Chapter 66 Last mission

Chiyo rushed to Arthur's direction with a sealing squad. She ordered

" Prepare to battle. As long as you saw them, use the seal formation."

However the reality was totally different from her thoughts. Arthur was sitting on the rock while eating senbeis."

He waved his hand without care

" Yo. You are late."

Chiyo rubbed her temple. She asked solemnly

" Was that giant golden thing yours?"

Arthur nodded. He gulped down his senbei.

" Well it's mine."

Chiyo sighed. She signaled the seal squad to return.

" You are a monster. Won't you consider to join Sand? We have a flexible tax system."

Arthur smiled

" I will return to my homeland tomorrow. So let's finish up today."

Chiyo asked with a grave tone

" Won't they break their promise after you depart?"

Arthur shakes his head

" If they are smart, they won't dare. Well Chiyo grandma I gotta go."

Chiyo waved her hand. Arthur sensed Mangekyo sharingan fluctuations. He said with a sigh

" I told them to not use it."

Arthur teleported continuously to their direction.

Naori's side

Naori used her sharingan to see enemies in the battlefield. She was like a battle angel that slaughters her enemies without mercy.

" Ah."

She cut down one shinobi. Naori wiped out blood from her sword.

" It is too cruel but leader said we shouldn't use Mangekyo."

However at this moment she felt unusual chakra. Naori's face paled

" That fool. He didn't take leader's words seriously."

Naori rushed to Naka's side.

Naka's side

Naka laughed madly. His laughter sounds so evil that no shinobi dared to go alone. Rock Jonin shouts

" Kill him. He is alone."

One shinobi rushed to him. He stabbed Naka in heart. The shinobi laughs

" He is dead. Leader, I killed him."

Jonin sighed with a relief.

" Good job. Now dig out his eyes."

Shinobi bent down to dig out Naka's eyes.

" Hey. What are you doing?"

Hand grabbed shinobi's wrist. Shinobi said with horror

" Monster. You are a monster."

Naka smiled ferociously. He was excluding terrifying killing intent. He twisted shinobi's neck. Jonin said with a fear

" Retreat. Now retreat."

Naka said without fear.

" Where are you going? The fun is just beginning."

Naka killed every single ninjas in front of him. Jonin cursed

" You monster, I will kill you."

Naka sighed

" Unfortunately you are already dead."

Jonin looked down to his chest and found a big hole.


Naka laughs wildly. Suddenly Naori's voice came out

" You! What have you done? You used Izanagi."

Naka smiled

" It's too late."

Naori turned on her Mangekyo. However at this moment Arthur came. He pats Naori's shoulder

" Stop, I will deal with him."

Naori looked back. She begged Arthur

" Don't kill him."

Arthur nodded. He sighed

" Naka, you have disappointed me. However you are my subordinate. So I will teach you a lesson about power."

Arthur's eyes turned into Mangekyo. Unlike his former star pattern, this time it added new symbols in the middle of eyes. One is like a cross while other is like a sword. Arthur said with indifference

" People use their power to protect others. Those who abuse their powers are the true evil."


The space around Naka was broken like glass. Illusion of Naka was broken into the pieces. Arthur waved his hand and Naka blacked out immediately. Naori asked with a surprise

" Leader, are you from Uchiha?"

Arthur shakes his head

" No but related. Well he should be somber when he wakes up. Besides my time is running out."

Naori looked at Arthur with puzzlement. Arthur didn't say anything. After all he can't explain it.

Naori said with concern

" So what should be do now?"

Arthur said lightly

" Go back. We should have won."

Naori nodded. Arthur picked up unconscious Naka. He looked at Naka

" His eyes should be working. After all I forcefully broke his jutsu."

Naori asked with a curious tone

" So you mean he can see."

Arthur nodded

" However his vision will be affected. Thankfully I can fix it."

Naori sighed with relief. She was worried about her friend. Fortunately Arthur can break the Izanagi. Naori really felt fortunate to have such a leader.

" Um leader, can I go there?"

Arthur looked at Naori. He coughs

" Hurry up. I will watch around. You go there."

Naori blushed and ran away. She has been fighting for a several days.