Chapter 45 Escape attempt

Thor idolized the valkyries since he was a kid. He had all of their posters and books that told their stories. He even had stashes of their cards.

" For Asgard's sake, can we skip this topic? I don't want to talk about my past."

Brunhilde said, clearly annoyed by his eyes. She hated talking about her past because they were filled with deaths and murders. So-called glory didn't matter to her anymore. She saw enough of the corpses of her allies and enemies.

" Okay, okay. Then could you help me? I am the prince of Asgard and son of Odin."

Thor asked politely. He was sure she would help her if she heard his title and name, but to his surprise, she refused it directly. She was done with him since there was no reward or money.

" Nope, do yourself. I don't care about Ragnarok and Hela."

She said waving her hands. She wasn't in the mood to face her former boss and enemy.


Suddenly, Hulk threw a ball in front of her. Brunhilde halted her movements and looked back with a calm gaze.

" You want me to help me, don't you? I don't get it. You said you didn't like him. Why are you trying to help him?"

Brunhilde questioned his intentions, creasing her eyebrows. She asked Hulk whether he would help him or not before this meeting.

" Hulk's family is there. Hulk can't leave his family alone. He will die if Hulk doesn't go."

Hulk said, looking at her with puppy eyes. Brunhilde raised her hand to argue with him, but she gave up after looking at the sincere look in his eyes. She once had that look.

" Fine, but I will do it if you are worthy enough to get my help. I will observe you for a few days."

Brunhilde said, shrugging her shoulders. She wanted to pay her debts to Hulk who always showed kindness to her.

On the other hand, Thor wasn't that happy. Logically, he should be happy for getting her promise, but he didn't have much time left. Something was telling him to hurry or else he will lose everything he held dear. That's why he implemented his plan B- Escape with Hulk since Loki was nowhere to be found and Brunhilde wasn't available at the moment.

Meanwhile in Asgard.

Arthur was looking at the four warriors with distress. They had huge bumps on their heads and their faces were swollen except for Sif.

" What have you done?"

Arthur asked, putting down his teacup. He didn't think these four would be brave enough to challenge Hela in a spar. Especially, Sif was the starter of this fight.

" I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It is just you were having to shoulder all those burdens while we were goofing around."

Sif said, hanging her head down like a guilty child. Arthur sighed and gestured for them to get up.

" Thankfully, she was under my surveillance. Otherwise, you would be dead meat."

Arthur said, rubbing his temple with stress. He remembered his words when Hela told him that he owed him one for this.

" But, how can you manage her? She is the goddess of death. She never cared about others."

Hogun asked, trying to understand what was happening. He was prepared to die when he heard Hela was free and Odin was dead. He knew Hela would slaughter them, but strangely she showed mercy towards them even though they were refusing to obey her. She was tolerating them.

" Because she is one of my wives. I had to Wed her to influence her decisions. She is still the same goddess in the core, but she listens to my words now. She is trying to be a good ruler and wife. Don't try to blame her. No one can remain sane after spending countless years in Helheim."

Arthur warned them to be smart. He accepted Hela's proposal and became her spouse. Moreover, Hela was getting better at governing under his teachings.

Sif bit her lips when she heard his words. She once had a chance to be with him, instead, she escaped from the reality to save her relationship with Thor. She fooled herself that he would love her, but he only loved Jane.