Chapter 44 Valkyrie

Thor looked at the ceiling with distress and helplessness. He remembered what happened back then. The most embarrassing thing was he was electrocuted by the tiny device on his neck and beaten to a pulp.

" I don't want to talk about this. If other Avengers know about this, my whole career will be ruined."

He muttered, imagining Tony's smug face and Arthur's pity on his face. As the strongest Avenger, he had to keep his dignity.


The guard opened the door and got into his room. He gestured for him to follow.

" It seems my deal has been successfully made. I knew this would get handy since Arthur always talks with his enemies."

Thor said, rubbing his cheek with the enlightened look. The guard acted like he didn't hear his words because he thought he would go crazy if he talk with him.

Soon, they reached their location. The guard opened the door and retreated to his quarter since it wasn't his business from now on.

" Hulk, my friend!"

Thor shouted, looking at his bare back. Hulk put down his glass and got up from his bathtub naked. Thor was momentarily shocked to see his naked body, but he calmed himself down. There was no use to envy that giant thing, right?

" Hulk hates puny man. You always make fun of me."

Hulk said, wrapping a towel around his waist. He was annoyed to see Thor because he was arrogant and chatty, unlike Arthur and Natasha who were always caring for him in their respective ways.

" Man, I don't mean to offend you, but I need your help. My home is going to die soon."

Thor pleaded with Hulk with his despaired look. Hulk picked up his ball and squeezed it.

" You always try to use Hulk. Now look who is better."

He said, throwing his ball to the wall. Thor squeezed out a smile from his face.

" Arthur is in my home. He is in danger."

Thor spoke, hindering Hulk's movement. Hulk looked at him with anger. He knew Arthur wouldn't go to Asgard unless Thor tell him to do so.

" You put Hulk's best friend in danger."

He said with rage. His green eyes glowed brightly under the light. Thor gulped and tried to calm down.

" Relax, we are the same. We are fire."

Thor racked his brain to calm down his colleague. Hulk humphed and continued to throw his ball to the wall.

" Yes, Hulk is burning fire and you are dying fire. Hulk will save his friend."

Hulk said, deciding to ally with him. Although he didn't want to leave this place, he had no choice but to go since Arthur was in mortal danger. He didn't want to his friend die for no reason.


" Oh, you were here. The guard said you were meeting with him."

Brunhilde said, chewing her apple like usual. Thor was enraged to see her smug face. However, he calmed himself down. He chanted Arthur's words in his mind and forced a smile.

" Look who we have here, Miss Trader. I see you are still eating your apple."

Thor said, beckoning Hulk to move back. Hulk tilted his head with confusion, but he followed his approach. He was curious to see what would happen as he knew Brunhilde was a formidable warrior.

Brunhilde was taken aback by his sudden change. She narrowed her eyes to guess what was happening, but Thor showed no sign of anger.

" Strange, people only talk respectful manner if they want to ask something from me. I don't like your tone. Disgusting."

She said, showing disgust on her face. Obviously, Thor was offended by her words. His face twitched with anger, yet he hid that so deeply to fool her.

" Can I ask a favor from you?"

Thor said, extending his hand. Brunhilde confirmed her suspicion, she grabbed his hand and put him on the ground.

" What are you planning, boy?"

She asked, forcing her knee on his face. On the other hand, Thor was still waiting patiently. He tried to convince her, but he saw something on her sword's hilt. A familiar mark that has been going down for years in Asgard. The mark symbolized the absolute of their force.

" You are from Asgard? Are you a valkyrie? Odin's beard!"

He gasped with surprise.