Try me

Lemuel POV

I think she is nice and easy to get along. I hope I have time to talk to her again then I might be friends with her since getting know her will make me know everything about the life she has. If my friends didn't call me just to be with them maybe I could have lunch with alexis right now because I want to treat her for letting to be her partner.

She's a bit weird awhile ago in the comfort room because she is talking to someone but there's no one inside but only herself and she's not even holding her phone. I didn't mean to eavesdrop since I'm looking for her because I don't like anyone else if it is not alexis at all. I should look for her right now and ask her for a lunch together

"Dude, are still into janina?" bucky didn't even reply because he hates hearing that name who broke his heart just to be with another guy who got pregnant in the age of 18

"Did you see her child? Like they look so much alike"

"John, would you please just shut your fucking mouth? It doesn't matter anymore at least I get to her and my cousin a happy family. I'm also happy to see their daughter healthy and safe" then bucky was about turn into a playboy but he promise not to just for the sake of saving his life to be happy. So until now, he is single.

I know that bucky is so inlove with her but it turns out janina got into one night stand with someone

That's the time bucky almost kill himself because he really got hurt when he found out that his girlfriend got pregnant and the worst part is that the guy she got one night stand is Robert, his closest cousin. But he can never hate his cousin so what he did is to let janina go just to make himself not to get in the way in his cousin. Later on, when Robert also found out that bucky is the ex-boyfriend of janina then he didn't stop saying sorry about what happened and he didn't mean to take away his girlfriend from him but it already happen.

Robert was about to kill himself too but bucky just stop him and hugged his cousin because he don't want to lost his cousin at all. Both of them are still in good relationship and he is happy for his cousin. He already forgive his brother and janina

"I'm not like you, who can't even get over with Bridgette trying to make her jealous with your flings or chicks" bucky said and john couldn't say anything

"Anyway, do you think the girl from the other section is too good for me?" john said

"Like who?"

"The one who always cling on me and give chocolates with letters"

"Ah you mean Anna Park? Hmm ... I don't know dude, why? Do you like her?" bucky asked

"No, she's not my type and you see her style is bit out of my ideal type. She's way more like a nerd which I can't even imagine myself being with her. Well she's pretty, but I don't like her. I can't seem to find myself being happy with her and you know my standard is high which she doesn't even fit at all" john said

"What if you fall in love with her? Will you court her?" bucky said

"What kind of question is that? Well, it depends. Okay let's have a bet. If I fall in love with her, I'll give you 1000$. But if I didn't, you'll buy me a new phone, deal?" john really likes having a deal

"Okay deal dude" bucky agree quickly and the deal is sealed

"How about you teejay? What do you think of Anna Park? The nerd one" the two asked when I'm just listening to them and I don't want to get involved anything related to this kind of stuff

"Well, she has a great voice and she knows how to play different instrument. I like the taste of her music and the groove of the beat is amazing. I guess I like girls who know about music. But I think she's not a nerd because I saw her already from somewhere. You two look good together" teejay said at least he is not like these two idiot here

"You must be kidding me? Are you serious with that?" he said

"Well, yes" teejay said

"Anyway, I thought you like girls who are pretty, sexy and easy to get. You know the B is big and the appearance matters to you, isn't it?" john said and I don't know if he is just joking or what

"When did I say that?"

"Well, when we went to the bar and you keep looking to that tall girl who is wearing sexy shot and her cleavage is revealing. I definitely could go ask her for a date or sleep with me" john said

"Dude, I didn't even said that and I like someone so don't bother talking some things that is not related to me" teejay said

"You mean the one who like charles than you and you got rejected in front of everyone" he added

"Do you really have to say that for me to remember john?" here he goes

"I'm just saying, and you been into a lot of flings so I guess she hates that kind of guy. You how jerk you are and she wouldn't even please to let you to court her" john said

"I think that's enough john" bucky trying to stop john to say one more thing or else he'll regret it. Teejay is a bit gangster and I know him well since we're close than these two

"Do you have anything else to say john?" teejay said and it sounded like a warning

"Well I do so, but I'll just think about it. Let's go to the bar tonight and bring those chicks home" he said

"Go by yourself then" this is how he reject john when everytime he gets pissed off by him

I try to escape from these three just to have lunch with alexis since it's already 12:20 and I still have 1hour and 10 minutes to go before the next subject start which is the class of Alexander Li.

So they won't even notice me once I leave here. I slowly move and walk out here until I get around the campus since there are a lot of students in this cafeteria. I'll find another cafeteria when there's no student that much and alexis might it nosy. Finally, I'll just make an excuse for them not to get suspicious of me and they all just talked about bar, club, parties and girls which I can't even relate at all even it's all john's idea

I should go look for alexis now since I don't have her number and I didn't get to ask it. I don't where should I start looking because I don't know where she usually staying either library, gym, swimming pool, theatre, studio, cafeteria or maybe the music room I might find her there. My phone suddenly ring and I just answer it without looking at the screen


"Lemuel!" why does she need to shout? My ear drums almost got damage with her loud voice. I really got an annoying older sister who is a bit grumpy and strict. Well, I understand her because I'm the only siblings she got, so she care too much and very protective

"You don't need to shout"

"Oh sorry" I hear her laughing and sometimes she is moody or maybe bipolar. She's smiling then after 30 seconds she get pissed off without any reason

"Did you need something sis?"

"Buy me a new phone" – Lorena

"Lorena Jane Sanchez"

"Why are you saying my full name? Do you want a death wish?" – Lorena

"No comment, but why do I need to buy you new phone? You're the one who has a business and I'm still a student. Now tell me, shouldn't you be the one who should buy the phone instead you asking me"

"Come on lemuel, my little brother. No need to be serious and I'm just kidding. You know that I missing teasing you" – Lorena

"If you're just going to tease maybe I'll end this call"

"Okay fine, I won't. This sister of yours just miss you okay and you didn't even visit me last year which I've been waiting for you to come and I prepared all your favorite dish yet you ghosted me. Nice and I guess you hate me" – Lorena

Now here she goes with her tantrums which I hate it and she's becoming childish on her own act. When will she behave like a fine young lady? I suddenly saw alexis walking around the campus which I followed her even I'm still talking to my older sister so I should put it on hold for awhile.

Alexis is not with her friends now then I have a chance to have lunch with her.

She's talking someone on the phone which I'm curious who that lucky person she could talk to? But it seems to me she's annoyed. Does she hate talking someone on the phone? I walk closely so that I would know if she's fine or not then she suddenly look around like she feels someone is following her but I hide under the bushes because she might see me since we're not that close yet because I don't want her to find me weird if I act like we're really close to each other

"I told you not to call me!" she is very pissed off and I don't know if I should approach her right now

"You don't know anything and how much I hate talking to you!" then we had an eye contact that made me look away trying to pretend that I'm on call

I don't know alexis has a lot of problems and I don't want to bother her by asking what I heard awhile ago on the comfort room when she keeps mentioning a name alesha which her twin and I thought she is an only child but I guess I'm wrong about it. I turn around to check again if she is there but she's gone

"Oh fudge, I lost a track of her" I said to myself because I can't find her now but I hope she didn't notice me here

"So now what?" then I press the on hold and I can hear my older sister voice who is very talkative

"Why did you put on hold when I'm still talking to you? Are you with someone? That is why you hate talking to me" – Lorena

"Would you please stop being childish sis? Okay, I don't hate you neither blame you for throwing tantrums at me but please stop it. I miss you, are you happy now?"

"It feels like you're forcing yourself just to say that to me little brother" – Lorena

"Okay I take it back now"

"No, I'm just kidding. I love you" – Lorena

"I love y.."

"Why are you following me?" I turn around and it's alexis

"Who's that lemuel? Is it your girlfriend?" – Lorena

"I'll call you back later sis" then I end the call and put the phone on my pocket

"Hi" I said even I sound awkward there

"Answer my question" she said and I think she's not in the mode because of the tone of her voice is bit annoyed. Did I make a mistake?

"About that, I want to ask you to eat lunch together. If you wouldn't mind at all" I said even I feel nervous at the moment because she just looking at me suspiciously

"Next time, don't do that or else I might do something to you. I just hate people sneaking around and following me because it's kind of weird and might be a pervert, thief or killer" she said

"Okay, I don't know your number so that is why I look for you then I saw walking by which I didn't intend to approach you quickly because you might find it uncomfortable and here I am. I just followed you even I know it's my mistake and I'm sorry for that" I apologize and explain it to her so that she won't find me weird. She just laugh at me and I just smile at least she's not annoyed

"Sorry, you look a bit awkward when everytime you talk and I can see that you're really nervous talking to a girl like me even they call me boyish because the way I act and dress. Its way more uncomfortable when you followed someone, isn't it?" she said and wow she is talking to me right now. So I won't ask her about what happened awhile ago and I just want to enjoy this moment with her

"Yah, I think so. Don't worry, I'm not a pervert. I just don't know how to talk to you because you might prefer talking to someone who has serious topic or what" why am I sweating?

"So tell me, what is your impression when you saw me?" she asked and I don't know if I should tell her the truth or what

"Be honest, I won't get mad"

"Kind of intimidating, sensitive, and quiet" I said and all she did is laugh

"Is that how you see me? That is why you can't approach because you're too scared. But you can talk to me anytime and I'm happy to see someone talking to me. I guess so" alexis said

"Not really, but when I get to talk to you and get to know you. You're really nice girl which I'm very surprised with your voice" I said

"Maybe let's go eat lunch while we're talking all the way to the cafeteria and it's my treat since you saved me in the pair activity of Ms. Daisy" she said and started to walk while I'm on behind her. I might as well get along with her and hoping my friends won't call me by the time they want to disturb me.

I think alexis is trying to smile infront of everyone but behind that smile there's a thousand of feelings and reasons she can't never tell to anyone her problems especially she might think she's a burden. So, she pretended to be happy and look fine even she feel suffocated at times. Those eyes won't even lie when you see it.


Lovely POV

We didn't even notice that alexis is not with us and we don't know either what she is up to. Is she still mad at me? For bailing her or saying something she doesn't like. It's kind of weird, when she entered the music room like she's not herself and I can see that alexis talk to guy which I find it strange or it's just me who never know alexis that much. We know each other for like 7 years but why I still miss a lot of things of getting to know them and I end up messing everything. Today, it's quite odd wherein I don't know what to do, where to go neither why I am so bored?

"Okay, I'm done" jamie said and that is when alexis exactly got here in the room. Look what we got here, she is with that guy lemuel and she seems to be happy

"Yes, let's have lunch together next time and tell me your free time" he is just simple but friendly and he knows how to treat a girl nicely which I like it and he is perfect for alexis ideal type. One thing I know for alexis is that her ideal type is a guy knows how to respect a girl decision and treat them nicely

The girls at the third row are looking at alexis and they looked annoyed. I think they're jealous because that guy lemuel can't even do that to them. I didn't know that some girls here are really obsessive when liking someone

"How could she flirt with lemuel?"

"What a slut"

"This bitch really needs a lesson"

"I'm so jealous of her, she's sitting on that chair near at charles then she's talking to lemuel. How can she be lucky?"

"These crazy girls are really annoying. I hope they get suck up with their insecurities at all"

"I know right, I'm so happy seeing alexis like this than these stupid girls hmp"

"As if they can own lemuel, so why they don't just find another guy than acting that way?"

"Lovie and Norrie, could you two just shut your mouth because they might hear okay? I don't want to get involved into any trouble just because you two keep talking someone"

"Ah come on, we're sorry okay? Don't get mad at us colline, please?"

"Okay, just don't talk behind the back of others if they don't want to talk about you two because you know it's very rude to hurt someone feelings and we must respect their own life than saying something"

"We didn't say anything wrong and we don't want anyone else trying to gossip about alexis. But okay, we won't do it again"

"I'm back girls and I'm sorry about that if I left without saying anything" alexis said and apologize to us

"Oh you're here" michelle seems to be busy until now when she didn't even notice that alexis is here

"Where have you been? I've been calling awhile ago, but you're not answering" jamie said

"I'm sorry, I'm with lemuel and my phone is in my bag so I couldn't hear it" alexis explain the situation so that jamie won't get sad about it

"Lemuel Sanchez? The guy on the front row?" jamie asked

"Oh yes, that's right. How did you know?" alexis is surprised and also me. Does jamie know that guy lemuel?

"I just heard his name when his friends called him like that"

"I see, I thought you know him"

"No, we're not that even close. By the way, I'm bored. I don't know if there is something missing or what. It's just that this day is really nothing even I eat a lot of food still I feel empty. Do you think..."

"Don't even think so jamie"

"I didn't say anything yet, so why freak out alexis?"

"Oh really? Because I really know what you're going to say"

"I don't want to say this but it keeps bothering me because I'm really shock. You know what alexis, you're acting strange today. Especially awhile ago at the comfort room, we're totally talking to someone else. You keep mentioning your name and another person is like in you. What's her name again? Alesha?" jamie already said it which I don't want to tell her that way because alexis might act weird again. I guess I'm not hitting by bush

"About that..." when sir davis suddenly came in and alexis didn't even start what she wants to tell us so we might just ask her next time when she's ready

"I'm so sorry class, I think we only have 45 minutes left before our class end. Since all of you are wearing your PE uniform so we might as well play some sports. For the girls, they're going to play dodge ball, form at least four groups consist of 10 members. Then for the boys, badminton and find a partner that you wish to play with. Let's move to the gym now. By the way, are we all complete today? Or there are some students are absent in my class? Please tell me ahead. President, kindly check the attendance and give it to me. Thank you" sir davis added

"I don't think I can do this attendance, I mean I memorize all the names but I'm too lazy to list down the entire students' name" I said and we're like 80 in the class. I don't know if I could finish writing them all

Those four girls on the right corner been glaring at alexis and I want to snatch their eyes away so that they will stop being insecure. I can't hate her even we always argue with small stuff but I still love alexis because she is the person who help when I'm get attacked by those antis

All of us transfer to the gym, I just noticed that professors here are always busy I mean I can't even get to see them when everytime we have class on them and it feels new to me not like in music academy the professors always attend their class not to miss any single day wherein student can't miss any activities to compile. Well, everything here is different

"What are you working jamie? Because you seem busy awhile ago" michelle said

"I'm working with the report of my older brother because he is preparing for the upcoming project on his company so he needed my help to finish everything" jamie said and she can't say no to her older brother

"By the way, have you prepared for the song that we need to sing on our concert next month?" I asked because it will held on the second week of july and we might know if the date will be moved or what

"I'm already done with it since lemuel help me" alexis said

"You think so? Wow, he is a big help and I must thank him later" I said

"He's a bit shy but I told him that he should at least talk to you girls instead of feeling awkward or uncomfortable" she continued and like alexis is ready for it

"Since when did you two get close?" I asked and I know she don't talk to anyone easily except to lewis even though he got rejected by alexis

"Just right now, I think he is friendly" what a excuse, she always say that but end hating someone who lied to her

"Do you still hate lewis?" I asked out of nowhere

"No, why should I hate him? If you think I'm still mad at him, you're wrong and I like lewis because he's my bestfriend" alexis is really a straightforward person and this is the reason

"Don't you regret about rejecting him?" I asked her then she just looked at me like I said something wrong or did she misunderstood what I say?

"Not really, I can't afford losing him since I love him so much because the love we have is only for being bestfriend" alexis answered it honestly which is somehow true. It's really hard to fall in love with your bestfriend because once you two break up not only you lose your relationship but also your friendship.

How lucky lewis to have alexis as his bestfriend

"Okay class, let's start and form yourself own group then you can begin" sir davis said

Then a lot of our classmates are approaching us which were all surprise but we only need to choose 6

"Let's choose noreline and Christina" michelle suggest

"Well, that's great" jamie said and alexis also agree

"I couldn't disagree more about it since the three of you agree so majority wins" I said which I have no choice at least they choose those who are not a hater of ours

"Noreline, do you have friends who wants to be part of our group?" I asked

"Definitely, they really like you girls. They are with me. Jemmy and Cathy, this is my two bestfriend" noreline introduced her two bestfriend

"Hi, I'm Cathy Paris. Nice to meet you girls" her voice is really sounded excited meeting us

"Jemmy Wong, just call me jem. I'm really a big fan of yours. I've been watching all your vlogs, listening to your new songs and especially I went to your concert even though you don't notice me because they're a lot of fans out there" jem is just calm while talking to us

"Okay we still need 3 members to form one group" michelle said

"Can we join your group?" when someone asked

"Sure, why not?" I smiled

"Have you form your group already?" sir davis asked when everyone said yes. Our group and those bitches' group

"You can start now" as we started everyone is cheering for us then these bitches started to throw the ball when it almost hit my face and it's pay back time

I guess I'm bailing my own thoughts and I'll show no mercy with this group because they won't even see the good side I have. I did a little stretching and start to look for a target which I already have that witch who always look at me

"Lisa stop that, and we're playing here okay? Focus on the game" so your name is lisa, your dead meat this time and I start to put my strength and throw the ball straight at her face. That's a bullseye and yes

"Nice lovely" michelle said and I hate three people. Only seven members left on the group but I didn't get to hit that wench

"You're going to pay for this" look who's mad now

"Well better luck next time loser" I said, and everyone laughs except her teammate

"So girls, you know what to do now and let's win this play" they create a formation which I don't know what for so all of us are confused the girl at the back start to hit one of us when I try to move on the left side of cathy but one thing for sure they hit her and I apologize immediately because they're really targeting me or one of us here

"Be careful lovely, I know they're trying to target you" alexis warned me and I know what I am doing.

When I was about to hit one of them then something pops on my mind and I slipped the ball of my hand and wasted the chance to finish them all. What just happened there? Why did that Benjamin pop into my mind? I hope this could end because I do feel strange today and it really make me feel uneasy since yesterday which I end up crying on what happened.

"Ha" I touch my head because a ball hit me and I'm out. That ball hits me hard which make me feel dizzy then someone hold on me and I don't know who it is

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine I guess" I sit on the bench and my stomach don't feel well. Is this the feeling of being worry of someone? I hate myself when I start to regret doing something that I wouldn't even like to do but it's their fault, but we didn't expect that it all went wrong in one time. I didn't know that alexis could cry to someone like that

Alexis is all left on the game and there are still four members on the other side. She is smiling all by herself and looking closely who will be her next target.

"You can do this girl, beat her until she gets hurt" that bitch is really getting into my nerves and how could she say something like that to alexis? I guess I really need to butt in or else this lisa will do something worse and don't you think she is too obvious that she likes Lemuel? Or does she like Charles?

"Shouldn't you be afraid now alexis? Since your all alone and no one will defend you at all"

"Why should I be afraid? Shouldn't you be the one who should feel that because I can see that your knees are trembling and it's a bit obvious of you to feel nervous. Now tell me, you're hiding behind your friends just to protect yourself to get hurt but have the guts to bully someone" is she acting strange again? Because she is talking like a different person

"Since when did I bully someone? Do you have any proof?" she said and sounded scared

"Maybe I should tell you one by one, would you like to hear it from me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about bitch"

"Coming from you? Excuse me, you're the bitch here and don't even dare try to make anything that you will regret later"

"Girls, hit her hard until she won't feel that she belongs here"

"Now you're telling your slaves to do something like the thing you did with alice last 9 years ago. Don't you remember what you did?"

Lisa seems to be nervous and how do alexis know my cousin alice? Have they met before?

"Don't you even dare call them slaves, you bitch"

"Then what are they? Trash?" she laughs, and everyone is just watching them without playing

"You witch! Let's beat her girls"

"Try me then, let see who'll win" I don't like what I'm seeing right now

"Lovely, don't you think it's a bit odd that alexis is really acting strange? I don't know what happened to her since morning until now" michelle is really worried and Jamie is just watching alexis while she is figuring it out her moves "Don't tell me you're still afraid of alice? Because I bet you can't even cut ties with her and I guess you're still her puppet"

"Don't you find alexis strange?" I asked Jamie

"Not really, why? She's luring her opponent to distract their movements of the targets. Like you don't know how alexis play" Jamie said, and she is the strange person here. Maybe, I'm acting too much and seeing a lot of things

"Finally, have you had enough lisa for threatening me back then because he doesn't even like you? You accused my twin sister for something that she didn't even do and now you're going to bully her again? Not this time bitch, because you'll regret challenging me"

"Try me? Yeah I will bitch and you're same with her"

Alexis target the fat girl, twist the ball which she hit the left shoulder then next is the short hair throw the ball straight at her both legs wherein she fall and finally the girl with braces, alexis is still targeting either the face or the body but she already did because her mouth bled. Does she hold grudges on them? As if she already met these girls somewhere. Lisa is only the one left and alexis is feeling happy

"Now what? You're left alone and I can't believe you feel nervous" alexis said

"Okay, do it!" when alexis is about to throw the ball then that lisa suddenly dodge and cover her whole face and everyone is laughing because alexis didn't hit her yet on the ball but she is feel afraid of it. What a scaredy cat and look at her face like she wants poop

"I already told you that never mess with me girl and try me if you can really beat me. You know what, you're a bit jealous of me because you can't achieve anything if you always blame someone from your fault. Accusing will never let you feel you can own something and using someone will let you feel the guilt" alexis said and then throw the ball

"See, you lose again. You can never beat me and my twin sister no matter how hard you try to copy her you will never win nor can do the same thing she does"

"I don't know who am I talking to, either it's you or your twin because I may get fooled by the looks but they way you two act is different because your twin sister is gangster princess if you only know what she did to me back then"

"Now what, you're going to tell my twin sister all your white lies just to make me look bad. For peek sake lisa, wake up and it's already 2021 yet you're still like to fool people around you. I tell you, someday you'll realize how people going to hate you and leave you because of your dirty lies" it sounded like a warning or threat.

Alexis walked toward us when lisa was about to do something, but she just dodges it like she already sensed that this bitch is really into something no good and everyone is looking at her then everyone in the class start to gossip and sir davis seem to be annoyed because of what he saw.

Alexis lean closely to that lisa and whisper something that made her surprised which I didn't expect it then she starts to shout. I didn't know that this bitch would fear alexis and I can't stop laughing because this lisa is going crazy right now

"I'm going to beat you!" she said

"Like I said, try me and let see who the laughingstock at the end will be"

"AAAHHHHHHH! I really hate you!"

Alexis went to get her things and ignored us like we don't exist at all. What a major offense is that and she doesn't even see us were here like in front of her. I try to call her name, but she is not even listening to us right now like she wouldn't even care at all. I don't know what's got into her and is there a damage on her brain? I don't want to think about it anymore and we just followed her


Lemuel POV

I did not know alexis can play like pro in dodge ball and I am amazed by her because this is the first time, I see a girl who knows all the movements or techniques in playing which I am pretty use she knows who to target. Does she also play other sports? Because I want to see her play other sports. Something is really bothering me right now, the conversation of her and lisa like they known each other for a long time by the looks of the eyes of alexis. I can see that she is in pain, and something happened to her which she mentions about her twin sister and everything else.

"Finally, have you had enough lisa for threatening me back then because he doesn't even like you? You accused my twin sister for something that she did not even do and now you are going to bully her again? Not this time bitch, because you'll regret challenging me."

"I already told you that never mess with me girl and try me if you can really beat me. You know what, you are a bit jealous of me because you cannot achieve anything if you always blame someone from your fault. Accusing will never let you feel you can own something and using someone will let you feel the guilt."

"Now what, you're going to tell my twin sister all your white lies just to make me look bad. For peek's sake lisa, wake up and it's already 2021 yet you're still like to fool people around you. I tell you, someday you'll realize how people going to hate you and leave you because of your dirty lies."

I might not know her past, but I want to get to know her better without judging her because of what other people say to her specially that lisa who is obvious of getting jealous or insecure. So, lisa did something to her and her twin sister. I guess, the one who is talking is not alexis because she sounded different persons and her friends are confused on how alexis act and talk.

Threaten? Accusation? Insecurity? Diry lies?

These are the words that caught in my mind, and I don't know what really happened between them. I should be asking lisa about it.

"Lisa, tell me. What happened between you two?" sir davis asked

"I don't know sir, you should be asking alexis than me because she's the one who started it not me" lisa said and the nerve to blame someone else.

"Then why did you shout? The entire students here in the gym are looking at you. Explain it to me now or else I will give you minus point for it" sir davis said and he is not joking right now.

"Come on sir, why am I the only one who will get a minus point? When that bitch starts to say some stupid things that will threaten me and not a chance on me!" how disrespectful of her

"Where are your manners, Lisa Bartolome? Do I need to call your full name just to make you hear what you just said there?" this is really get hot seat and everyone on the class are a bit quiet

"I didn't know that sir davis can be this serious."

"If I were you, don't make any trouble just to make sir davis get serious like this and look at lisa right now"

"I guess so, I stay out of trouble"

"Girl, did you see how scared lisa?"

"Well, that deserve her right. She easily gets scared to alexis, when in fact she bullies other students but can't even do that to alexis"

"Are you going to act this way? See what happened, Alexis won't act that way if you didn't tell her something. Do you hold a grudge on her or what? Because I am telling you, the two of you will get low grade if this happen again" sir davis is serious and lisa would not say anything else because once she gets failing grade, she will get kicked out of this academy. She also violated a lot of rules and get a major offense.

"It's obvious, she is jealous of alexis"

"I know right, I bet she will do something."

"Just keep your mouth shut, she might hear you two."

"If you can apologize to her, you will get D grade in this class, and I see you're in fault. Don't make myself repeat it to you or else you won't like what will happen" sir davis gave her a warning to reflect on herself for what happened.

Then sir davis dismissed the class while lisa feel annoyed right now and trying to make face behind sir davis. Her attitude is worse and keep letting herself look pathetic. I should go now to our next class and look for alexis if she is already in the room and I do not have her number yet since I could not ask her.

"Dude, wait for us" bucky said and trying to catch up with me while teejay and john are behind us when they are bit slow somehow, but I will not mind about them but alexis is what I am concern at. I immediately went to the room to see if she is there, and assurance is the thing I always do

"Dude, take it slow. Why are you walking so fast? Are you in a rush? Or concern of someone?" bucky asked too many which I cannot answer it right now and a second of thought, bucky seems to be interested on knowing what I'm thinking now.

"Trying calling alexis, I can't reach her, and she keeps ignoring my call" I think that is lovely's voice and maybe I should ask them about it

"She just right infront of us, but suddenly she dashes off like a bubble pass by and disappear"

"Alexis is really acting strange, and I don't understand her at all. How come she knows that lisa when they just met? Like they already know each other and one more thing, something happened between them. Do you think alexis is hiding something from us? Could it be she got bully by her?"

"I also heard on their conversation, alexis mention my cousin alice and a while ago. Maybe I should ask alice about it and I should at least know what she did to alexis"

"Isn't it, alexis only has little sister. But why does she mention someone else? Her twin sister and the name is Alesha. Accusation? Threaten? How come we did not know anything about it? Did alexis tell your everything and her secrets? I know you two are close Jamie and you should know everything about her."

"Yes, we're close but she keeps everything from herself. I mean, she only tells me the secrets she wants to say but not all of it. So, I cannot say that I know everything about her. I believe she don't talk about herself that much and she's not to open to tell something that is very sensitive and privacy."

"There are a lot of things that we still don't know about her and I hope she would tell us which I wouldn't mind because I cared for her more than myself. You know me girls and I want to protect as much as I can than anything else."

How sweet and caring her friends are, specially that girl named michelle and all of them are worried of alexis but they don't know where she is or what happened to her after the class of sir davis

"Girls, alexis just sent me a message right now."

"Spill it jamie"

"She's making us worried, and we don't know what to do right now which I feel uneasy about it"

"Dude, why are you listening to someone else conversation?"


"We still have class, and we should get going because we might get late in our last class today" bucky said

"You should go first, I need to do something else and just cover for me dude" I said and he left without saying anything else

"Okay, I'll read it for you girls since all of us are curious where she went. Here it goes, she said that she went to somewhere quiet, to deep blue and yet a wind is passing by and does not want to get disturb. She wanted to be alone right now and just tell her anything about the last class. That's it"

"You mean, she's in the beach? Like where? There are a lot of beaches here in the Philippines" lovely said

"Didn't you hear what jamie said? Alexis wants to be alone, and she doesn't want to be bother then maybe we should give her a space" michelle said to lovely because she is a bit stubborn

"Is there anything else alexis said?"

"Are you even listening to me lovely?"

"Yes of course, maybe she has just sent you another message"

"None, that's it"

"That's it? Is that serious? She is making us all worried yet that is the only thing she have to say to us. Come on, she should at least know were looking for her especially me because I'm worried about her if she only knew and you know me girls, even I'm a bit spoiled and childish but I'm still a caring person"

"Lovely, mind your manners."

"Is there something wrong about what I said right now?" lovely asked

"Yes, the first one"

"Okay never mind and she will talk to us once she feels calm"

I know where she is, but I might look for all the beach just to find her and I want to know if she is alright or not. I am cutting class today just for her and to make sure she is not lonely even she wanted to be alone right now. I am glad that I brought my car here and I will just treat them as a compensation. I guess this is the first time I did this to myself, and I do not regret it somehow. I do not know what I am doing but it makes me feel anxious when she is not around. What are you to me? That is the only question came into my mind and I do not know the answer for it yet. I might find it once I get along with her and I want to understand her situation without my own judgment.