Chapter 191 Arthur's plan

On the other hand, Arthur was going to the base of the orcs. He was riding a griffin. Medivh said with awe.

" I never saw your face before. As for other guardians, I saw them. Only your history remained mysterious. Even my mother didn't believe in your existence. The same goes for otherworldly beings."

Arthur laughed loudly.

" Trust me, you will see more outrageous beings besides Sargeras."

Arthur recalled a certain star dragon which literally holds the universe in his hand. Llane said with curiosity.

" So does that mean we will have a chance to meet such godly beings?"

Arthur nodded.

" Yes, you will meet them. Some of them are sassy and so on. Right, Steve?"

Steve raised his head.

" Yeah. We have a god on our team. He is a very funny guy. Moreover, he has a brother who tries to kill us."

Medivh gulped. Even though his mother is a demi god, the real god is mighty existence that can wiped out demi gods at will, and he heard there are countless gods in Arthur's world.

" Are you certain that they are kind?"

Khadgar nodded. He thought it was a bad idea to let them in their world.

Arthur hit his chest with confidence.

" Of course. As long as I am not dead, it is pretty reliable. You can learn other world's magic too."

Their eyes lit up immediately because it was a very tempting offer to mages who seek mysteries of the world. Llane shouted.

" We are almost there."

Steve loosened his shield.

" Then I am going, Arthur."

Arthur waved,

" Yeah go on first."

Steve said loudly.

" It was a pleasure to meet you."


He jumped down from the griffin. Llane shouted.

" Wait!"

Steve didn't hear him at all. He went down to the crowd. Khadgar said with shock.

" He is crazy."

Arthur chuckled.

" Then go after me. Bye."


He jumped down. Others didn't worry about him at all. Heck, he is a dragon, after all. Medivh looked at Llane.

" Would you like to jump?"

Llane's forehead filled with black lines.

" I will break my leg."

Meanwhile on the ground.

The battle was continuing on the ground. Lothar was tired. He was battling against the powerful orcs all alone. Durotan said lightly.

" Grit your teeth. You must defeat him for your glory."

Lothar understood his words. His didn't diminish.

" Ah!"

He chopped down the orc. He breathed heavily.

Orcs roared.

" Glory!"

They respected this little man. Gul'dan snorted.

" Kill them for me."

The orcs denied his order. They gave a way for them.

Suddenly, two silhouettes fell from the sky. Arthur stood before them with a slight smile. He said loudly.

" Listen to me. I am here for peace. He is my warrior, and I am one of the guardians."

The orcs whispered to each other. Gul'dan sneered.

" What makes you come here?"

Arthur pointed to him.

" You. I know you. I saw your future. You will betray from them."

The orcs looked at Gul'dan with bewilderment. Gul'dan said with an angry look.

" Don't believe in him. He is lying."

Arthur snapped his finger and a magical screen appeared. The orcs saw Gul'dan and his scheme.

A tall green orc came out. His eyes were blazing with anger.

" Gul'dan, you have lied to me. He is a shaman like you."

Gul'dan shook his head.

" But he isn't an orc. He is deceiving you, Grom. I have brought you here early."

Grom looked at Arthur with a questioning look because he isn't a muscle brained guy. Strangely, he believed Arthur's words. His guts were telling that.

A brutish battle screened through the magic. Orc corpses and human corpses were everywhere. Finally, Gul'dan was slayed in the battle. The sight was miserable. Various heroes and warriors fell through the battle. Grom saw his distressed look.

He saw his curse and his grief.

Finally, Grom took up his axe. He roared.

" You dare to poison us. I will chop your head."

Gul'dan laughed evilly. He was about to touch Grom's body. Durotan who saw this shouted.

" No!"

He shielded Grom with his body. His body dried up like a mummy. Grom held his body in his arms.

" No, my friend."

Grom's eyes turned red with hatred. Arthur said lightly.

" Steve, protect him. I will take his head."

Steve nodded. He took up his shield.

" Relax, my friend."

Garona translated his words. Grom said with fury.

" I will kill him."