Doc slowly lifted his hand off my stomach and opened his eyes to look at me. My pain suddenly didn't matter anymore as I heard, "The males are gone. The female is alive, but badly injured and won't survive birth even if we cut you open to get her out. I looked at your reproductive organs and most of them look ok, but there is a chance you may not be able to get pregnant again from all of the trauma. I know you hate me, but please allow me to remove the bodies to allow yours to heal."
While staring blankly at the large moon above me I bluntly stated, "Just remove them."
After a few moments I felt a sharp pain as Doc clawed his way threw my abdomen do remove my children. I heard Alfie slowly go out of the cave as he sniffled and came back shortly after. I figured he was disposing of their bodies. Unexpectedly, Doc gasped and said "Wait, the female is ok! The injuries I thought I saw on her must have been on one of the other babies. I can close you back up and your body will heal in a short time. You will be able to carry her to full term thankfully." My entire body felt as if it had been lifted of the ground and floating. My emotions came running back to me. I would finally have the little girl I've always wanted.
Doc closed me up and Alfie carried me as Royce followed us back to our cave. Doc carried my prey and set it just outside the cave entrance as he looked up towards the sky. "Winter is early." he said as snow fell from the sky and started creating a blanket on the ground.
I looked up at Alfie and he jumped out of the cave to get the prey. He brought the prey to the designated area and came back to my side, "I'm so sorry, Alyssa, I shouldn't have been so selfish. I knew how much each of them meant to you and I only thought about the female. I promise that I will never upset you like that again, and I will never leave your side. I will protect you forever."
"Alfie, it's not your fault, it's all mine. I left you even though I knew I wouldn't be able to fight off an enemy. I will never leave you ever again, I want to be with you forever and take care of our daughter together." I couldn't take the thought of him feeling guilty for what happened to our sons. We started to cuddle into our bed as Royce started to fall asleep in his. Alfie's warm body against mine made me feel the safest I had ever felt, and I could never imagine leaving him ever again. I started to yawn as I looked up into his eyes. "It's been a long day; I think I'm going to get some sleep. Maybe we can start thinking of names for the baby tomorrow."
Alfie gave me a smirk and said, "Alyssa, we have plenty of time to do that. You have a full two weeks until the baby comes, lets choose a name when we meet her, that way we know it really fits her." and with that my eyes started to get heavy and I drifted into the darkness with my favorite blanket of fur on top of us.
As I opened my eyes, I heard Alfie talking to someone about me at the entrance of the cave, "Just take care of the village for one more week, Doc. Once she's in her last week of pregnancy, she will sleep the whole time anyways, so I will be able to prepare everybody's caves for winter. And once word gets out that my mate and her son are shifters, we will have many people moving to the village in the spring. And I think Alyssa will make a great alpha partner, she's going to really help the villagers." I wasn't sure what he meant by me sleeping my whole last week of the pregnancy, maybe he was meaning that I will be really tired, which I was for my whole pregnancy with Royce. Hearing how he was talking about me to Doc really made me excited for our future. I really want to help the people of the village, and the world here, and I think Alfie is the perfect partner to do that with.
I started to get out of bed and Alfie dismissed Doc to come to my aid. My cut from last night hasn't healed completely yet, so I was struggling to get up by myself. Alfie ran to my side as he said, "Please just stay laying down, I don't want you to injure yourself even more. You need to stay healthy or you will just go into labor prematurely."
"Ok Alfie, but could we maybe make a resting place similar to the one at Doc's? It is hard getting up from so low to the ground and it would be nice to have a rest for my back if I'm going to be relaxing for the rest of my pregnancy."
"I can make that for you today, I'm going to be making a lot of things today, so I'll just make that as well. I'll make that first so you can use it while I am making the other things I need to make."
"Ok, thank you!" and I gave him a nice long peck. I had missed feeling his lips against mine. "What are you all making today?"
"The resting place, a nest for the baby, a barrier for the entrance so it keeps snow and intruders away, lots of warm clothes for all of us, and a small fire pit for the baby so she keeps as warm as possible in her nest."
"How much does it normally snow during the winter? And how cold does it get?"
"Well the snow normally goes above the cave entrance about 10 feet by mid-winter, and the temperature is dangerously cold. Being out of the cave for more than five minutes is deadly."
"How do intruders survive in the winter then if its so cold?"
"Well intruders are bred to survive the winter. They are normally winter surviving species like foxes or white bears. When they abduct females to mate with them, they will kill all babies who are not their species or a female. When they are in a constant true form state, they can survive an entire winter without entering a cave at all."
"Wow…" I didn't know how to respond to that. I was in complete shock. I stared off into the fire as my stomach growled the loudest I'd ever heard. Alfie got up without saying a word and pulled the full buffalo prey towards the fire. He raised it above the fire and started roasting it, then he went back into the darkness and grabbed a smaller prey, a deer, and started roasting that next to the buffalo. "Why did you bring two prey out here? That is way too much meat for us to be eating, there is only three of us."
"I can sense that you will be going into your pregnancy sleep soon. You will sleep for the remainder of the pregnancy until a day before you give birth. Then you will wake up and nest, preparing for your baby to arrive. You will eat the entire buffalo by yourself and it will carry you until you awaken. That is most likely why you slept so long after you had fainted at the training field."
"Wait, that's what you meant when you were talking to Doc? I'm not going to just be tired; I'm going to sleep for over a week straight?"
"Yes, how was it in your world? Didn't you sleep at the end of your pregnancy?"
"Not for the entire time! We would be extra tired and take lots of naps, but we would still be awake! We also were pregnant for nine months and not three weeks."
"NINE MONTHS! No wonder humans are so weak compared to beasts! They always say the shorter the pregnancy, the stronger the offspring. My mother was pregnant with me for a total of nine DAYS before giving birth. If those intruders hadn't found you…"
"Our sons would have been very strong." I finished his sentence. I knew it hurt him that we lost our sons, but we will make more, and they will be strong just like the others would have been. The meat that was over the fire had just finished cooking. Alfie was right, I was extremely hungry, and I had eaten the entire buffalo. I even licked the bones clean when I was done. My stomach had looked like I was nine months pregnant with ten babies by the time I was done. I started rubbing my stomach as I said, "One day I will have many warriors in this stomach."
We looked in each other's eyes and I saw a single tear fall down Alfie's cheek. I scooted next to him and wiped his tear as I grabbed his face in both of my hands, "They will forever be by our sides, even if we can't see them." One side of his lips raised as he gave me a long, passionate kiss.
He slipped his tongue into my mouth once again and pulled my face even closer. I could hear his heartbeat racing as he gently pulled my now stretched sweatshirt over my head. Once my head was out, his lips connected with mine again. He gently laid me onto the bed and ripped his shorts off of both of our bodies. His heart was beating so fast, I could see his fangs starting to protrude out of his moth as he leaned down and started gently biting me neck and shoulders. "We won't hurt her, will we?" I asked as he started to venture lower on my body with his mouth.
"No, this is so that you release the last of your energy so you can go into your pregnancy sleep." He responded as he slowly moved his head between my legs. His tongue slipped between my vaginal lips and found my clitoris instantly naturally. My back arched up and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as he moved his tongue back and forth over it. I could feel my pussy tighten as I started to moan loudly. Thankfully, Royce was in another part of the cave playing. I grabbed his hair into my fist and pushed his head harder into me. He slipped two fingers inside me and I started to tighten even more. My pussy wrapped around his fingers as if they were made to fit perfectly inside. He curved his fingers upwards and started to vibrate them intensely. I instantly started to squirt onto his fingers as he smiled and looked up at me with his eyes glowing brighter than the sun. He brought his head up to mine with his fingers still inside me.
He deeply kissed me with his tongue venturing into my mouth once again. I thought 'I love tasting myself.' I heard his heart skip a beat and start racing even faster. He bit onto my lip as he pulled his fingers out and slid his rock-hard penis inside me. He was so warm, the fire next to us felt cold compared. He pushed his penis deep inside me until he felt my cervix deep inside my pussy. He released my lip with his fangs and sucked the blood from them. Fangs started to grow inside my mouth and claws on my fingers as I penetrated his back with them and pulled him closer. I could feel my eyes glow so intensely that they burned, but I didn't care. Blood was dripping from his back and onto me. His penis was hitting the perfect spot as I tightened around him and bit into his shoulder. While biting him, I let out a loud, muffled moan and released more of my juices onto him.
I released his back with one claw filled hand and dug it into the rock floor of the cave. I dug into the rock as if it were butter; Alfie looked over and saw my strength. He smiled and bit his lip as he fucked me harder as if he had been pumped with adrenaline. I screamed in delight as I thought, 'I want you to choke me until you fill me with your cum.' His eyes turned silver and mine turned gold as he wrapped his large hand around my neck and dug his claws in on each side. I grabbed his arm with my rock covered hand and dig them into his flesh as I silently moaned. He started to thrust me with much more force and speed as I could feel his penis start to swell. I could feel him releasing his cum inside of me as he slowed his trusts into hard, slow pushes. He let out a low growl as his eyes continued to glow with my silver hue. He leaned down to kiss me one last time as he curled up next to me and my eyes started to grow heavy. I let out a soft, "I love you Alfie." as I drifted into a comatose state, which I would remain in until just hours before meeting my baby girl.