Chapter 34 Get rolling

Arthur and his team had successfully claimed Princeton. Overall it was a big success for the military operation in this area. Although there were casualties, many managed to survive thanks to the new techno which was derived from Arthur's lab.


Arthur opened the map and pointed to Houston. He circled the city with a big red mark and continued to write. He cleared his throat and said lightly.

" Well, our first objective is the liberation of Houston. Especially, we have to take control of NASA again. To do that we will use the standard three-force tactic. First, we will clear the bay area and proceed to land. After that, we will bomb the city with aerial strikes and send our paratroopers. Supervising people would be Admiral Easton and me. I will pincer their rear with our men and proceed to cut off their supply lines. Meanwhile, Admiral will command his fleet and clear the oceanic region around the gulf of Mexico."

Tanya raised her hand and asked with worry.

" What about our force? Most of our men consist of volunteers and newbies. There are a few professionals here. Besides, we can't leave Princeton without a guard."

Colonel nodded. He looked at her and said with a calm tone.

" About that, the general will send the central force to reinforce the defense. Moreover, our force will increase on our way thanks to the new radio station which we have built here."

Even so, Tanya was sure about their plan. Houston wasn't a joke. The city is fortified by the Soviet force and there might be an esper in the city. Tanya can't risk Arthur's life.

He was the biggest asset in their arsenal which could determine the entire outcome of the war.

However, Arthur didn't think so. First of all, he knew the importance of the satellites more than anyone here. Satellites could turn the tides if Arthur can access them. Furthermore, he could build the most advanced satellite system thanks to NASA. Henceforth, he was adamant about his decision.

He raised his voice and said loudly.

" We must liberate Houston. If we can do that, we will win the war in a year."

Everyone shut up immediately when they heard his statement. A war could be ended in a year was a huge advantage over the EU. They might get benefits if they can move right. Particularly, there was clear distress between the Uk and the USA over the last decade. The Prime Minister of the UK was aiming to dethrone the USA from the European market. Additionally, the European countries were gaining strength after the second war at an alarming speed. For example, France made a cannon that could practically wipe out any hostile entities in its range. They named it ' Grand Canon '. This cannon was a powerful tactical weapon that could destroy nuclear weapons at close range.

That isn't the end. The UK also created a new unit that was filled with snipers. These snipers were highly educated troops that could annihilate any ground forces from the long-range thanks to their new sniper rifles. American government classified them as a high-level threat to the infantry units.

The colonel who was silent opened his mouth and said lightly.

" If your words are true, then I will support you with all might. I can recommend any title to you and give any military rank up to the major."

Tanya looked at him with bewilderment because he was using his identity as a bargaining chip.

She was disgusted by his movement.

She hit the table and said loudly.

" The EU is our alliance, you don't have to be vigilant against them. Mostly, did you forget the fact that we got their elite scientists?"

The colonel didn't refute. He sighed and said helplessly.

" This is a different matter. Can you guarantee that they wouldn't threaten our country? Look at the middle eastern region. They have nuclear weapons which could threaten us."

Tanya sighed and shrugged. She wasn't a politician like general Ben or Arthur. She was just an agent who cares about her country.

Arthur patted her shoulders and continued.

" As long as we can access our satellites. We can outmaneuver their movements and we might take down their silos."