Chapter 35 Time to go blitz

A whole week had passed away since Arthur and General Ben agreed on their plan. The Soviets were attacking with their full force because they got more weapons from their motherland. However, that ignited even more passion inside the people. They actively resisted their assaults as they formed several groups different from the military.

Especially, Arthur was familiar with one of their leader. That was officer John Doe whom he had met on the way.

Arthur smiled slightly when he received the report.


Arthur wore his uniform which he had made before the invasion. It had 2 swords insignia on its chest area. It was a black uniform with silver lines and it was an elegant uniform with beautiful aesthetic accessories.

He picked up his sword and went out of his tent. There he saw his commanders. They were wearing standard military uniforms.

Colonel saluted when he saw Arthur.

" Sir, we are ready to receive your command."

Arthur nodded. He looked at his code talker. The code talker saluted back.

Arthur cleared his throat and shifted his gaze toward the map. He smiled when he saw the map because this was a popular military strategy that was buried under the history of this world. It couldn't meet its true potential as it turned into dust.

Blitzkrieg was known as the one of most powerful military tactics. Although the world knows this tactic, they couldn't see its true potential and lethality.

Arthur said loudly.

" Order the first infantry unit to go to the west wing with the second armored vehicle unit."

The code talker immediately conveyed his message.

The first infantry unit consisted of the special SEAL force unit with swat units. Their main goal was to infiltrate the west wing and create chaos in their line with armored units.

The code talker immediately received the code and passed it to the unit commander. The commander looked at the command with a solemn gaze because their task was the riskiest of all.

" All units prepare for battle."

He mobilized the soldiers and attacked the west wing with a surprise attack.


A tank with green camo entered the battlefield. This was an m1 Abrams which is one of the strongest tanks at the current time. Arthur had created this tank to his mechanical knowledge.

The tank commander yelled.

" All units aim at 3 o'clock direction and fire."

Boom, boom*

The Soviet force immediately suffered huge losses. Their soldiers were slaughtered like sheep in the slaughterhouse.

The artillery unit also appeared behind the line.

The commander said loudly.

" 3 o'clock 1km away. Fire!"

Boom, boom*

M110 howitzer shredded the enemy line. Their fire rate and firepower were unmatched in the field.

Meanwhile on the Soviet side.

The battalion commander Alexei immediately roared with anger.

" How did the enemy pass our recon area? Are you eating shit in your lunch? Organize your troops and counter-attack them. We are going to lose the west wing at this rate. Look at their numbers idiots, they aren't that many armored units in their line."

The commanders hastily ran out of the tent. They went to their perspective units to counter-attack them. Alexei rubbed his temple with stress.


He hit his table with fury.

" God damn, useless fools."

Back to Arthur's side.

Arthur placed the marker on the map. He raised his hand and signaled the talker.

" Order the east unit to attack the east wing."

The talker conveyed his words and waited for another command.

Arthur grinned and placed his hat down. He shouted.

" Notice Tanya to bomb their rear. They shouldn't have that many troops in their rear."

Arthur placed his marker back on the map and laughed loudly. His tone changed into a cold tone.

" We have won."

The east unit received his command. The commander who was an elderly man buckled his belt and pulled his comrade. He lit his smoke and puffed.

" All units ready to march. We will engulf them with our fire."

He threw away his cigarette and rushed out from the camouflage.


The infantry units roared and followed him with the armored units.


Furthermore, fighter jets appeared in the sky as they galloped to the enemy line with the bombers.
