Side Chapter 2 TF 141 Part 3

The bullets sprang out in the corridors, creating a scene where they fought fiercely despite their injuries.

" These motherfuckers wouldn't die."

The tall man said, turning red from the intense heat that he excluded. Soap swore in his mouth, dodging to the left side to escape from the burning heat. However, the tall man didn't give him a chance as he grabbed his ankle and burned his skin which made him scream with agony.

Soap took out a pistol and shot him point blank. The tall man felt immense danger from the shiny gun as he dodged back.

" You have a good gun there. I will take it as a trophy."

He said, laughing with amusement. Soap signaled Price and Roach to be careful because they weren't simple as they look. Simon grabbed his pistol, covering Soap.

" Fall back. We aren't here for them."

Since they had secured their objectives, there was no need to engage them in close combat. Especially they were far superior due to their superpower. Price didn't want to take a risk and he was a natural-born soldier who would prioritize his mission over his pride.

" Roger that."

Simon replied, running back to the corridor. They heard the shouts in Russian, knowing they were close to them, but once they got out of this facility, they could call back up and go back to their home without any problem.

" Сука!"

Despite the loud curse, Price saw the light shining outside. He shouted.

" Only a few meters. Then we can escape and call assistance."


The leader of the trio crushed the side wall to block the entrance and he succeeded in doing so.

" Pity, you are going to die here."

He said, raising his knuckles to finish off his job, but something unexpected happened.

A robot came into their sight, holding a large machine gun in his hand like it was nothing. He aimed at the trio, opening fire which brought Gail of bullets to them. They quickly hid behind the walls, but the bullet seemed to be reinforced by some kind of new metal as it pierced the wall like it was paper.

" What the fuck is that? How did Eden create a weapon like that?"

They questioned their sanity by observing the robot who was helping TF 141 to retreat. It was observing their movements and somehow they felt it was a bad idea to face it directly.

Outside the facility.

Frank leaned on the wall, looking at the corpses with cold eyes. Then he looked at three Russian men with a cold glare, believing they also had countless dead on their hands, but they were his allies today. Besides, he respected their identities as soldiers and heroes of their country which meant they saved more than they had killed.

" Took you long enough. So, were they superpower users?"

Frank said, looking at TF 141 members lightly. He saw Reaper standing next to them and he understood they had faced people stronger than them.

" Yeah, you bet. Seems like there is another force to reckon in this area beside Red House."

Price groaned, spraying a medical spray on his injury. Frank frowned when he heard that because he was one of the chief executives of Eden who closely watched over criminal organizations. If he had a chance, he would gladly hunt them down despite his status.

" Recently the underground forces seemed to focus near the areas where we had weak connections. This must be the reason for that."

Roach said, throwing the key to Frank who immediately understood his words. He clenched his fists with rage, wanting to kill all of these criminals in the facility, but he had no time to do so.

" Record their crimes. I will personally investigate them and find who is their leader and where is their headquarters located. All you need to do now is to rest and wait until the next mission comes up."

Frank spoke lightly, raising his hand to signal the stealth helicopter in the air.

" It seems that this is our goodbye, comrade. Let's meet again."

Kamarov said, extending his hand with a smile.

" Sure, anytime mate."

Price laughed, shaking his hand with a smile. They had completed their mission yet again.