Chapter 203 The rift between Avengers

Meanwhile, in America

Steve was looking at Bucky with a complicated look. He knew what he was doing, literally, he was betraying from his country and his team. Even so, he wanted to avoid abandoning his friend.

" Bucky, we will go to a safe place. Maybe, we can reach Russia and find out your origin."

Bucky nodded seriously. He couldn't remember about his past.

Suddenly, Steve got up from his couch. He picked up his shield and pointed to the door. Bucky carefully rose from his seat. He opened the curtain and saw special force units.

" Steve, we need to force through them."

Steve nodded. He placed his shield in front of him.

" On three. One, two, three."


Steve bashed through the door. He blocked the bullets with his shield and ran through them. Bucky followed him. He was protecting Steve's back with his power.

Bang, bang*

Steve didn't feel anything as he ran through. He shouted.

" Bucky, go to the back door. Let's meet at Sam's place."

Bucky nodded. He picked up the gun from the ground.

3 hours later.

Steve was flipping through the documents. He came here 2 hours ago.

Sam asked with a serious tone.

" What should we do now? We are on the wanted list. "

Bucky frowned. He said lightly.

" How about asking help from Arthur? He also refused to sign, right?"

Steve shook his head. He understood Arthur's situation. He has no capital to help him because government banned him.

" We can't ask. He has too many problems to handle. "

Sam groaned.

" Then what should we do now?"

Steve said seriously.

" We have to escape from here with other members."

Bucky folded his arms with a deep thought. He wasn't optimistic about the Avengers.

" What would Tony say? He will try to stop you."

Steve closed his eyes. He said with a calm voice.

" He can try, but I won't give up."

Sam sighed. He silently picked up his phone and sent a message to Arthur.

Steve recalled a strange super human. He fought against Bucky when he was running.

" By the way, who was that person? He was chasing you like you were his nemesis."

Bucky shrugged his shoulders with helplessness. He couldn't remember someone like that.

" He was really trying to kill me, and you held the helicopter like a boss."

Steve scratched his head with embarrassment. His hands are still sore because of that.

On the other hand, Tony wasn't in a good mood. He was trying to save his crumbling team. However, he was unable to come up with a plan without Arthur and Steve's assist. No matter how he tried, the team was already doomed to be split. He hit the table with anger. He blamed his former teammates. Especially, he thought Steve was wrong.

" I can't wait anymore. Vision come here."

Vision came to him with a worried look.

" Tony, you should rest."

Tony said with distress.

" How can I rest? Arthur and Steve had left with most of our members. Not only that, Arthur is banned and Steve is wanted. Besides, Arthur is very busy. I heard that vampires and werewolves are at war in London."

Vision nodded. He asked.

" But what should we do about Wanda?"

Tony didn't consider Vision's feeling. He replied casually.

" She is grounded. Moreover, find Pietro before he makes trouble."

Vision sighed as he nodded. He guessed this outcome.

Arthur's side.

Arthur built his new portals in the laboratory of the new city. Betsy was looking at it with curiosity. She never saw an authentic magic before.

" So, what does it do?"

Arthur explained with a mechanical voice.

" It can generate ultra-long wormhole which can penetrate tiny particles of matter, and it vibrates with certain frequency which matches our time."

Betsy's forehead filled with black lines. She doesn't have a genius mind like Arthur.

" In English, please."

Arthur smiled deeply. He said proudly.

" This is a revolutionary magic which connects us to other dimensions. You saw my wife, right?"

Betsy said with a cold look.

" Which one?"

Arthur felt a chill from her gaze.

" The elf one. She is from other world."

Betsy looked at him with surprise.

" You have an elf wife?"

Arthur nodded.