Chapter 192 The Alliance between new orcs and humans

Arthur said calmly.

" Don't worry. I will leave him to you after I beat him up."

Arthur snapped his finger and various magic ropes tied Gul'dan. Gul'dan snorted.

" Do you think such magic can stop me?"

Arthur laughed coldly.

" Try it."

Gul'dan tried to move and destroy the magic. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it because he didn't understand the core principles behind Arthur's magic. He said, with anxiety.

" What kind of sorcery is this? Even dark magic can't dissolve this."

Arthur said with confidence.

" I am sorcerer supreme of my world, but I didn't take my teacher's role. This is a magic that involves a being same as Sargeras."

Gul'dan said with shock.

" Impossible. You must have paid a hefty price for this magic."

Arthur shook his head. He preferred not to explain his magic to his enemy. Arthur said lightly.

" Now you can have him. I have used Anti-magic spell. He can't use his powerful magic."

Grom said with a grateful look.

" I owe you one."

He went to Gul'dan and lifted his hair. Gul'dan looked at his eyes.

Grom said with a murderous gaze.

" Do you see it?"

He lifted his axe. Gul'dan sneered.

" Kill me."

Grom laughed cruelly. He placed his axe on Gul'dan's neck. He said lightly.

" You will beg for your death, Gul'dan. I will kill you slowly and behead you in front of my people. Your treason won't be happening in the future."

Thirty minutes later.

Grom through the bloody head to the ground. He wiped the blood from his axe.

" I am grateful for your help, but we are destined to be enemies."

Arthur smiled. He said with confidence.

" Don't worry. We won't be enemies."

Grom frowned slightly. He asked.

" What do you mean by that?"

Arthur didn't dodge his gaze. He grinned.

" I will give a planet where you can live peacefully. It has many kinds of plants and animals."

Grom's body trembled with excitement because his people were looking for such a planet. So, he had no choice, but to fight against indigenous races in Azeroth.

" Do you guarantee your words? If what you said is the truth, then I will leave this planet with my people. We don't have grieves at all."

Llane nodded seriously. He didn't want a war which may last longer than a decade.

Steve patted Arthur's shoulder.

" Art, I believe in your decision. Nobody wants a war."

Arthur laughed. He floated up in the sky and created a giant portal. There was a beautiful green forest in the portal.

Grom sniffed the air with pleasure. He felt relaxed.

" Is this my new home? Can I hunt peacefully again?"

Arthur nodded. He was glad to give this planet to them. Actually, Arthur found this planet accidentally when he was going around the space. He thought this planet would be the last hope for the races in Azeroth.

Grom bowed his head.

" We owe you our life. We will assist you in any battle."

Arthur smiled happily.

" Then I won't be rude. I would like to form a strategic alliance with you."

Orgrim and Grom looked to each other. They didn't expect such a little price for a great planet like this. Grom cut one of his bang to give it to Arthur.

" This is my token. In the future, you will be our most respected guest."

Arthur took off his cape. He presented it to Grom.

" This is my cape. It is enchanted with powerful magics. I hope you will aid me in my future fight."

Grom beat his chest.

" I Grom Hellscream won't forget this moment. My future children and tribesmen will serve you with our utmost respect."

Orgrim and orcs roared. Arthur added.

" I will connect your portal to this world, and you can come to this world. I believe you can coexist with humans."

Grom didn't refuse it. He saw powerful warriors like Lothar. Honestly, he was searching for his equal and he found them in human race.

1 day later.

Steve was drinking with Arthur. He sighed with emotion.

" I thought you were joking, but this blew my mind."

Arthur laughed loudly.

" I never lied to you, Steve. We have powerful allies now."

Steve grinned.

" Yeah. However, so is our burden. We have to guard this world too."