I just nod in a way of saying no then wipe my sweat when my mom nowhere to be found same goes to benjamin and Claire. Where did they go? I look around the house

"Mom, where are you?"

"Claire, stop fooling around"

"Benjamin, this is not the time to play jokes okay"

"Mom? Mom! Mom! Where are you?!" I said and don't tell me, this is now what I think right now then someone is waking me up and I suddenly can't breathe properly like I'm stuck on something or what. My chest just suddenly feels heavy

"Dude, are you alright? I think you're having nightmare again and I saw you crying while sleeping so I just let you be and didn't wake you up then I just finish cleaning everything here except this bench because you are sleeping" benjamin said

"So it was all a dream which I thought it was real afterwards" I said to myself

"Are you saying something?" benjamin asked and he look like a ghost because he is too pale and like he don't have blood

"Nothing, I just having nightmare again" I said

"You miss your mom, don't you? You know what james, even your mom is not here anymore but she is with you because your love for her will be keep forever in you and no one can break that. The connection is there, but you should also need to learn to let go not because to forget but to let that person have peace."

"Then what are you trying to point out here? That I should let go and forgive? Is that it?" I said

"I know you can't forget the pain you have experience for more than years when you were so fed up with your emotional instead trying to let go of the things that would make you feel better than miserable. It's not about how many things or memories that you may remember or hurt you, but the important thing here is you learn how to let go when you knew for yourself that it would make you better than anyone else you think what they do." I'm just listening to whatever advice he would say

"Remember, no matter how many years passed by, memories are still there to let you cherish the moments you miss with that person. I know your mom is staying by you side and making sure that you're safe. Don't let yourself fed up with negative vibes around you and I know you james, why you are being like that? Because you hate you're dad that much because of what happened that night. But, shouldn't you at least listen first to him, or maybe know the real reason behind it. Just saying, but no hard feelings dude and we're always here for you even you pushed us away. We can give the space you needed and tell us when you needed us okay" benjamin added

"Then I'll ask you something, have you ever seen a man who's madly in love with his partner which he plan everything for her and in the future, they would have been together to become more than what they are? But the woman found out that her partner is cheating whom you don't know what to feel? Would you rather even ask when you already got hurt?" I argue with him because he doesn't even know what a cheater can do

"I don't know nothing about a thing when it comes of having a partner in life, but one thing for sure maybe you should ask than letting it swallow you because of the lies you hear than hiding what the real story behind and where's the truth that we all want to know. If I ever have a girlfriend, I would never ever going to hurt her or make her jealous because of something we could never explain. If ever I hurt her not because I cheat but a misunderstanding, definitely I will going to make it up with her to clear those problems and doubts she had. Trust is the most important thing when you're in relationship. Well of course, we can say that you love each other but do you even trust one another?"

"Okay that's enough benjamin" I said

"No dude, if you ever meet someone please do at least make her feel like she's the only you ever wanted to be with. Be pro and never get tempted by other woman even they seduce you or what. I know james, you're not a womanizer and they're a reason behind it that what makes you do it" he added and I just don't want to listen with his advice for now

"Anyway we should get going, since we're done here and mico might look for us" benjamin said and I stand up which I feel dizzy and all of sudden I'm out of balance but trying my best to put all my strength than feeling weak then benjamin help him. James, you can make it and finish everything. Just push a little longer and everything will be done.


Mico POV

How is that even possible? No one knows my weakness except for my little sister and charles. Now, benjamin and james have found out that I'm scared of spider because of what happen that day which I couldn't forget. How did that annoying girl figure out my weakness? I didn't even tell anything about her because we're not even close nor have that kind of memories to share. Maybe, we met already but don't know where and how. But I can't stop myself out there awhile ago because that's how react with the situation when I feel shit out of myself or not in the mood to play jokes around.

That is why benjamin and james don't want to pull a prank on me because I might kill them in a minute. I still remember when I almost broke the arm of james because he pull a prank when I'm in the mood not just that I almost killed him too and I hate it because this shitty person in me can be hell memory which I can never forget even years passed by. At least that jamie would be lucky today, because charles just stop that moment when I amost did something wrong


"Dude, we should get going because benjamin and james are waiting for us in the music room?" charles said

"Just give me a second, since I really need to finish this research because the dealine is today or else I might repeat this subject" I said and immediately finish the entire paper since my groupmates are freeloader which I hate the most because you already gave them simple task yet didn't even send me on time and the guts to complain at me which I find it pathetic. I don't care, if they get mad or what because I'm not shameless like them who always ask for extension when I'm the only working on this damn research paper. Full of excuses

"Hey bro, mico is still busy right now. I think let's just meet here since he still have to finish something"

The group chat keeps vibrating and I didn't mind checking on it because I know they're just going to complain because I already told them that I won't even include their names on the paper and put zero on their evaluation. Their guts to say something behind my back and I'm too nice to give them a lot of extension and consideration yet they took advantage on it

"Dude, why don't you ask your group mates to finish their task instead of you working on it?"

"I already did, but they didn't work on it so I have to do it on my own and I'm gonna tell Mr. Gamboa about my groupmates who are freeloader and too lazy to work on time" I said and I'm really annoyed right now.

"Your phone keeps on ringing and I think someone is calling you. Should I answer it?"

"Can you do that for me? Tell that person, one more time he/she calls me then prepare themselves" I said with a warning

"Hello, this is mico's phone, how may I help you?"

I'm almost done and one chapter left then I'm going to check it from the start then submit it

"Mico is busy right now and can't answer your call. Maybe do it later, thank you"

"Is the signal here is very slow or it's just my data run out of load since I can't search anything on my laptop"

"Do you want to connect on my hotspot dude, I'll let you connect on mine?"

"Yes please, I need it badly right now or else I'll get zero on it" I said and I hurried to connect on the hotspot of charles. Wow, I can't believe that his hotspot is really fast and I'll get to finish this paper in 5 minutes

"Your groupmates are looking for you mico and they're going to do something which they said if you didn't put their names on the paper" charles said which I got really annoyed then I throw the phone hard which it got smashed and broke into pieces. Now charles just seem to be quiet and they say anything at all

"Hey, hey, hey, we're here now and here's a brew of coffee" then james throw the brew of coffee on my laptop

"You piece of shit" I stand and punch him

"Dude, it was just..." I didn't listen to him because my patience is gone and my conscious is out. Inside my brain now is annoyance and anger

"Why did you do that?! You son of a shit!!!"

"You don't know how hard I work on that damn paper just to finish it!"

"Dude, just listen to me first" I just punch him all over again and I wouldn't care less if he would get hospitalized

"You don't know the feeling of working on this research paper all by yourself! Now you ruined everything! I don't care if you get hurt, you pathetic shit!" I hold his hand and flip at his back then his head try to hit on the wall when charles stopped me

"Dude, it was just a prank and you don't have do that!"

"What a prank! What if there's a coffee on it! So what are you going to do then?!"

"No need to shout okay? James just want to have some a bit of fun since we're all stress out with this subject" benjamin said but I didn't mind them anymore and check my laptop if it still working since the research paper is important than them pulling a prank on me. I might just apologize with james later after I'm done here and I hate myself for doing that to him

*End of flashback

Until now, they can't pull any prank on me because they don't want that to happen again which I really feel guilty for hurting james even I know I'm wrong and I should let my mood ruined everything on it.

I can see charles is cleaning the right side of the swimming pool while me on the left side since james and benjamin is still not here so we can't wait for them anymore

"Dude, are you done?" I asked when he can't hear me because the swimming pool is too big then I walk to his direction until he tries to holds on the map tight which I can see how awful he looks

"Dude, are you alright? Do you want me to bring to the hospital?" I asked because he don't really look like himself now which by the looks of it his whole body look pale

"No need bro because that same goes to you" charles

"No I'm fine because I'm strong as you can see" I said

"You don't need to hide it from me and I know you" well he caught me off guard again

"About awhile ago...."

"Yah, it's fine don't worry and I can see you becoming a shitty person again maybe you had your reasons behind it and you're not in the mood that is why you did it" charles explain

"Hey, mico and charles, we're done cleaning the gym"

"Oh they're here now and we might finish this swimming pool in no time. You two, help us here since this swimming is too big and there are a lot of equipment here" charles said

"Let's get started now" the two said while I still thinking how to talk to them

"Did you guys already took the medicine?" benjamin asked

The two of us nodded even though were so busy cleaning up the whole swimming pool because there are still athletes using this pool for their upcoming competition next month. James start to clean the bench while benjamin pick up the equipments while me and charles map around the corner.


Jamie POV

Me and alexis went back to the room since we forgot our other stuff since we need it later and lovely is still doing the make-up which it will take 2 hours for her to finish everything. I remember the Halloween party, when everyone is looking at her because she really nailed it and she's really good at fashion and doing make-up that every single students in our class would probably ask lovely to do their make-ups then lovely is glad to help since she didn't ask for any return because she really love doing this kind of stuff.

But if you would ask me, I don't know any single thing about make-up. Why do I say so? Because I never wear make-up that much but lovely really hate seeing so plain and I don't have taste in wearing fashion clothes so she decide to do it for me and well she dolled me up when every single boys in our school can't stop looking at us even with michelle when she don't wear make-up at all still a lot of suitor and secret admirer likes her.

"Did you bring the camera alexis?" I asked

"That is why I went back here in the room because I left it in my locker" alexis said and at least no one stole it from here or else alexis will definitely going to haunt that person down even it takes days for her to find out

"You know what jamie, that mico is a shit and he almost hurt you. I just hate his presence and I hope you won't fall in love with him because he is not the right guy for you. Did you see what he did to you when they're the one who started it and we're just doing it back at them because they think we won't even fight back and telling us to get lost here in this academy like as if they own this one."

"Don't worry about that, I won't even fall in love with that kind of jerk because I'm already waiting to meet the person who save me back then. And I think he is the same person who saves me thrice. First, when I almost drowned, then when I amost got lost and lastly, when carl try to harm me" I said

"I didn't know you got lost back then and you didn't told us about it"

"That is the reason why I hate being alone" I said

"Oh now I get it and I'm sorry a bit slowed on that or I just forgot" alexis said and scratch the back of her head then she just laughed and I already told them about it that I'm afraid of being alone

"Can you hold this up for me?" then she had me her bag

"Wow, why does your bag seems to be heavy? Are you bringing your house or what?" I said

"Not really, my patience is there so once it went out and sad to say you might not recognize me at all if that happens" she said and I don't know what she mean by that which gave me a goosebump right now

"I got the camera now" then she locked it again and gave her bag back to her. She check if the camera is working or else we're going to use our phone instead

"We should get going now since lovely and michelle might be waiting for us" alexis said then we rushed

It seems like everything is ready and we're going to have so much fun today once it's complete and success. Messing with us is really a wrong move just because we don't do something doesn't mean we let you boys take us down, crumpled our pride and embarrassed us in front of everyone definitely not the good thing for you. We don't care, if a lot of girls out there would feel sad or support you. Well for our part, we must do what you did and we're just paying it back. Now you'll see what you get from bullying us. We didn't transfer just to get bullying with the four of you and kicked us out without any reason which is a shameless for you to waste your big time.

"Gosh, the two of you are so hard to contact. Is your phone dead or what?" lovely said

"Well we're here" I said

"Okay, we're also ready and see if the make-up is okay" lovely said

"Wow, I never seen a pretty ghost and I must the make-up is great. I bet they'll get what they deserve from ruining us" alexis said and everything is set for our last game. I'm so excited to see the looks on their faces. We try to look around if they're still student in the campus, because some of them are still in class since other subjects are until like 9pm

Now we're on the swimming pool and we see those 4 boys on the corner resting while lovely and michelle went to the restroom now. Everything is going according to plan and I can't imagine how they look like when they get scared

"Is it ready?" I asked

"Well, ready and been better" she said

We hid so that they wouldn't see us so we wouldn't caught in any time. We move a little closer, the camera was on and there is lovely and michelle. I signed okay and then I threw something and the four of them looked around

"Dude, who's that?" that charles asked

"Is someone here?" this benjamin is a bit idiot. Do you see anyone else besides the four of you?

"I think no one" he still saying it while looking around, dimwit

"Like what?" look who's the boss here

"Do you still remember the story about this swimming pool that someone died here?" that charles said and trying to scare the hell out of here

"Woah dude, where did you exact hear the story?" wow, feeling brave when deep inside you're scared

"I think you better stop, if you trying to make-up story" I can see that this benjamin is really a scardy cat at all and I can see on the look of his face

"Would that even possible? I think no one will use this, if someone died here" trying to strong, as if

I tried to call their name one by one like a real ghost calling them then I burst into laughter because benjamin suddenly holds onto james while charles is still stunned

"Dude, I think there is a ghost here" what a scardy cat you are

"What are you benji, a scardy cat? Like as if a ghost will come over you" great, scare him more until you wait and see

"So okay, I'll go to the restroom and james come with me because you don't know what will happen to me inside" I can't stop laughing and same goes to alexis

"What a scardy cat, can they do any better than this" alexis said

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" they run out of the rest room and suddenly the two fell

"Hey, what happened?"

"Why the two of you run? Like as if you have seen a ghost. There's no such thing like that okay and it only happen in the movie" just wait for it

"Okay, you two calm down and sit on the bench" then michelle and lovely slowly walked underneath the bench and trying to pull a prank with these four idiots

"There's a ghost and I don't like it" benjamin is such a cry baby

"Stop fooling around dude"

"I'm not joking!"

"Dude...dude...I just want to go home now" then michelle slowly touch the ankle of james and he jump out

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH" Then lovely trying to do the next move which she put her hand on the right shoulder of that benjamin

"James, remove your hand okay and it's too heavy"

"Dude, my hands are right here and what are you talking about?"

"Then if this is not your hand and who it is?" he slowly turned around then show the drenched fake hand of lovely

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he shouted like girl. Is he a gay or what?

"What is that?" don't even act cool you stupid

The four of them gather around and this is it. Lovely and Michelle show up on the corner when benjamin is the first one to notice it

"Dude....dude....dude...." he said trembling and pointing out to lovely and michelle but they suddenly hide so that they would think benjamin is a lunatic and crazy

"Would you please stop that okay, I'm serious here and what are you trying to point out?" Is he serious? Or is he pretending not to be scared

"Charles" they try looked everywhere but they couldn't find the two


"Come out, whoever you are and I'm not scared of you" not scared at all?

"Are you an idiot?" well the four of you are idiot and the two show up slowly until the four of them are now shivering



"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! Stay away from us, you ugly ghost! Mommy, mommy, please save us" they said and they're really scared right now which I can't stop laughing at all while alexis trying to hold on it because she is filming this part and I don't see michelle nowhere. They are moving backward until michelle show up

"James, come to me. I miss you so much" I didn't know michelle could say that to james or it's just scripted

"Please stay away from me and don't come near me"

"I thought you love me, do you hate me now" michelle is really good at this and no wonder she won in any competition

"I don't know you, stay away from me"

"Mico, baby. This is me, your one and only baby"

"Defend yourself and don't get scared guys"

"Why can't you love me?" then michelle laugh like a real ghost and wow I can't believe she can do this kind of stuff

"Baby, benji. I love you and please don't leave me" same goes to lovely

"Mommy, save me!"

It's hard to hold back the laughter, lovely and michelle trying to get closer and closer to the four dimwits and I can't believe how they look. I can't hold any longer because of what I see right now. Lovely is really indeed brilliant, the make-up is realistic which you can't even recognize them at all

"Don't you miss anymore charles, honey? It's me your mommy"

"MOMMY!!! MOM....MOMMY! STAY AWAY FRO..." then the four of them fell into the swimming pool.

Okay, the revenge is success and over. I can't really believe how they look like and they're such a scardy cat. Alexis ended the filming and put the camera back on the bag then we approached michelle and lovely

"Did you take a video?" lovely asked

"Well of course, I won't miss this one and did you see the look on their faces" alexis said

"Girls, I think there something wrong here, look at them and they're not moving at all" lovely said and I think they're just trying pretend and anytime they will pull a prank on us

"Don't be silly lovely"

"They are just fooling around and let them be" alexis said

"Alexis is right which they deserved it and remember what they did to us" I said

"But jamie, I think they're not joking and didn't you see that they look pale" michelle said with higher voice

We approached them which I feel anxious and couldn't even breathe properly. Lovely and michelle rushed to the pool to see if they weren't joking

"Jamie, are you alright?" alexis asked and I just trying to relax but I can't help it right now


"What?!" I shouted but I can't even go near the pool and trying to breathe in and out

"I told you, they're not joking around and earlier they look so pale, cold and coughing" lovely said and feels like she is blaming us for not listening to her advice

I can't breathe and I don't know what to do right now


What do to? Oh please help me and I can't think right

"Jamie, are you listening?"

"She's scared of water"

"Why didn't you told us earlier?" then I try to relax myself then alexis just hugged to calm me down for a bit because my chest feel too heavy and alexis teach me to breathe and count to three which I just do it

They reach out and help the four boys which the two pulled them up "They're so heavy" then alexis approached the lovely and michelle which I can see that alexis start to feel scared right now because her hands are trembling

"Charles, wake up and don't play prank like this please. Wake up please" alexis is just crying

"Mico Skylar, I know you're just joking but if not then I'm sorry okay please wake up and this is not the time for you. I'm really sorry what happen today" I said and my chest is too heavy

"CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!!!" michelle said

I called an ambulance and it was coming here already but I don't know what time it will come and I'm also not sure if the hospitals are far away from the academy. This is not what we expected but why did this happen? I was trembling with fear and I started to cry because I couldn't stop myself while alexis and lovely were crying in fear then the two of them might think they are the cause of everything that happened today and they will blame themselves when something happens with these four boys and everything else. Ever since her grandmother, grandfather and mommy died, alexis has been afraid to see this kind of such events or situation. I don't know what to do anymore and hope for a better recovery for them