"Wait you got excepted into a trade school, yaya I didn't know you were interested in picking up a trade when this happen, why didn't you tell me"
Anya's mom asked this with a mouth full of chow mein noodles, spitting food after every other word.
"I was going to but i was nervous and unsure, I.. just didn't want to jinks it ya know"
Clearly a lie but a understandable one she just didn't want to say hey mom I'm going to interview for a psychic school I'll be home before six.
"No no I get it I'm just surprised you got out the apartment you've been cooped up in here since we moved here"
And she still would be if she hadn't seen Keke Majestic's rant video, she had been stuck in this small apartment 24/7 if she hadn't gotten curious with that snobby stuck up youtuber, she would stay here just like the thousands of times before after a while Anya had no reason to explore or sight see in a place she would only be at for a few weeks or maybe a few months, if we stretched it all the cities, towns and states began to bleed together and look the same well until today.
"So how was the interview, did you show up 15 minutes early like I taught you. Did you make sure to speak clearly you know hat you mumble a lot"
"I don't mumble "
Anya tried to say matter of factly.
"Yes you do especially when your nervous or intimidated, like you remember when you frozen up during your solo in your 6th grade choir oh or the boy you liked. What was his name Tory or Cory"
Rory Anya thought he was her first real crush she spent weeks writing down her feelings for him and spent a few more weeks working up the courage to tell him and when she did she failed in glorious of fashions.
"You spent like months trying to tell him how you felt"
She began to snicker.
"And when you did you mumbled the whole way through"
Anya mother busted out into laughter as her own child blushed in embarrassment.
"I've never seen a girl whisper and mumble at the same time"
The beautiful memories of her daughters blunder brought tears of joy to her eye and even though it was at her expense, Anya loved to see the freckled face woman smile.
"Well anyway"
Anya tried to get back on topic.
"The interview went well and I did show up early I spoke loud and clear and I didn't mumble"
That was neither true or false the whole ordeal to the building to the interview was so weird and off putting that she wasn't sure if had mumbled, if she had then the old wrinkled suit man didn't seem to notice or care.
"Well good"
A smile still etched on her face.
"Now if we can get you to try again with Tory you'll be golden.
Laughter erupted from them both, as the dinner began to wrap up and both got there giggles and laughs out Anya's mother asked the question she was hoping to avoid.
"So what type of trade school is it"
"ah agggh tech"
She stumbled out.
"you know heating and cooling things like that"
Yes things like psychic powers, palm readings.
"How much is it"
"oh that is all ready taken care"
True the funds were taken care of because it costed nothing the school was free to all those excepted.
"It is"
Her mother said curiously.
"Yea I called... dad and asked if he could help out"
"Oh you did"
Now gone was the laughing the smiling cheery and back to the woman Anya grew to know.
"Well that's great"
She forced a smile on her face.
"It's great that your keeping in contact with... him and I'm happy that he helped out just great"
Anya told another lie but one her mother would glaze over.
"Well good job I'm so proud of you, well it's about that time i better get going"
She rose from the kitchen table, scrambled for her stuff.
"I just came to have dinner with you and now I have and with that i'm head back to work"
With in what felt like seconds she redress kissed Anya on the forehead and sprinted out the door. That was the expected response outcome Anya knew her mother she knew she was like Goldie locks she didn't like her food to spicy or to cold but just right. She knew she hated milkshakes but liked to melt her ice cream till you could confuse it for one, she knew this and more and after the last few years she knew mom didn't like talking about dad. She liked going down memory lane and think about Anya's small childish blunders but she didn't like going to far back and Anya knew that and even though the conversation about the trade school was over Anya knew her mother would be balling in her car.
While cleaning up the kitchen Anya's thoughts drifted to her mother and Mr. Peter's wondered how her mother would have handled that interview. [she probably butter him up say how nice the building was, how sharp his suit was]She began to break out into a chuckle.[she probably have a large portfolio with all her spin tingling experience]Yes Anya thought mom would try to butter him up real good but she wasn't sure if it would even work or if he would even care. But what she did wonder, what she wanted to know more then anything was how her mom would react to staring deeply into his eyes.
Her mother had always said to arrive 15 minutes early to a interview shake hands firmly speak clearly and lock eyes with them, and Anya thought could her mom follow threw or would she break her own rule for what she would see in those eyes, because Anya intensity in those eyes there was no lying no sugar coating no amount of butter would do in those eyes Anya saw, more like heard to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but it. She felt compelled by God himself to speak her truth so she did.
She told him everything to how she thought the whole psychic thing was bullshit to how the school was a scam she told him that he and all his co workers and bosses should be ashamed of themselves, pulling a wool over peoples eyes, they were liars and cheats she screamed this because those eyes she spoke truths her mother would never say, because her mother couldn't speak her truth not even to her own daughter though Anya knew the truth about her mother and her feelings it something she knew she would rather hide and lie about. But Anya couldn't lie anymore she couldn't bury the feelings hide the fact how her parents divorce bothered her how dad bothered her how she felt so isolated being home schooled for years bothered her, the constant moving city to city state to state dried her out how even after all these years a young girl a year out of high school and a future dead a head didn't know what to do with it.
Anya didn't know who she was and she couldn't admit it she knew it she couldn't leave because in this place in this abandoned building there was opportunity there could be something so she told him that and after she was done she was standing shouting with tears spilling down her face.
One might have expect Joseph Peters to be shocked or stirred up by Anya's out burst, he wasn't his face was a stale and stoney as it was before. He calmly rose and before Anya could realize what was happening he grabbed her hand and shook it.
He said.
"Well lets give you the rundown, this class will take place in a six month period there is no set class schedule so be ready to jump at a moments notice, after the six months if your still around y'all be placed"
[Placed] Anya thought the tears the yelling had made her head hurt she couldn't think straight but he continued.
"Everything you told me seems to checkout so congratulations"
He said with a some what forced smile.
"The hard parts over"
He un grasped her hand and began to collect the chairs.
"Hope to see you 6 am Monday morning same location by the way, with all that said you have a nice day"
He was making his way through one of the holes in the wall while Anya stood dazed she had so much she wanted to say but all she could manage was.
"Why... why did you except me and not turn me away like the others"
He turned and once again he looked her dead into her eyes.
"Because you have potential"
He said it then went through the wall, potential,potential in all her 19 years of her life Anya never once heard those words and standing there in the exact same spot and instead of being dazed she was smiling the biggest shit eating grin one would ever see. She had it twice once in one day once in a dirty building and the second washing dirty dishes and all that was on her mind was [Monday couldn't come sooner]