Chapter 65 Pitiful heroes

5 tails immediately dashed through the battlefield. Chiyo helplessly watched it as it goes to Arthur's direction.

Arthur held 4 tails with his wood style and ice style. 4 tails wanted to use tailed beast bomb but because of Arthur's restraint, he couldn't do that. If he use it, he will blow himself with Arthur. 4 tails roared. Arthur narrows his eyes

" Useless. Unlike 1 tail who is in the Desert, you are nothing but a giant with more chakra. Arthur had a headache when he fought against 1 tail because 1 tail has a very fast regeneration ability. However 4 tails doesn't have it. It might be troublesome to deal with him but Arthur is relaxed. He has restraint abilities that can perfectly counter 4 tails. Suddenly Arthur's face paled.

" This chakra 5 tails. How could he be here?"


Incoming horse gallops are heard by Arthur. Arthur said with a headache

" I am so dead. 1 is enough but now it's 2. If I had my full attack power, I wouldn't be here."

Suddenly Guide's cold voice came out

" Emergency situation detected. Looking for a solution. Found it. Now upgrading chakra reserve,sharingan and adding 1 additional ability."

Arthur felt hot current all over his body. He said with a happy tone

" Are these permanent abilities?"

Guide said with a cold tone

" Negative. All these abilities will be confiscated after the fight."

Arthur sighed

" I know it. However I am at full blood again. Let's dance tailed beasts."

Giant horse shaped beast is coming over to him from distance. Arthur said lightly

" Let's check our new Susano."

Arthur formed a skeleton. After that tendons and body slowly formed, then armor covered it. Arthur's Susano was already 20 meter tall. He roared

" Once again."

Soon 80 meter tall Susano stood above on the ground. 5 tails stopped it's movement while 4 tails stared Arthur with a wide eyes. He remembers that Arthur would fight him fairly without using illusion. But who knows he had a perfect Susano. 4 tails said with a human voice

" Human, who the hell are you?"

Arthur tilted his head.

" So you do talk. I am Arthur Frost, guardian of the mankind. As long as I stop you here, many innocents will be saved."

5 tails said with rage

" You know nothing about us."

Arthur nodded

" I don't. However that doesn't mean you are correct."

Giant sword appears. Arthur held his sword ruthlessly cut down. 5 tails tries to dodge it but he couldn't move. His legs were tangled by a lot of trees. 5 tails roared

" You!"


Arthur slashes 5 tails. 5 tails roared with pain. 4 tails struggles to get up. Arthur whispered

" You get down."

He created giant shield and bashed 4 tails with it. It was pretty weird that samurai armor had western weapons.


4 tails felt dizzy. Arthur said with indifference

" Give up or else your Jinchurikis will die in exhaustion."

4 tails showed hesitation. He has been with this Jinchuriki for a long time. 4 tails said quietly

" Do you promise to not kill him? I will give up, if you do that."

Arthur nodded

" As long as you do that."

4 tails's body shrank in visible eyes. Soon it became a human. The Jinchuriki was unconscious. Arthur looked at 5 tails who was still struggling. Arthur sighed

" Stubborn things need a little beating."

Arthur hit 5 tails with his shield.


5 tails said with rage

" I will kill you human."

Arthur sighed and hit him again.

30 minutes later

Whole beating was lasted for 30 minutes. Arthur silently watched 5 tails while 5 tails silently watched him too. Two of them didn't say anything. After all it's quite embarrassing situation for 5 tails who is strong enough to topple one village. AArthur opened his mouth

" Shall we stop fighting? Let's call it tie."

5 tails who was embarrassed said with indifference

" Yes let's do that."

Arthur canceled his Susano while 5 tails turned into human. 5 tails Jinchuriki looked like he was beaten like a pig. Arthur pats his shoulder.

" Man, you have it rough."

5 tails Jinchuriki didn't say anything. He just picked up 4 tails Jinchuriki and went away.